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Originally Posted by Hyper

[h1]PlayStation Network to return with cross-game chat, in-game video chat?[/h1]Sony's PlayStation Network could return following recently enforced down time with a number of heavily requested user features.

In what would appear to be a bid to appease consumers over the service's outage, the platform holder may be planning to introduce cross-game chat and even in-game video chat "to name a few" new features.

That's according to an Engadget forum poster claiming to be a Sony Computer Entertainment employee.

"As we are rebuilding the network, we are taking into consideration in implementing features such as cross game chat and in-game video chat to name a few," they wrote on the site in response to user queries about the PSN down time.

"I cannot confirm any new features at this time but expect a massive update when the network is restored."

While this should be taken with a pinch of salt for now, the forum user in question has been posting reliable PlayStation news and info on Engadget for a number of months.

It also wouldn't be much of a stretch to believe Sony is planning to offer PSN users some sweeteners following the PR disaster over the last week, during which time the online service has been out of action following a security breach that has resulted in the theft of customers' personal data.

Analysts have suggested that Sony faces uphill struggle to regain consumer trust following the events of the past seven days.

If in-game video chat is true, the percentage of trash talking will decrease by 50% 
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I posted this in the other thread and I figured I would post it here. Apologies for the disclaimer at the end but someone on this board was a d-bag and got me in trouble with my employer when I was dropping information about Project Cafe.

There's a larger issue that no one has talked about but I'll throw it
out there. With the original PSN hack to make the servers think you were
on a dev kit there was the distinct possibility that developer data was
stolen as well.

I'm not going to go into specifics but let me just say that this issue may have given rise to access developer networks.

the question is who do you point the finger at? Sony for lack of
security? The hackers? What about the community for getting behind the
original jailbreak that made this all possible?

Look as a
developer i'm 100% for jailbreaking your equipment but as I've long said
on here you open pandora's box when you start getting into network
modification or modification that give you access to various networks or
workarounds to beat the subscriber system. People who work hard to
bring you entertainment should get legitimate compensation. There's
nothing wrong with jailbreaking and enjoying your own personal property
but the abundnce of people on this board and in general who are all for
stealing whether it be full games,  DLC, or online accessories is
deplorable. I don't understand how anyone can get behind this kind of
behavior when all it is doing is hurting you in the long run. Especially
because it's hurting me and other studios wasting time having to deal
with this security crap. Someone on here will say "oh maybe if Sony was
on top of their *@%$ this wouldn't have happened." Look, some of the
blame may fall with Sony, I know I don't agree with some of the thing's
I've learned about how they handled this but if you leave your home and
you come home and someone kicked in the door and stole all your stuff
are you going to blame yourself for not having enough security? At some
point you have to blame the criminal for criminal behavior.

who thinks this is a Sony only issue is kidding themselves, Microsoft
can't even keep you from stealing Windows 7 and you think Xbox Live or
Partnernet is secure?

All this is purely my personal opinion take it for what it's worth.

I was wondering the same thing about Partnernet and the dev's info, which according to the big 3, is waaaaaaaaaay more important than the consumer's info. People keep thinking that XBL is invincible for some reason. Come on, anyone that has owned a PC has encountered a virus or trojan at least once, whether it's something major or not. How can folks say that they're "safe" over on Microsoft's console?
LOL @ Trivial Pursuit taking 3 hours to platinum.

I've beat my cousin damn near every time that I've played him, dude is dumber than a tree stump.
Originally Posted by young718chris

Originally Posted by Hyper

[h1]PlayStation Network to return with cross-game chat, in-game video chat?[/h1]Sony's PlayStation Network could return following recently enforced down time with a number of heavily requested user features.

In what would appear to be a bid to appease consumers over the service's outage, the platform holder may be planning to introduce cross-game chat and even in-game video chat "to name a few" new features.

That's according to an Engadget forum poster claiming to be a Sony Computer Entertainment employee.

"As we are rebuilding the network, we are taking into consideration in implementing features such as cross game chat and in-game video chat to name a few," they wrote on the site in response to user queries about the PSN down time.

"I cannot confirm any new features at this time but expect a massive update when the network is restored."

While this should be taken with a pinch of salt for now, the forum user in question has been posting reliable PlayStation news and info on Engadget for a number of months.

It also wouldn't be much of a stretch to believe Sony is planning to offer PSN users some sweeteners following the PR disaster over the last week, during which time the online service has been out of action following a security breach that has resulted in the theft of customers' personal data.

Analysts have suggested that Sony faces uphill struggle to regain consumer trust following the events of the past seven days.

If in-game video chat is true, the percentage of trash talking will decrease by 50% 
god I hope the trash talk dont decrease lmao 
 thats what I live for
Well I just got an email from Sony...that mean I'm in trouble? I've never bought anything on PSN considering I just got it a couple weeks ago.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Well I just got an email from Sony...that mean I'm in trouble? I've never bought anything on PSN considering I just got it a couple weeks ago.
They are sending emails to all 75 million account holders to explain to them the situation and their options.
screw email they need to put psn back on i swear my ps3 is useless now barley even watch netflix anymore, playing games offline is boring and out of date
Before I head to work I always watch CNN, this morning, every time they came back from commercial they were reporting on the PSN outage and how 77 million users personal data and credit card information is NOW in the hands of hackers

They also said Sony has already lost billions of dollars with PSN being down and could even lose MORE if a Class Action Lawsuit is filed.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Before I head to work I always watch CNN, this morning, every time they came back from commercial they were reporting on the PSN outage and how 77 million users personal data and credit card information is NOW in the hands of hackers

They also said Sony has already lost billions of dollars with PSN being down and could even lose MORE if a Class Action Lawsuit is filed.

My debit card was closed and they're having to reissue another one due to this. All my transactions are being declined, and the represenative at the security department of my bank said that it was due to a network being hacked, but she wouldnt say which. I knew it was this though.
Damn Sony... This could be their decline.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Before I head to work I always watch CNN, this morning, every time they came back from commercial they were reporting on the PSN outage and how 77 million users personal data and credit card information is NOW in the hands of hackers

They also said Sony has already lost billions of dollars with PSN being down and could even lose MORE if a Class Action Lawsuit is filed.

My debit card was closed and they're having to reissue another one due to this. All my transactions are being declined, and the represenative at the security department of my bank said that it was due to a network being hacked, but she wouldnt say which. I knew it was this though.
Damn Sony... This could be their decline.

meh, as long as psn is up and running before e3, this will all be practically forgotten by e3

the whole reason this is so "outrageous" is because of this overblown 77 million number, and that everyones account info was leaked, most people on this board cant even comprehend what happened, let alone the media

all that will linger past e3 are lawsuits which will probably be dropped or settled once sony proves it did everything within its power to fight cfw, and whatever measly fines they get slapped with

people are worried about fraudent charges that theyre not actually responsible for, the only thing they should be worried about is identity theft in which sony is going to be responsible for credit monitoring, this whole ordeal especially with people suing sony is ridiculous, theyre probably demanding money for things that have yet to happen
[h1]Sony may be hit with £500K fine over PSN data loss[/h1]
by JC Fletcher on Apr 27th 2011 4:40PM


The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), a non-departmental public body, has contacted Sony to determine where PlayStation Network data is stored -- not in an effort to locate the hackers who reportedly grabbed it, but to determine whether any of it is being stored in the UK.

If PSN user data is stored in the UK, then it is subject to the Data Protection Act, which requires companies that hold personal data to provide adequate security for it. Notably, the law would trump Sony's PSN Terms and Conditions, which includes the line: "We exclude all liability for loss of data or unauthorised access to your data, Sony Online Network account or Sony Online Network wallet and for damage caused to your software or hardware as a result of using or accessing Sony Online Network."

"If we found a breach," an ICO rep told Edge, "one of the actions we could take would be to issue an undertaking, which is an agreement between the ICO and the company that if they are handling personal information they have to bring about set improvements in order for them to be compliant with the act." If the company fails to comply, the rep added, "further action would be taken, and we might consider an enforcement notice or issue a monetary penalty." For a serious breach, the fine can reach £500,000 (more than $800,000).

Admittedly, that wouldn't be a huge payout for Sony, but considering the other costs of the security breach and PSN outage the company stands to incur, it would probably sting a little.http://

Tags: fine, information-commissioners-office, legal, outage, playstation, ps3, psn, psn-outage-2011, psp, security, sony, uk
I just want to make sure to get in on the class-action lawsuit when it's filed.
I'd be willing to forget about this whole thing if Sony sends Natalie Portman and Kevin Butler to my house for 1 week.

Natalie for obvious reasons, and Kevin because he seems like a fun guy to hang out with.

That will only satisfy my wants, though.

You guys will need to come up with your own reimbursement demands.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Before I head to work I always watch CNN, this morning, every time they came back from commercial they were reporting on the PSN outage and how 77 million users personal data and credit card information is NOW in the hands of hackers

They also said Sony has already lost billions of dollars with PSN being down and could even lose MORE if a Class Action Lawsuit is filed.

My debit card was closed and they're having to reissue another one due to this. All my transactions are being declined, and the represenative at the security department of my bank said that it was due to a network being hacked, but she wouldnt say which. I knew it was this though.
Damn Sony... This could be their decline.

meh, as long as psn is up and running before e3, this will all be practically forgotten by e3

the whole reason this is so "outrageous" is because of this overblown 77 million number, and that everyones account info was leaked, most people on this board cant even comprehend what happened, let alone the media

all that will linger past e3 are lawsuits which will probably be dropped or settled once sony proves it did everything within its power to fight cfw, and whatever measly fines they get slapped with

people are worried about fraudent charges that theyre not actually responsible for, the only thing they should be worried about is identity theft in which sony is going to be responsible for credit monitoring, this whole ordeal especially with people suing sony is ridiculous, theyre probably demanding money for things that have yet to happen


This will definitely have long term effects. Do you know how many Playstation customers and third party support Sony is going to lose behind this?

I dont either, but I know it's a lot bro. Possibly me.
I feel bad for ya'll. Not having onilne is just a slap in the face. Having your data hijacked is real deal.

It makes me think twice about my information on XBL. I should probably just make the switch to retail microsoft points instead of buying directly online.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector


This will definitely have long term effects. Do you know how many Playstation customers and third party support Sony is going to lose behind this?

I dont either, but I know it's a lot bro. Possibly me.

the thing is none of us do, you think its high enough to "impact" sony, i think its too low to impact them

the thing is, how are we supposed to know if theres been some "meaningful" impact??? the ps3 is close to having 50 million units sold to consumers, (currently 50 million shipped), if it goes on to reach 60 million, 70, million, or even a hundred in the next 5 years, how can we determine that there was a "meaningful" negative impact?

what third party is going to give up on that nearly 50 million userbase?  or now possibly 40 million, or even 30 million thanks to "lost" customers?

another reason this news is so overblown is because theres nothing else meaningful or newsworthy going on in the game industry, or even the world

as for you - im sure youll come out of hiding once sony gives you a glimpse of that ps4
Originally Posted by Hyper

I'd be willing to forget about this whole thing if Sony sends Natalie Portman and Kevin Butler to my house for 1 week.

Natalie for obvious reasons, and Kevin because he seems like a fun guy to hang out with.

That will only satisfy my wants, though.

You guys will need to come up with your own reimbursement demands.
I'll take Kim Kardashain 
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector


This will definitely have long term effects. Do you know how many Playstation customers and third party support Sony is going to lose behind this?

I dont either, but I know it's a lot bro. Possibly me.

the thing is none of us do, you think its high enough to "impact" sony, i think its too low to impact them

the thing is, how are we supposed to know if theres been some "meaningful" impact??? the ps3 is close to having 50 million units sold to consumers, (currently 50 million shipped), if it goes on to reach 60 million, 70, million, or even a hundred in the next 5 years, how can we determine that there was a "meaningful" negative impact?

what third party is going to give up on that nearly 50 million userbase?  or 40 million, or even 30 million thanks to "lost" customers?

as for you - im sure youll come out of hiding once sony gives you a glimpse of that ps4

I'm sure companies like Valve and Crytek would mind an exclusive deal with Microsoft. They would still sell units on Windows and Xbox on top of getting that exclusive contract.

Do you realize how much money companies lose from their network being down for just 5 minutes? You know how many parents got that email and are no longer willing to trust Sony with their financial information for the sake of their children playing video games? I think you're underestimating this...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

I'm sure companies like Valve and Crytek would mind an exclusive deal with Microsoft. They would still sell units on Windows and Xbox on top of getting that exclusive contract.

Do you realize how much money companies lose from their network being down for just 5 minutes? You know how many parents got that email and are no longer willing to trust Sony with their financial information for the sake of their children playing video games? I think you're underestimating this...

im not even going to get into that first part other than saying that sales = money, and companies like money

as for the 2nd part, it probably seems like im underestimating this because to me the whole world is overreacting to the situation, im sure sonys going to lose customers but like i said, i dont think its going to have any "meaningful" negative impact on the future of the ps3, and more importantly sony...... sony ships 10+ million ps3s every year, if this year they somehow ship less than 10, then ill consider it a huge blow

i just think the whole world is overreacting to this situation as if ZERO ps3s are going to be sold from here on out

this entire 7th console generation sony has had to deal with negative press, and every time theyve fought back
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Hyper

I'd be willing to forget about this whole thing if Sony sends Natalie Portman and Kevin Butler to my house for 1 week.

Natalie for obvious reasons, and Kevin because he seems like a fun guy to hang out with.

That will only satisfy my wants, though.

You guys will need to come up with your own reimbursement demands.
I'll take Kim Kardashain 

Give me Bar Refaeli and a kilo of coke for a weekend
Only then would Sony get a thumbs up from me.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


This will definitely have long term effects. Do you know how many Playstation customers and third party support Sony is going to lose behind this?

I dont either, but I know it's a lot bro. Possibly me.

the thing is none of us do, you think its high enough to "impact" sony, i think its too low to impact them

the thing is, how are we supposed to know if theres been some "meaningful" impact??? the ps3 is close to having 50 million units sold to consumers, (currently 50 million shipped), if it goes on to reach 60 million, 70, million, or even a hundred in the next 5 years, how can we determine that there was a "meaningful" negative impact?

what third party is going to give up on that nearly 50 million userbase?  or 40 million, or even 30 million thanks to "lost" customers?

as for you - im sure youll come out of hiding once sony gives you a glimpse of that ps4

I'm sure companies like Valve and Crytek would mind an exclusive deal with Microsoft. They would still sell units on Windows and Xbox on top of getting that exclusive contract.

Do you realize how much money companies lose from their network being down for just 5 minutes? You know how many parents got that email and are no longer willing to trust Sony with their financial information for the sake of their children playing video games? I think you're underestimating this...

Ill address the first part
Companies that sign exclusive dont make as money as selling if they were to sell  to all platforms. Michael Pachter even said that companies such as Bungie and Epic probably regret signing an exclusive deal with Microsoft for this reason. 

It seems like the more days that go back the worst it is getting for Sony. Today CP24 (Toronto version of CNN i guess) kept talking about it, like it was the biggest crisis in the world right now. So i think Sony will have a hard time attracting and retaining the causal audience but hardcore will stay.
[h1]Rumor: Sony distributing new security-enhancing SDK to PS3 devs[/h1]
by Randy Nelson   on Apr 27th 2011 8:20PM; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; position: absolute; text-align: center; top: 0px; right: 0px; line-height: 23px; background-position: 50% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">10

Sony is reportedly making the most of the PlayStation Network's hacker-triggered downtime by providing developers with new security tools to integrate into their games. Gamasutra cites development sourceswho say that they are being asked to begin using a new version of the PS3 SDK prior to PSN going back online, something that's supposed to happen within the next seven days.

Joystiq has reached out to its own development sources in an attempt to confirm this report. If you're a developer with insight into the steps Sony is taking to secure PSN against future security breaches, we'd love to hear from you at [email protected].http://

  • Source
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

the thing is none of us do, you think its high enough to "impact" sony, i think its too low to impact them

the thing is, how are we supposed to know if theres been some "meaningful" impact??? the ps3 is close to having 50 million units sold to consumers, (currently 50 million shipped), if it goes on to reach 60 million, 70, million, or even a hundred in the next 5 years, how can we determine that there was a "meaningful" negative impact?

what third party is going to give up on that nearly 50 million userbase?  or 40 million, or even 30 million thanks to "lost" customers?

as for you - im sure youll come out of hiding once sony gives you a glimpse of that ps4

I'm sure companies like Valve and Crytek would mind an exclusive deal with Microsoft. They would still sell units on Windows and Xbox on top of getting that exclusive contract.

Do you realize how much money companies lose from their network being down for just 5 minutes? You know how many parents got that email and are no longer willing to trust Sony with their financial information for the sake of their children playing video games? I think you're underestimating this...

Ill address the first part
Companies that sign exclusive dont make as money as selling if they were to sell  to all platforms. Michael Pachter even said that companies such as Bungie and Epic probably regret signing an exclusive deal with Microsoft for this reason. 

It seems like the more days that go back the worst it is getting for Sony. Today CP24 (Toronto version of CNN i guess) kept talking about it, like it was the biggest crisis in the world right now. So i think Sony will have a hard time attracting and retaining the causal audience but hardcore will stay.

Right. Fans of exclusives, basically. And those are few and far between now.
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