Question About A Female at Work...sorry no pics

Do it so her boyfriend can lay you out
Originally Posted by Bob Lobblaw


Beat me to it

OP, she obviously wants your D, give it to her during your lunch break behind the building or something.
Originally Posted by Bob Lobblaw


Beat me to it

OP, she obviously wants your D, give it to her during your lunch break behind the building or something.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

She has a boyfriend. I don't see how this is question. Have some class.

This guy has been cheated on by every girl he's ever been with
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

She has a boyfriend. I don't see how this is question. Have some class.

This guy has been cheated on by every girl he's ever been with
Alot of chicks when they're ready to move on, they look for new suitors before leaving the current. So just cuz she has a bf might not mean much, she reached out to you, smash.
Alot of chicks when they're ready to move on, they look for new suitors before leaving the current. So just cuz she has a bf might not mean much, she reached out to you, smash.
what type of job are you at? is it a career job or just some random 9-5 while your going to school?

if it's a career job in the field you wanna work in, no {()} is worth messing that job up. if it's some job you care less about then beat, skeet, and demolish that but heed with caution.

women think with their hearts, one minute she might be tired of her bf, next thing you know they make up and she admits to him she messed with you and some crazy boyfriend knows where you work and is lookin for you.
what type of job are you at? is it a career job or just some random 9-5 while your going to school?

if it's a career job in the field you wanna work in, no {()} is worth messing that job up. if it's some job you care less about then beat, skeet, and demolish that but heed with caution.

women think with their hearts, one minute she might be tired of her bf, next thing you know they make up and she admits to him she messed with you and some crazy boyfriend knows where you work and is lookin for you.
A. she has a b/f. B. she works with you. C. it's a 10% chance this is going to workout well... Do you really like your job?
A. she has a b/f. B. she works with you. C. it's a 10% chance this is going to workout well... Do you really like your job?
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