PS3|VITA Thread: Vita $249 | PS3 BF3 Tonight PG727 | Black Ops 3rd Map Pack PG726 | Dust514 PG723

Mass Effect 2 is the best on PS3, IMO.

New Vegas is great, minus all the bugs and freezing issues. If you didn't mind it in F3, then you'll be fine. 

Dragon Age was alright, but it got pretty boring (also some issues with trophies if you care about those).

Borderlands was great and you can get the GOTY edition for cheap. It's like a FPS/RPG combo. Alot of fun and can be played through with Co-op.

Nier was alot of fun, really under-rated. 

Star Ocean, 3D Dot Game Heroes, and White Knight Chronicles were all average. I am a pretty big RPG fan, so I enjoyed them. All three were very JRPG-$@* though.

Stay away from Last Rebellion (unless you want an EASY Platinum trophy) and Resonance of Fate.

My top 3:

1. ME2

2. Record of Agarest War (PSN turn-based RPG)

3. Nier
Activision cut 500 jobs yesterday after thre earnings call, concentrating on brands that will make them the most money, IE: Call of Duty franchise. A couple of known studios cut was "Harmonix", makers of Guitar Hero series, "Neversoft", makers of the Tony Hawk franchise and "Vicarious Vision" which made DS version of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero. Also "7 Studios" had there life robbed as well, they were the makers of DJ Hero.

Kevin Butler account accidentally retweets PS3 exploit

Oh, Kevin Butler. You seemed so perfect -- exactly the kind of PR icon that Sony needed, always saying and doing exactly the right thing for the company's image. You were always so in the know, always on top of the public pulse. Until Tuesday night, that is, when the Kevin Butler account on Twitter replied to what it thought was a random series of letters and numbers with a Battleship joke. Unfortunately, that code turned out to be the key once used to hack the PS3 through a USB dongle. In essence, the great KB helped to spread exactly the sort of information his company's been fighting to keep secret in court.

Of course, the tweet was quickly deleted. It wasn't that severe a leak anyway, since Sony's already fixed the exploit that it used and that key isn't the one being contested in the ongoing lawsuit. The real damage here is to KB's reputation. After deleting the tweet, whichever PR person runs the account quickly dived into a relatively harmless attempt to start a "#gamingis" trend. What, no snarky comeback or humorous braggadocio, KB? And here we thought he was the Vice President of Knowing What's Up.

Launch week deals on Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Test Drive Unlimited 2 at Kmart

Unless you lucked into one of those half-off coupons from Amazon, you're unlikely to find a better deal on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at launch than the one Kmart's offering right now -- albeit a deal contingent upon your continued Kmart shopping. From Feb. 15 through 19, the retailer is offering its "Shop Your Way Rewards" members $25 worth of points for in-store purchases of the game. Kmart is also giving away an exclusive poster (above) with MvC3 purchases -- supplies are limited, of course.

In addition, Kmart is throwing a pile of deals at people interested in Test Drive Unlimited 2. Through Feb. 12, the retailer is giving away a free code for a Ferrari 612 Sessanta. In-store purchases for 360 will come with free copies of the PC version of Test Drive Unlimited 1, and PS3 buyers get the first game on PSP thrown in. And if you're a member of that rewards program, you get $10 worth of points. With this kind of bribery, Kmart's making a pretty good argument for becoming a member and getting into a Kmart habit.

Black Ops 'First Strike' coming to PS3 on March 3, to PC by April

Activision's latest financial report boasted some pretty huge figures for Call of Duty: Black Ops' first piece of multiplayer DLC, "First Strike" -- the most staggering of which being that the pack was purchased 1.4 million times within 24 hours of its February 1 launch on Xbox Live. The publisher is looking to bolster that number in the coming months: In the same report, Activision revealed that the map pack will come to PSN on March 3, and then to PC "later in the quarter" -- corpo-speak for "sometime before March 31."

This staggered release falls in line with Microsoft's timed-exclusivity deal with Activision for Call of Duty DLC through the rest of the year. We guess "a month and two days" isn't the most ridiculous amount of time for PS3 owners to be forced to wait. Then again, in Internet-Gaming Time, that's about 15-and-a-half years, so ... yeah. Never mind.

For those that care...

Belated Metal Gear Online patch detects 'fraudulent network connections'

Bad news, fraudulent network connectors: Your days of slowing down Metal Gear Online are over! Konami has issued a -- way past-due -- patch for the online component of MGS4, which detects "fraudulent" connections and (we assume) blocks them, freeing up all kinds bandwidth for ... hello ... anybody?

Konami patch notes:
"The patch will be able to detect fraudulent network connections, which will slow down the gameplay during the session."
Other changes include:
Drebin Points for weapons have been adjusted.
Weapon parameters have been adjusted.
Skill parameters have been adjusted.
Skills for Unique Characters have been adjusted.
Player Character movement has been increased overall.
Idle Kicks have been implemented for Auto Matching.
Following the launch of the new patch, users can also expect regular background music updates, which will include tracks from the Meta Gear Solid series.

People still play this? Wow

'Filmy' PS3 app lets you view and organize video captured by Sony cams

We should clarify -- the new PS3 app lets you view and organize video from your Sony-branded digital camera, not the footage captured by the Sony cams hidden throughout your home. As you know, those are designed to detect the arrival of new, exciting games and then send notice of a new firmware update just as you're putting in the disc.

There's no need for a disc when accessing "Filmy," the sounds-like-a-cute-mascot video app that becomes available on the PlayStation Store today. Once downloaded and installed, it allows viewing of AVCHD-encoded video from any USB-connected Sony camera that supports the format. Videos can be searched quickly and organized into digests based on camera metadata (such as "Face Detection") or geographical tagging, if the camera has a GPS. If you've been anywhere remote and/or remotely interesting, you'll be able to find those clips marked on a fancy representation of our space-faring orb.

There's a free version of Filmy that allows full feature operation for fifteen minutes, but the less curtailed version will run you $5. You could probably earn that back by turning your camera on the bedroom, recording a spooky message written on a fogged-up mirror and then selling the whole thing to a Hollywood studio as "Abnormal Happenings."
Originally Posted by Mister916

LA Noire looks nice. How's the replay value?
Not every game needs replay value. Shooters work cause of the multiplayer. But some games just have a great single player story and that's all you need.
I gotta stop watching LA Noire stuff 
3 months seems way to far away.

Time to freeze myself.
^^^ Demo was interesting, but ill pick it up in a few months

odds are bulletstorm will have the same faith as Enslaved and have a fast price drop
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

^^^ Demo was interesting, but ill pick it up in a few months

odds are bulletstorm will have the same faith as Enslaved and have a fast price drop

i doubt that, for some reason i see xbox dudes being all over that
[h1]Does This GameStop Screen Capture Reveal NGP's Retail Price?[/h1]

[Update] A GameStop employee informed me via Twitter that this price is just a placeholder based on estimates, done to enable the stores to take pre-orders on NGPs.

The blog Mukyou has obtained a very interesting screen grab – which appears to reveal the retail price of Sony's NGP handheld as $299.99.

According to Mukyou, a user named Rick Hutnak posted the picture on GameStop's Facebook page (the post seems to have been removed). As you can see, the screen capture lists Sony's NGP at $299.99 alongside the already confirmed Nintendo 3DS Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black units.

Many industry analysts have speculated that the NGP would likely launch at $299, but it's worth noting that we have no way of confirming that this screen capture is authentic. Game Informer contacted a Sony representative on the matter, who would only say, "The price for NGP hasn't been announced, and we can't comment on rumors or speculation."

We'll have to see how accurate this turns out to be, but it certainly seems in line with everything we've heard reported or speculated about the NGP's price.

[Editor's note: Although GameStop is Game Informer's parent company, we have no inside knowledge about the NGP's price or any other retail matters. As a retailer, GameStop abides by its own confidentiality agreements with publishers and console manufacturers and shares no information regarding release dates, price points, or any other matters with Game Informer.]




If it's launch price is $299 then it's pretty much game over for Nintendo's 3DS.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Does anyone know if 3D would be possible on the NGP? 3D glasses?

"cheap" 3d with those 2 shade glasses ala Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY is possible

the other forms of 3d as we know it really arent, the most common form of 3d today with the shutter glasses require an additional device that syncs the glasses to the screen, not likely on NGP

the other forms such as passive glasses, or glasses free all require the 3d being built into the screen which the ngp clearly doesnt have
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Mass Effect 2 is the best on PS3, IMO.

New Vegas is great, minus all the bugs and freezing issues. If you didn't mind it in F3, then you'll be fine. 

Dragon Age was alright, but it got pretty boring (also some issues with trophies if you care about those).

Borderlands was great and you can get the GOTY edition for cheap. It's like a FPS/RPG combo. Alot of fun and can be played through with Co-op.

Nier was alot of fun, really under-rated. 

Star Ocean, 3D Dot Game Heroes, and White Knight Chronicles were all average. I am a pretty big RPG fan, so I enjoyed them. All three were very JRPG-$@* though.

Stay away from Last Rebellion (unless you want an EASY Platinum trophy) and Resonance of Fate.

My top 3:

1. ME2

2. Record of Agarest War (PSN turn-based RPG)

3. Nier

Hey thanks Chris.

I like OG rpgs... I actually got to disc 3 on FF9 but I forgot to transfer my saved data when I got my slim (super pissed)

I heard ME2 is super dope.. will get it when it price drops. Also wanna get 3DDGH... zelda is OG.

I will probably buy FF 1 and 2 too... It'll be nice to get it for half price.  Still waiting for Chrono Cross.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

^^^ Demo was interesting, but ill pick it up in a few months

odds are bulletstorm will have the same faith as Enslaved and have a fast price drop

i doubt that, for some reason i see xbox dudes being all over that
it will sell like crazy on xbox because it includes the GOW 3 demo, but on PS3 i doubt it will move units. Therefore i believe there will be a fast price drop for the ps3 version atleast
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