QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

Salty? I said point blank he been awesome the last 4 weeks.

Your fanbase, including you, were discussing Russ "regressing" 3 weeks ago.

My point is, regression isn't really a thing. It's a made up narrative. For all QB's.

Russ is the same QB today he was 21-28-35-100 days ago. The team, the coach, the game plan, all the players are executing better the last month.

That's why I waited til this week to even bring up your conversations from the Hawk thread. When he was playing "poorly" it still wasn't all his fault.

How that's salty.......I have no idea. :lol:

Regression isn't real?

No sir. It's a simplified term made up to explain away why a QB gets better/or worse over a series of time. It's not an actual thing.

Idk what's funnier
You lurking the seahawks thread
Or you thinking players can't get worse over time
Dude has had a hard on of hate for Russell Wilson since 2012.

First, it was" Russell was too small...he's going to be like Antwan Randle El in the NFL"....Russell Wilson comes takes the starting quarterback position away from a high priced free agent.

Then after his rookie year, it was "After the tape gets around, the league is going to catch up to him".....Russ plays even better in his 2nd year and wins the Super Bowl.

Next it was "The Seahawks arent paying him because they dont value him, they've paid everybody but him"....Then Russell signs one the richest quarterback deals in NFL history.

Another one of his narratives was Russell Wilson is average and is carried by Marshawn Lynch and his defense.....Marshawn Lynch goes down and the defense is less dominant, Russell plays some of the best Football as a Sehawks.

I dont why y'all listen this dude and his narratives about Russell Wilson, they've been proven wrong again and again.
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Idk what's funnier
You lurking the seahawks thread
Or you thinking players can't get worse over time

What is definitively "worse"?

Do you grasp that you can't actually prove any word of what you're assuming?

Or that changes team wide affect players/coaches in ways you can't simply point away?

Peyton year 3, age 24, 33 TD, 15 INT, 94 rating, 10-6 team.
Peyton year 4, age 25, 26 TD, 23 INT, 84 rating, 6-10 team.

You simply chalk that up to "regression" It's just that simple?

Russ was regressing for 10 weeks, and suddenly he's not now? Just a simple one word explanation for what's changed?

You honestly believe that's how it works?
Meat gazer, those look like questions I was asking pre draft, not actual statements like you framed them.

But you knew that already when you posted that. :lol:
Thats even worse...Who the hell didn't know Russell Wilson was going to be a quarterback in the NFL?!? Sounding date as hell.

It was 2012, not 1982.
Nobody said he regressed for 10 straight weeks.

The nearest you got was a in haste comment from ElPablo saying he's regressed since his rookie year and something about the deep ball.

Seahawks fans actually admit when their boy isn't playing well. You never do...it's always somebodys else fault, spoken like a true B team quarterback.

I did mention regression, as well as his deep ball accuracy taking a ste0 back.

I also said the same things last year not only this year *shrugs*

Let me catch up on these other post doe :lol:
I would like to say Russ INT might have been the worst he's thrown

Tyler was literally 10 yards to the right WIDE open
Hell Doug who he threw to was wide open as well and he throws it on the wrong side of him to the honey badger


and I wanted him to get more snaps.

At least Kevin Smith will now have a chance to do nothing in Bevell's passing game 

So advanced it looks peewee

[QUOTE url="[MEDIA=twitter]667106429149450241[/MEDIA]"]
One nugget from Baldwin,

Bevell is still garbage though

Russy and the line sure isnt helping the cause but naw nothing unfair about that

Yeah russ declined this year no doubt about it. I just don't think this scheme fits russ ability. I think this offense would flourish under kubiak

Everyone on the team seems to be hinting at Russ needing to get his **** together.

I really think the problem is Russ. Baldwin taking shots at him. Bevell making hints. OLine doesn't help but Russ has sucked this year

That last gif/play is so disappointing, Lockett is wide open up the middle for a TD. I remember the frustration on his face during the game after that play.

a55a5in11 a55a5in11 good **** :pimp:

Its crazy how much he's regressed since his rookie year. The deep ball was always Russ' money throw.

That's hard to watch 

How about this win :smokin
Line looked shaky but Russ did them no favors

Just 3 weeks ago.

Suddenly, he's a God and I'm the one in the wrong here, when I'm actually defending what was goin on PRIOR to this hot streak. :nerd:

You can't simply throw one word out (regressed, regression, regressing) and then it's all gone after 3-4 games. That is not how it works.

That's what I'm tryin to say.

Same for every QB, league wide. They don't just "regress" and then play well for a couple games and it's fixed.

You can play well, you can play bad, you can play hurt, you can play healthy, you can play an easy schedule over a year, you can play an insanely difficult schedule over a year, you can have other teammates hurt, or healthy, you can have great prep work from coaches/team, you can have poor prep work. You can have coach stability, you can have coaches come and go and affect your play that way.

Multiple, extremely difficult to quantify, ways for a QB to be impacted over time. In season, or over the course of multiple seasons.

Russ today, is the same Russ as 3 weeks ago when Seahawk fans were saying he had regressed. He didn't suddenly learn all his issues in 3 weeks, come on. :lol:

Same with the quotes on Bevell, or Baldwin etc. The offense as a whole has corrected things, and worked to improve.

See Brady last year after the first month, everyone sayin he/they was done. Nope. They were working the kinks out, and go it movin over the course of a full season.
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Same with Bevell my ***

He gets his fair share of credit, yes..but he still has the habit of trying to force concepts over exploiting mismatches...he misused Graham most of the year.

I dont see whats wrong with those quotes either *shrugs*
Even if I was just guessing, and I doubt it's this simple either, but after 8 games, he had 9 TD and 7 INT's.

Then they had a bye week.

First game after that was Arizona D, and understandably that was a tough game for him, 1 TD, 1 INT.

From that point on, he's been fire. 4 games, 16 TD, 0 INT.

So would you try to over simplify it and just say the bye week fixed everything with the offense? It's clearly not that simple, same as saying a player regresses or doesn't regress all in the same dang month. :lol:
One post dealing with the word 'regression"...another one hinting at it =the Seahawks fanbase saying Russell Wilson regressed.

Boy I tell you, this dude and his Russell Wilson narratives.
Same with Bevell my ***

He gets his fair share of credit, yes..but he still has the habit of trying to force concepts over exploiting mismatches...he misused Graham most of the year.

I dont see whats wrong with those quotes either *shrugs*

You're still catching up, my point was you can't say 3 weeks ago a QB, ANY QB, not just Russ (they're hung up on that) has regressed, and 3 weeks later, everything's great again, no regression, false alarm, etc. It don't work like that.

Like you said, Bevell still sucks, even tho they've been on fire the last 4 games. It doesn't erase his overall body of work and the issues he has. (in fact, I wonder if Pete has stepped in to correct some things, or maybe another coach is helping Bevell, etc)
One post dealing with the word 'regression"...another one hinting at it =the Seahawks fanbase saying Russell Wilson regressed.

Boy I tell you, this dude and his Russell Wilson narratives.

Aren't CPs comments saying Russ wasn't regressing earlier in the year and due to multiple variables, that was the reason he wasn't playing as well? In a way it is a compliment to him instead of a complaint
But my point was for me..since Im the only one who acctually said the word regression was I brought up the issue dating back last year as well..there were part in his game that took steps back to me.

Because you tweak and fix issues doesnt mean the former statement isnt true.

Im speaking for myself only because Im not talking about a 3 week, or 10 week window
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Russ just said on the interview they are showing after the game, nothing's changed, we're just executing better. :lol:

there were part in his game that took steps back to me.

Noted. And I would believe you weren't rushing to a judgement.

But you see the tone of your thread 3 weeks ago, a lot of down on Russ. Now everyone is giddy. The first part was after 9 games. The happy part is after 4. Which has more weight? Which is "right"?

We're using Russ as the example today, but I'm saying I don't buy regression as a reality, for anybody. Any QB.

Like Kap week 1, when Dilfer was raving about him. And a couple months later he's out of a job.

Or what's happened to Matt Ryan this year.

Or Phil Rivers the last few weeks. :nerd: He was DEALING, and then everyone around him got hurt, and he's dropped off.

Or Cam taking a beating from fans last year, and he's the MVP this year.

Week to week people want to label these guys great, or elite, or worthless, or never gonna be __ etc. But the product is never really finished.

****, even Aaron Rodgers has "struggled" the last few weeks after a blazing start. Yet he's still having a great all around year, considering not having Jordy and whatever has been goin on with Lacy. Everyone puts that on Aaron, it's never the other guys.

Goes to my entire belief that too much is put on the one position and the other 21 spots are rendered irrelevant to the fans and their desire for weekly hot takes.
Key words "We're executing better"

Athletes play better or worse from week to week.

Nothing stays the same.
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Because athletes dont say the most generic responses every presser..you start your post with a quote from Russell in a presser :lol:

CP, you keep mentioning 3 weeks ago..how many times do I need to say similar sentiments were being said last year in the thread???

You mention Kaep ok...how many strong opinions about Kaep were captured within a small window? Ppl were saying the same **** about him over two seasons

you're preaching that none of the blame goes to one position...I agree with that

Yet you just quoted Seahawks fans who not only blame other variables for the offense not being successful, but still put responsibility on the qb as well when they had plays to be made.

Why are you mentioning AR-12? Who has claimed he's in a status of regression besides troll post?

Cam taking a beating from fans last year...so now he's finally cooking..he didnt deserve that criticism?

I said he wasnt even MVP of his own team a month ago..and rightfully so when he was completing less than 60% of his passes and throwing multiple picks..per game
Week to week people want to label these guys great, or elite, or worthless, or never gonna be __ etc. But the product is never really finished.

Only post I see jump from extreme to extreme like that are troll post.

Even the post from our team thread arent this damn extreme..cmon man
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Dude has had a hard on of hate for Russell Wilson since 2012.

First, it was" Russell was too small...he's going to be like Antwan Randle El in the NFL"....Russell Wilson comes takes the starting quarterback position away from a high priced free agent.

Then after his rookie year, it was "After the tape gets around, the league is going to catch up to him".....Russ plays even better in his 2nd year and wins the Super Bowl.

Next it was "The Seahawks arent paying him because they dont value him, they've paid everybody but him"....Then Russell signs one the richest quarterback deals in NFL history.

Another one of his narratives was Russell Wilson is average and is carried by Marshawn Lynch and his defense.....Marshawn Lynch goes down and the defense is less dominant, Russell plays some of the best Football as a Sehawks.

I dont why y'all listen this dude and his narratives about Russell Wilson, they've been proven wrong again and again.

He's still deflecting from his Tannehill narratives
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