Punisher: War Zone VOL. go watch it.....

Aug 10, 2006
The movie was

All i got to say is watch it. You wont be disappointed.
He is the main villain with the messed up looking face.

Haven't seen the movie yet....It looks decent.
you guys remember how wack the first punisher movie was...well this movie is like a billions times better... if you like killing/action etc. this is the movieto watch...the punisher is so on point like the comics...
Originally Posted by retepelnart

is this a spinoff of the other punisher movie. or its another hulk movie type of stunt?
It's based off the Punisher Marvel Knights series.
I didn't hear anything about it, this is the first review I heard of. I was initially expectin' the movie to be wack 'cause of how wack the firstone was......I guess it took the Hulk approach.

I'll see it soon, give me a week or two.
i liked the first one (possibly one of the few people that did) so i'll try to catch this one. pun is that dude
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i liked the first one (possibly one of the few people that did) so i'll try to catch this one. pun is that dude
I dont understand how people didnt like the first one,that +%!% was the truth
idk i dont like all the shoot em up invincible act. i preferred the dark tone of the first one and i thought thomas jane was a great punisher.
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