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Wait what are War Tapes? Why havent I heard of this? How do I access it? Anyone even still play BC2? No more questions?
Originally Posted by Noskey

Wait what are War Tapes? Why havent I heard of this? How do I access it? Anyone even still play BC2? No more questions?

In the one player, go to audio settings, switch to war tapes, turn your surround sound all the way up and smile.
Speedy0990 wrote:
Video Games | Ninja Gaiden 3 | Debut Teaser

Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3 | Nintendo Wii | PC Games

It's gonna be a good year.
[h1]Disaster-porn: Motorstorm Apocalypse’s Southern hits 11[/h1]
Wetalk to Matt Southern, Evolution Studios’ action-hungry game director,about the upcoming Motorstorm Apocalypse and the emerging“action-racing
Tue, Mar 08, 2011 | 02:45 GMT
[h1]Dark Souls camp fire, health recovery and NPC details[/h1]
Famitsu has shed some light on the beautiful but mysterious batch of Dark Souls screenshots released last week.


From Software had already hinted that the bonfire seen in the screenshots has an important function, and according to Andriasang‘s translation of a recent info dump which accompanied a collection of screenshots and artworks, it serves as a combination checkpoint, vending machine, and multiplayer hub.

Ghostly images of other players appear gathered around the fireduring online play, and players respawn at the camp fire after dyingin-level, much like the archstones in Demon’s Souls.

The fire can also be used to heal a character, and to refill his orher supply of Est, a substance used like a potion for mid-level healthrestoration. The monk class can use a healing spell, too.

The game’s first trailer showed a character climbing a ladder atmuch greater sped than in Demon’s Souls, and Famitsu confirmed playerscan use verticality to escape humanoid enemies, who can be kicked offladders.

Dark Souls will feature several NPCs, including the “mysterious holywoman
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Im bringing this over from the Black Ops thread since more people visit this page:

Mangudai954 wrote:
[h2]Sony wins subpoenas revealing visitors to PS3 jailbreaker site[/h2]

Geohot's followers unmasked

By Dan Goodin in San FranciscoGet more from this author

Posted in Music and Media, 5th March 2011 00:57 GMT

Free whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualization

A federal magistrate has awarded Sony a subpoena allowing the company to obtain the IP addresses of everyone who visited the personal website of PlayStation 3 jailbreaker George Hotz for the past 26 months.

Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero of San Francisco also granted Sony's request for subpoenas on Google, Twitter, and another service for information relating to accounts held by the 21-year-old Hotz, who goes by the moniker GeoHot. Thursday's move comes in a lawsuit Sony filed in January alleging that Hotz and more than 100 other other hackers violated US copyright law by showing others how to bypass technical measures built in to the game console so they would run games and software not authorized by Sony.

<a target="_blank" href=";sz=336x280;ord=TXLbu8CoAT8AAExPproAAAJz?"><img src=";sz=336x280;ord=TXLbu8CoAT8AAExPproAAAJz?" alt=""></a>

Together, the subpoenas allow Sony to obtain a wealth of information about people who aren't named in the complaint and have been accused of no wrongdoing. That includes the IP address of everyone who has visited since January 2009 and the account names of anyone who has accessed a private video relating to the jailbreak on Hotz's YouTube account. Other subpoenas give Sony access to Tweets posted or published by Hotz, and information about his account on the PSX-Scene website.

In court documents, Sony rejected arguments submitted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that the requests were “overly broad
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Noskey

Wait what are War Tapes? Why havent I heard of this? How do I access it? Anyone even still play BC2? No more questions?

In the one player, go to audio settings, switch to war tapes, turn your surround sound all the way up and smile.
I knew about it, just forgot to enable it. Multiplayer is bananas with wartapes, you hear EVERYTHING, loud and clear, on some big budget war movie set. DICE has the best sound effects in a FPS.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Im bringing this over from the Black Ops thread since more people visit this page:

Mangudai954 wrote:
[h2]Sony wins subpoenas revealing visitors to PS3 jailbreaker site[/h2]

Geohot's followers unmasked

By Dan Goodin in San FranciscoGet more from this author

Posted in Music and Media, 5th March 2011 00:57 GMT

Free whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualization

A federal magistrate has awarded Sony a subpoena allowing the company to obtain the IP addresses of everyone who visited the personal website of PlayStation 3 jailbreaker George Hotz for the past 26 months.

Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero of San Francisco also granted Sony's request for subpoenas on Google, Twitter, and another service for information relating to accounts held by the 21-year-old Hotz, who goes by the moniker GeoHot. Thursday's move comes in a lawsuit Sony filed in January alleging that Hotz and more than 100 other other hackers violated US copyright law by showing others how to bypass technical measures built in to the game console so they would run games and software not authorized by Sony.

<a target="_blank" href=";sz=336x280;ord=TXLbu8CoAT8AAExPproAAAJz?"><img src=";sz=336x280;ord=TXLbu8CoAT8AAExPproAAAJz?" alt=""></a>

Together, the subpoenas allow Sony to obtain a wealth of information about people who aren't named in the complaint and have been accused of no wrongdoing. That includes the IP address of everyone who has visited since January 2009 and the account names of anyone who has accessed a private video relating to the jailbreak on Hotz's YouTube account. Other subpoenas give Sony access to Tweets posted or published by Hotz, and information about his account on the PSX-Scene website.

In court documents, Sony rejected arguments submitted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that the requests were “overly broad
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by toine2983

Mortal Kombat is back. It's worth it, plus whatever else Sony drops in 3 months (IE: LA Noire demo) ill rep the benefits too.

I wouldn't hold my breath about Rock* dropping a LA Noire demo.

They usually don't have demos for their big titles. There wasn't a GTA IV or RDR demo so I would be surprised if they made one for LA Noire.


Early demos & betas that I'm looking forward to are:

-Twisted Metal

Been playing it, not that impressed. Hopefully they ramp it up a little bit. Game feels like a PG-13 game.
[h3]***PlayStation Network Maintenance on March 9, 2011***[/h3][table][tr][td]Answer ID: 312 Product: PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji]Network-Network Status


The PlayStation Network will be taken offline for maintenance on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, for approximately 11 hours during the following maintenance window:

Down Time (Start): Wednesday, March 9, 8:00 AM, Pacific Time
Down Time (End):  Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 PM, Pacific Time

During this time you may:
  • Not be able to access the PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji]Store
  • Have difficulty signing in to the PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji]Network
  • Not be able to play online games
  • See a maintenance page when attempting to access the PlayStation[emoji]174[/emoji]Network 

Note: When you log into the PlayStation Network, a message may appear which states,"the PlayStation Network has been suspended".  This does not mean that your account has been suspended; it simply means the PlayStation Network has been taken offline.  Please wait until the maintenance window has passed before attempting to connect to the PlayStation Network again.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Mortal Kombat demo for people PS+ is out now on PSN. It's a 572MB download.

I also copped Dead Nation for $7.50. Started playing the campaign mode and it pretty
whoever is down for co-op later tonight send me a message on PSN. Anyone else looking to cop it and does not have PS+ It's $10.49
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

the show 11 49.99 @ newegg free shipping with EMCKGKB83

I want the game but that still is not a good enough price & deal for me.

Newegg if I remember is based out of & ships from City Of Industry CA. So even at $49.99 and free shipping they still get CA residents with the sales tax which is like $8 bucks.

So yeah I'll wait and by June or July the game will drop to $39 bucks just like what happened with MLB 10 The Show last year.
Epic Games shows jaw-dropping graphics for next-generation consoles (video)
March 8, 2011 | Dean Takahashi9 Comments
One of the best technology demos at the Game Developers Conference last week came from Epic Games, which created an incredible-looking futuristic fight scene that pushed the boundaries of 3D graphics.

Nvidia executives also showed off the technology today at their analyst meeting and we’ve captured video of it below. The 3D graphics represents a new peak in realistic graphics and it represents Epic’s proposal for what the next-generation of console games — whenever they come — should look like.

“This next-generation technology preview is what we would like to see from the next-generation of gaming hardware,
swendro88 wrote:
Epic Games shows jaw-dropping graphics for next-generation consoles (video)
March 8, 2011 | Dean Takahashi9 Comments
One of the best technology demos at the Game Developers Conference last week came from Epic Games, which created an incredible-looking futuristic fight scene that pushed the boundaries of 3D graphics.

Nvidia executives also showed off the technology today at their analyst meeting and we’ve captured video of it below. The 3D graphics represents a new peak in realistic graphics and it represents Epic’s proposal for what the next-generation of console games — whenever they come — should look like.

“This next-generation technology preview is what we would like to see from the next-generation of gaming hardware,†said Alan Willard of Epic Games, which is the well-known game developer that has created games such as Unreal Tournament, Bulletstorm and Gears of War.

The cinematic video shows graphics that are running in the Unreal Engine in real-time. It is real-time computer graphics, not a video of pre-fabricated computer graphics.

The scene depicted resembles the futuristic, gritty city in the film Blade Runner. You can see cool effects in the glowing blow torch, the smoke rising from the cigarette, the detailed facial hair and wrinkles, and the morphing of the man’s skin. The guy takes out a bunch of cops beating up an old woman. As he does so, the screen freezes to slow motion and you can see all of the details that would otherwise be a blur.

Willard said that one of the effects is called bouquet depth of field, where you see a bright spot that is out of focus and then it is replaced with another image. You can also see reflections on all surfaces, such as the water on the streets reflecting light from the street lamps. Those reflections do not show through objects that are blocking it from view.

When the light hits a human face, you can see an effect called sub-surface scattering, when light penetrates through the layers of skin and makes skin glow as the light bounces around inside the skin. You can see the water trickling down the man’s face. The man’s jacket tail sways and moves as he does, thanks to an Nvidia clothing rendering technology.

The demo ran on a PC with an Intel Core i9 microprocessor with three Nvidia GeForce 580 GTX graphics cards connected through SLI technology. The demo took about three months for 12 programmers and artists to build.

Epic Games’ vice president Mark Rein said that the demo is considered ideal for next-generation console technology. But no console maker has yet acknowledged that it is building anything to replace the Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation 3, or the Microsoft Xbox 360. See the video below.



PS4 can't come soon enough.
xbox could have something up their sleeves
....hopefully not
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