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[h2]Wada: FFXIII could signal death of "this type of game" at Square[/h2]
January 6th, 2010 @ 13:42
By Patrick Garratt


The Final Fantasy XIII team may move onto "'next generation' forms of play" now the game's complete, Square Enix president Yoichi Wada's told Edge, and that "this type of game" may cease to be made at the firm.

The comments are likely to cause shock in the FF fanboy fraternity.

"I believe Final Fantasy XIII is going be something special, and that it's going to be well received by the audience," Wada said.

"But whether we are going to continue to internally create this type of game remains to be seen, because I actually feel that the team that was involved with Final Fantasy XIII should next move on to create and generate some 'next generation' forms of play."

Wada said that the expectation of Square internal development is to create new experiences.

"I really think that the Final Fantasy team could create something completely different, but at the moment they're strictly catering to the particular audience they have now," he added.

FFXIII has now shipped in Japan, selling 1.6 million units in December. It's planned to release on March 9 in the US and Europe.

[h2]CVG: Heavy Rain releasing February 26[/h2]
January 6th, 2010 @ 18:34
By Patrick Garratt


New CVG ed Tim Ingham's stuck his neck on the block over the Heavy Rain release date - he reckons its February 26.

Citing "watertight retail sources," CVG's claiming "Sony has officially penned in the date" for the Quantic thriller's appearance.

"That's the date we've got and as far as we're concerned they've committed to it," a source told the site.

Yesterday, SCEE told us to expect a date "in the next few weeks", after the BBFC rated the game a 15.

HMV listed the game as a February 26 release today, simultaneously announcing its exclusive Collector's Edition.

We're saying nothing. Keep watching.
It's official


Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I'm headed to CES on Friday. Will post pic/updates from the Sony booth. I haven't heard what they will be showing off on the floor but there is a big PS3 presence this year.
CES is in Vegas right?

Michael Jackson 'THIS IS IT' PS3 Bundle

This is it! And by "it" we, of course, mean corporate synergy, as Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment Japan reach across the cultural divide to bring America's late King of Pop to the island of Japan in the form of a bundled Blu-ray and "Special Pack" PlayStation 3 SKU. But this bundle isn't as off the wall as you may imagine. It won't heal the world or rock with you, but if MJ fans wanna be startin' somethin' with the PS3, you really can't beat it. Your ¥33,500 nabs you a Blu-ray of last year's behind-the-scenes cash-in and a 120GB PS3 Slim in a "limited offer" package beginning January 27 - sorry, no choice of black or white. Oof, that last one was bad.
health inspector, i dont see MW fizzling out like Guitar Hero / Tony Hawk....FPS gives the player so much control, bravado, online/offline experience, andgeneral accessibility that games like Guitar Hero, Hawk and even Madden cant offer (remember there are droves of nerds out there that love FPS's but HATEsports/madden games and also casual gamers who love madden and shooters so....IW cant lose...........,unless this new Medal of Honor game uses good strongcode/ideas etc.....Me? I love MW2 and 4 the most part i have good online glitch free matches.

Question: Guy @ Gamestop couldn't help me....Im looking 4 a game, preferably FPS, where i can do two-player split screen ONLINE fights (not just two-player local co-op ala MW2)

does borderlands or resistance 2 do this or do they have just 2 player local co - op????

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW. MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.

This guys are getting all kinds of hate from people within the industry. First because they're caking off a lackluster effort, second because this just enables Activision to continue with this business model. All they did was perpetuate the belief that people will go out and buy a well advertised sequel based off of name and hype alone.

The same +$!$ happened with Halo 2. After a week most people realized "Hey this blows compared to the first". Except by that time everyone had paid for their copy and reviewers didn't spend enough time actually playing the %$%$#*$ multiplayer. Same thing happened with Modern Halo 2... Excuse me Modern Warfare 2.

The general belief by Activision that games can be cranked out on a movie studio timeline without regard for clean code, quality control, what your base community wants, and network stability is appalling. They had a separate DEDICATED team for Networking and Multiplayer then it turned out like this? The bottom line is everyone bought into the hype.

First, the reviewers did and the whole team got paid out. Many people don't realize that reviews and first week sales are mostly all that matter to dev teams. This causes reviewers to have major power in the industry. Why? Because we get additional bonuses for reaching review and sales milestones. Hypothetically, If a game I'm working on scores a 90% or higher metascore on Gamerankings and sells a 2 million the first week I can literally get my base salary or more in bonuses. So games are shipped early to reviewers so they can meet the release date deadline. However, there's no way you can amply test multiplayer in a 1-2 week timeframe. This is how multiplayer/re-playability review scores get severely inflated.

Second , we bought into the hype and purchased 10 million copies. It doesn't matter that half of us think the game is total @#!. They got their money and bonuses. They don't care what we think because the public showed we're going to buy it anyways. Now ATVI and IW know they can shorten their dev cycle and cut corners because they can "patch it later" or not do anything about it period like the cheaters who are atop the leaderboards.

It sucks because this is how many business practices work (word to Jordan Brand) and it has now flooded the game industry.


People thought I was nuts for saying that Modern Warfare 2 was horrible when I got on release date. All it took for me was a few days to know that the multiplayer sucked. All of these added perks and killstreaks did nothing for the game except make terrible players into professionals. I had a conversation with someone during a game and we were talking about how dumbed down the multiplayer was for the casual gamer compared to the previous installment. I know for damn sure I will not purchase Modern Warfare 3. I will watch someone's footage on YouTube. Infinity Ward got their last $55 from me. Ironic that you mention that Infinity Ward and Activision are using this model. 2K Sports has used this model for the last few years and got bombarded on their boards as well as Operation Sports for it. Only if people knew of the power they had. They could force actual change.

I'm sorry but Halo 3 had a mulitplayer beta. Anyone who bought the game and was surprised with what they got, seriously screwed themselves. And IW changedthe game a little, so what, every dev has to tweak gameplay form game to game. Go play COD4 if it such a huge problem. And seriously how can IW keep up withall the hackers out there, about 40 dudes trying to stay ahead of 200,000.
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

health inspector, i dont see MW fizzling out like Guitar Hero / Tony Hawk....FPS gives the player so much control, bravado, online/offline experience, and general accessibility that games like Guitar Hero, Hawk and even Madden cant offer (remember there are droves of nerds out there that love FPS's but HATE sports/madden games and also casual gamers who love madden and shooters so....IW cant lose...........,unless this new Medal of Honor game uses good strong code/ideas etc.....Me? I love MW2 and 4 the most part i have good online glitch free matches.

Question: Guy @ Gamestop couldn't help me....Im looking 4 a game, preferably FPS, where i can do two-player split screen ONLINE fights (not just two- player local co-op ala MW2)

does borderlands or resistance 2 do this or do they have just 2 player local co - op????

It is an old game now, but GRAW 2 does split screen online coop and vs (and GRAW1 if you wanna go back even further.) I have it on xbox360 so Icannot speak for the PS3 version, but I go back and play the coop missions all the time and there are still people playing. 1 negative, and its been awhilesince i played it this way, when you do split screen online you don't see anything but a crosshair.
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

health inspector, i dont see MW fizzling out like Guitar Hero / Tony Hawk....FPS gives the player so much control, bravado, online/offline experience, and general accessibility that games like Guitar Hero, Hawk and even Madden cant offer (remember there are droves of nerds out there that love FPS's but HATE sports/madden games and also casual gamers who love madden and shooters so....IW cant lose...........,unless this new Medal of Honor game uses good strong code/ideas etc.....Me? I love MW2 and 4 the most part i have good online glitch free matches.

Question: Guy @ Gamestop couldn't help me....Im looking 4 a game, preferably FPS, where i can do two-player split screen ONLINE fights (not just two- player local co-op ala MW2)

does borderlands or resistance 2 do this or do they have just 2 player local co - op????


im pretty sure i remember the resistance 2 beta allowing me and a friend to do split screen online for 64 player battles, cant remember if it allowed it for 8player co-op, im sure it does

as for what youre saying, im hoping that medal of honor causes everyone to step their game up, dice is doing their multiplayer and ive heard good things aboutbf-bc2
Copped Bayonetta.
Load times and graphics aren't that fantastic, but it's still fun as hell.
The obligatory boob, crotch and @ss shots are straight comedy

It has custom soundtracks too, although I haven't tried to use it yet.

Good game so far
[h2]Source - Infinity Ward not developing Modern Warfare 3[/h2]
January 7th, 2010 @ 14:00
By Patrick Garratt


Infinity Ward is not creating Modern Warfare 3, according to a VG247 source, and is instead working on something "completely new".

The details come from US insiders.

Infinity Ward has this far avoided the issue of its work after Modern Warfare 2, saying no decision had been made on further projects in the run up to theshooter's launch last November.

"Right now we don't have a clue what our next game is going to be, and we won't know what it will be until we finish with Modern Warfare 2,which won't be for a while," studio frontman Rob Bowling told IGN UK last October.

MW2 DLC packs are scheduled to release this "spring" as a timed 360 exclusive.

It's unclear where the third game will be made if IW really has gone AWOL from the series.

We were told by one dev source that a Canadian studio was handling it, but another pointed to newly-formed Sledgehammer Games, headed by ex-Visceral bossesGlen Schofield and Michael Condrey.

Sledgehammer, based in the Bay Area, is currently recruiting for a multiplayer designer with "five years experienceworking on current AAA multiplayer shooters for current consoles and PC."

The identity of Sledgehammer's first project is yet to be announced.

Activision's only Canadian developer is Vancouver-based Radical Entertainment, the studio behind last year's free-roaming adventure, Prototype.

Rumour surrounding the Call of Duty franchise in general is escalating. A report yesterday claimed that Treyarch is currently puttingtogether a story-focused, Vietnam-based episode in the series for release later this year.
Activision had not returned calls at the time of writing

[h2]Report - Treyarch's Vietnam Call of Duty out in November[/h2]
January 7th, 2010 @ 17:32
By Johnny Cullen


Treyarch's Call of Duty game is set for a release in November this year, with Activision keen on the studio to have it out "before the gifting season", CVG's rumouring.

A "senior UK trade source" told the site that the publisher has the game scheduled to arrive in the same period as World at War and Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2. Big shock there.

"Activision believes that it can own Christmas again, just as it has in the last two years.

"Development is on course - and Treyarch have been told the game must be ready to hit shelves before the gifting season," the site's source said.

The source also said that the rumours of the game being in Vietnam with a story influenced by movies such as Platoon and Apocalypse Now were correct.

Earlier today, insiders told VG247 that the COD coming after Treyarch's won't be developed by Infinity Ward.

Development on that is expected to be handled by Acti upstart Sledgehammer Games, which is managed by ex-Visceral heads Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, said sources.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

pickin up darksiders have been great, havent seen anythin lower than a 9


[/td] [td] [h3]DarksidersPlayStation 3[/h3]
Action - Darksiders: Wrath of War is set in a Post-Apocalyptic demon-ravaged world wher...
Also on: X360: 7.8
Shortcuts [/td] [td]Jan 05, 2010[/td] [td]

8.1reader average

Watch IGN's Video Review
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Dark Void will be good. I have a friend working on it who has promised good things.
The game is alright ( dont buy, rent)

If you are in Canada Ebgames has this game as a GG (meaning u can play it for 7 days and return it for full store credit, as a bonus they included a Comic bookwhich i sold on ebay for 35usd

Question: just finished playing borderland (PICK THIS GAME UP
) and ilike their controls better then MW2 controls so i was wondering is there a way to change the mapping of the buttons for MW2
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW. MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.

This guys are getting all kinds of hate from people within the industry. First because they're caking off a lackluster effort, second because this just enables Activision to continue with this business model. All they did was perpetuate the belief that people will go out and buy a well advertised sequel based off of name and hype alone.

The same +$!$ happened with Halo 2. After a week most people realized "Hey this blows compared to the first". Except by that time everyone had paid for their copy and reviewers didn't spend enough time actually playing the %$%$#*$ multiplayer. Same thing happened with Modern Halo 2... Excuse me Modern Warfare 2.

The general belief by Activision that games can be cranked out on a movie studio timeline without regard for clean code, quality control, what your base community wants, and network stability is appalling. They had a separate DEDICATED team for Networking and Multiplayer then it turned out like this? The bottom line is everyone bought into the hype.

First, the reviewers did and the whole team got paid out. Many people don't realize that reviews and first week sales are mostly all that matter to dev teams. This causes reviewers to have major power in the industry. Why? Because we get additional bonuses for reaching review and sales milestones. Hypothetically, If a game I'm working on scores a 90% or higher metascore on Gamerankings and sells a 2 million the first week I can literally get my base salary or more in bonuses. So games are shipped early to reviewers so they can meet the release date deadline. However, there's no way you can amply test multiplayer in a 1-2 week timeframe. This is how multiplayer/re-playability review scores get severely inflated.

Second , we bought into the hype and purchased 10 million copies. It doesn't matter that half of us think the game is total @#!. They got their money and bonuses. They don't care what we think because the public showed we're going to buy it anyways. Now ATVI and IW know they can shorten their dev cycle and cut corners because they can "patch it later" or not do anything about it period like the cheaters who are atop the leaderboards.

It sucks because this is how many business practices work (word to Jordan Brand) and it has now flooded the game industry.


People thought I was nuts for saying that Modern Warfare 2 was horrible when I got on release date. All it took for me was a few days to know that the multiplayer sucked. All of these added perks and killstreaks did nothing for the game except make terrible players into professionals. I had a conversation with someone during a game and we were talking about how dumbed down the multiplayer was for the casual gamer compared to the previous installment. I know for damn sure I will not purchase Modern Warfare 3. I will watch someone's footage on YouTube. Infinity Ward got their last $55 from me. Ironic that you mention that Infinity Ward and Activision are using this model. 2K Sports has used this model for the last few years and got bombarded on their boards as well as Operation Sports for it. Only if people knew of the power they had. They could force actual change.

I'm sorry but Halo 3 had a mulitplayer beta. Anyone who bought the game and was surprised with what they got, seriously screwed themselves. And IW changed the game a little, so what, every dev has to tweak gameplay form game to game. Go play COD4 if it such a huge problem. And seriously how can IW keep up with all the hackers out there, about 40 dudes trying to stay ahead of 200,000.
If I still had my copy of MW1 I'd still be playing. Tweaks? There were no added tweaks. IW can keep up with the hackers and ahead of them bynot using the same program they used in MW1 which took MONTHS (damn near 6 mos. until hacks were exploited) to be cracked as compared to days for MW2.
My PS3 got the YLoD again. !#%% it, I'm not fixing it for the 5thtime, gonna cop that slim.
Can anyone tell me if Red Faction is any good? The Wife bought me it cuz my boy was getting it too, he decided to get uncharted so now im stuck with redfaction and can't return it. Considering selling that and Eternal Sonata.
Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.

PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.
Originally Posted by Speedy0990

[h2]Wada: FFXIII could signal death of "this type of game" at Square[/h2]
January 6th, 2010 @ 13:42
By Patrick Garratt


The Final Fantasy XIII team may move onto "'next generation' forms of play" now the game's complete, Square Enix president Yoichi Wada's told Edge, and that "this type of game" may cease to be made at the firm.

The comments are likely to cause shock in the FF fanboy fraternity.

"I believe Final Fantasy XIII is going be something special, and that it's going to be well received by the audience," Wada said.

"But whether we are going to continue to internally create this type of game remains to be seen, because I actually feel that the team that was involved with Final Fantasy XIII should next move on to create and generate some 'next generation' forms of play."

Wada said that the expectation of Square internal development is to create new experiences.

"I really think that the Final Fantasy team could create something completely different, but at the moment they're strictly catering to the particular audience they have now," he added.

FFXIII has now shipped in Japan, selling 1.6 million units in December. It's planned to release on March 9 in the US and Europe.

The XIII team should complete Versus, Agito, and Haerisis.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all thatinfo uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?
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