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Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

 Canucks game. 


Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

You get what you pay for...
As if paying would have affected anything in this situation.

Butt-hurt xbox user detected. Enjoy paying for basic free services, and THINK you're safer.
Ummmmmm. So what about the part where Sony knew 6 days ago that almost all PSN accounts were affected and instead of telling people from the jump waits until they about to restore service. 
And Live is safer.......and better 

i recall microsoft knew 6 months in advance there product would have defects (red ring of death)......
can somebody try to play a movie on there netflix plz...... mines is REQUIRING me 2 sign in now all of a sudden...... so its not working anymore smh
Originally Posted by airedweezy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by sn00pee

As if paying would have affected anything in this situation.

Butt-hurt xbox user detected. Enjoy paying for basic free services, and THINK you're safer.
Ummmmmm. So what about the part where Sony knew 6 days ago that almost all PSN accounts were affected and instead of telling people from the jump waits until they about to restore service. 
And Live is safer.......and better 

i recall microsoft knew 6 months in advance there product would have defects (red ring of death)......
Yeah, because Microsoft known to have better and safer quality products...
Originally Posted by HOHLegend

can somebody try to play a movie on there netflix plz...... mines is REQUIRING me 2 sign in now all of a sudden...... so its not working anymore smh

I restarted my ps3 to see if it was still working. Netflix still works for me bro.
PSN is free, so yall have nothing to complain about.
If you were paying, then this wouldn't happen. and if it did, there would be mad compensation.
[h1]PlayStation Network to return with cross-game chat, in-game video chat?[/h1]Sony's PlayStation Network could return following recently enforced down time with a number of heavily requested user features.

In what would appear to be a bid to appease consumers over the service's outage, the platform holder may be planning to introduce cross-game chat and even in-game video chat "to name a few" new features.

That's according to an Engadget forum poster claiming to be a Sony Computer Entertainment employee.

"As we are rebuilding the network, we are taking into consideration in implementing features such as cross game chat and in-game video chat to name a few," they wrote on the site in response to user queries about the PSN down time.

"I cannot confirm any new features at this time but expect a massive update when the network is restored."

While this should be taken with a pinch of salt for now, the forum user in question has been posting reliable PlayStation news and info on Engadget for a number of months.

It also wouldn't be much of a stretch to believe Sony is planning to offer PSN users some sweeteners following the PR disaster over the last week, during which time the online service has been out of action following a security breach that has resulted in the theft of customers' personal data.

Analysts have suggested that Sony faces uphill struggle to regain consumer trust following the events of the past seven days.
^ I guess new features would be welcome, but I'd rather have everything in a stable state. But, then again, outside of this whole incident, Sony has been doing a pretty good job with the service that they are providing. Cross-game chat would be cool, but I can live without it for now, though.
i hope no one takes that poster on engadget seriously, but apparently people are dumb enough to turn it into a story which is being spread through out the rest of the internet

theres no "verified" accounts on there, that could be anyone 
Originally Posted by HOHLegend

can somebody try to play a movie on there netflix plz...... mines is REQUIRING me 2 sign in now all of a sudden...... so its not working anymore smh

When you open initially open NF, it'll prompt you to sign in.  Do that and it'll give you the "PSN is down for maintenance" message.  Hit O.  It'll prompt it again and repeat the process and you should get in fine.
i lost nothing in this situation.

so i have really nothing to complain about, except i was JUST about to 15th prestige on blacc ops.

*walks away with hands in pants*
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by LanZeR23

This is a comment from the psn blog.

Stop being so ignorant. Your Credit Card information is fine. One hacker won’t be able to go to the location of 75 million psn user’s houses. Sony has done their best to keep up updated, they were working on fixing the Network (WHICH IS OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN THIS MATTER, THE GAMING!) and while doing an investigation found that data may have been compromised. Human beings are dumb and inconsiderate creatures when they have no idea how to think Logically. USE YOUR BRAINS FOR ONCE!"

this guy made sense... one person couldn't possibly have that much power to have the info of over 75+ million psn users (i dont think that this counts the numbers worldwide).
This. Anyone with half a brain and a little bit of common sense knows you don't have to run and cancel your credit card over this. Nevermind one hacker, it could be hundreds of hackers and you still wouldn't have to cancel your credit card. There are millions of users folks, stop being silly.
Why take the risk though? It took me 3 minutes to cancel my card.
nope it still isnt working 4 me smh......... netflix COME BACK!!..... i called sony n they sed its a case to case issue with netflix.... so im 1 of the unlucky ones smh
I doubt will get party chart or video chat, sounds like a pipe dream BUT if there was any time to include such features now would be a great time since they're revamping the network.
yeah that seems fake...they could have done that with any of those "Security" updates they are not going to do it now when they have more stuff to worry about
hulu + giving 1 free week to psn users for the problems they have had to face 
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

You get what you pay for...
As if paying would have affected anything in this situation.

Butt-hurt xbox user detected. Enjoy paying for basic free services, and THINK you're safer.
Why would I be butt hurt? Im good, my credit info was never in my PSN. Why are you so angry?
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

yeah that seems fake...they could have done that with any of those "Security" updates they are not going to do it now when they have more stuff to worry about
hulu + giving 1 free week to psn users for the problems they have had to face 

Hulu doesn't work in Canada, so they can kill themselves.
I posted this in the other thread and I figured I would post it here. Apologies for the disclaimer at the end but someone on this board was a d-bag and got me in trouble with my employer when I was dropping information about Project Cafe.

There's a larger issue that no one has talked about but I'll throw it out there. With the original PSN hack to make the servers think you were on a dev kit there was the distinct possibility that developer data was stolen as well.

I'm not going to go into specifics but let me just say that this issue may have given rise to access developer networks.

Now, the question is who do you point the finger at? Sony for lack of security? The hackers? What about the community for getting behind the original jailbreak that made this all possible?

Look as a developer i'm 100% for jailbreaking your equipment but as I've long said on here you open pandora's box when you start getting into network modification or modification that give you access to various networks or workarounds to beat the subscriber system. People who work hard to bring you entertainment should get legitimate compensation. There's nothing wrong with jailbreaking and enjoying your own personal property but the abundnce of people on this board and in general who are all for stealing whether it be full games,  DLC, or online accessories is deplorable. I don't understand how anyone can get behind this kind of behavior when all it is doing is hurting you in the long run. Especially because it's hurting me and other studios wasting time having to deal with this security crap. Someone on here will say "oh maybe if Sony was on top of their *@%$ this wouldn't have happened." Look, some of the blame may fall with Sony, I know I don't agree with some of the thing's I've learned about how they handled this but if you leave your home and you come home and someone kicked in the door and stole all your stuff are you going to blame yourself for not having enough security? At some point you have to blame the criminal for criminal behavior.

Anyone who thinks this is a Sony only issue is kidding themselves, Microsoft can't even keep you from stealing Windows 7 and you think Xbox Live or Partnernet is secure?

All this is purely my personal opinion take it for what it's worth.
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