R.I.P Kobe Bryant.

Well, he was accused. It went to trial. Charges were dropped when the accuser refused to testify.

I dont believe he committed a crime that night myself. But I do agree that it is apart of his life's story. Many are remembering and discussing his life story since he has passed and that portion of it shouldn't be neglected like it never happened. I do believe it is a small footnote and would hope many dont spend much time focusing on it. But as I said earlier, I cant get mad at a person one way or the other if the choose to discuss it or not.
Well, he was accused. It went to trial. Charges were dropped when the accuser refused to testify.

I dont believe he committed a crime that night myself. But I do agree that it is apart of his life's story. Many are remembering and discussing his life story since he has passed and that portion of it shouldn't be neglected like it never happened. I do believe it is a small footnote and would hope many dont spend much time focusing on it. But as I said earlier, I cant get mad at a person one way or the other if the choose to discuss it or not.
I respect this
You can argue that snoop was outta line but you absolutely can't bring up something like this when the man hasn't even been dead a week. Theirs so many other times when that could've been brought up to chose now is just tasteless. Lebetard & bomani are just protecting their fellow journalist but they can all F off. Bottom line that interview wasn't the time.

yall sound crazy,

they are journalists, it is LITERALLY her job to contextualize public figures. :lol:

like yes me as a private individual i don't really feel like hearing bad things about Kobe but getting mad at a journalist for LITERALLY doing their job is crazy.

Don't watch Gayle King if you don't wanna hear her ask tough questions.
^it's only being talked about because hes deceased. If they really wanted "kids to learn about it" which is a croc of bs. They would of discussed it or had him do a pr/campaign about it when he was alive. Ben Roethlisberger is still alive and kicking he can be a spokesman.

Leslie said it perfectly about how there was ample time to bring it back up when he was still here.

This is my problem with it. You had 17 years, now you want to take a stand and are outspoken? I'ts cowardice. He can't defend himself or his name. An allegation shouldn't be treated like a conviction.
This is exactly why I and many others like myself do not give an 'EFF about how Whites, Asians, and then other non Blacks, feel about Black success. In a world where only the perfect Black man could even approach the office of President of the United States, how people view the life of Kobe Bryant is going to be skewed through a racial lens. It's hilarious that Kobe made many of you here think that he was Italian! But that speaks more to about your current state of ignorance, not on how this society has become racially ambivalent.

When LeBron didn't go to bat for Hong Kong? There was all of this talk about how they thought LeBron was different, blah, blah, blah, then made cartoons making fun of LeBron, who actually DOES THINGS FOR HIS OWN PEOPLE, AND DOES NOT HIDE THE FACT THAT HE DOES THESE THINGS, NEVER HIDING THAT FACT THAT HE SEES, THEN THINKS BLACK.

But many of you wanted Black people to be mad at LeBron, for you.

So I am going to take a page out of SNOOP'S book right here, because he didn't say what he said to Gayle to THOSE people.


Now, I said this as an example as to how messed up things are, and why the current state of white supremacy must be dealt with. Kobe Bryant could never really talk about issues concerning the Black plight globally, because he had that charge, from a white woman no less, hanging over his head. As soon as he got the Oscar nod, what did they do? White women lost their minds. If Kobe took a knee? If Kobe took a pic with Farrakhan?

Kobe Bryant was stupid enough to think that he was Italian enough, to get away with other Black men used to get LYNCHED AND CASTRATED FOR, rip EMMITT TILL. Kobe didn't know his history, didn't think that it applied to him, because he was such a hard worker and oh yeah, Italian.

That's the ignorance that Black people live with when you live your life trying to please people, who will never, ever, accept you. Don't want to accept you, unless you are that famous Black man that lives next door, one who won't bring down their property value, and then allow them to fly in your helicopter.

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This is exactly why I and many others like myself do not give an 'EFF about how Whites, Asians, and then other non Blacks, feel about Black success. In a world where only the perfect Black man could even approach the office of President of the United States, how people view the life of Kobe Bryant is going to be skewed through a racial lens. It's hilarious that Kobe made many of you here think that he was Italian! But that speaks more to about your current state of ignorance, not on how this society has become racially ambivalent.

When LeBron didn't go to bat for Hong Kong? There was all of this talk about how they thought LeBron was different, blah, blah, blah, then made cartoons making fun of LeBron, who actually DOES THINGS FOR HIS OWN PEOPLE, AND DOES NOT HIDE THE FACT THAT HE DOES THESE THINGS, NEVER HIDING THAT FACT THAT HE SEES, THEN THINKS BLACK.

But many of you wanted Black people to be mad at LeBron, for you.

So I am going to take a page out of SNOOP'S book right here, because he didn't say what he said to Gayle to THOSE people.


Now, I said this as an example as to how messed up things are, and why the current state of white supremacy must be dealt with. Kobe Bryant could never really talk about issues concerning the Black plight globally, because he had that charge, from a white woman no less, hanging over his head. As soon as he got the Oscar nod, what did they do? White women lost their minds. If Kobe took a knee? If Kobe took a pic with Farrakhan?

Kobe Bryant was stupid enough to think that he was Italian enough, to get away with other Black men used to get LYNCHED AND CASTRATED FOR, rip EMMITT TILL. Kobe didn't know his history, didn't think that it applied to him, because he was such a hard worker and oh yeah, Italian.

That's the ignorance that Black people live with when you live your life trying to please people, who will never, ever, accept you. Don't want to accept you, unless you are that famous Black man that lives next door, one who won't bring down their property value, and then allow them to fly in your helicopter.


lol WHITE PEOPLE (white americans) wanted lebron to go to bat for Hong Kong.

besides that i agree with your message. FUCC trying to get accepted by white society.
lol WHITE PEOPLE (white americans) wanted lebron to go to bat for Hong Kong.

besides that i agree with your message. FUCC trying to get accepted by white society.
FOX news commentators and ESPN were speaking on how LeBron had tarnished his image, by not speaking up for Hong Kong. Charles Barkley, of all people, was one of the only ones in media who said that the criticism was unfair.

However, not one word from people like Snoop about it.
This is my problem with it. You had 17 years, now you want to take a stand and are outspoken? I'ts cowardice. He can't defend himself or his name. An allegation shouldn't be treated like a conviction.

yeah because we often eulogize people when they are alive.

What your saying doesn't make any sense,

when public figures die, we write articles, we do obituaries that sum up their whole life.

hate it or love it. 20 year old rape accusations gunna be in the obituary. L
FOX news commentators and ESPN were speaking on how LeBron had tarnished his image, by not speaking up for Hong Kong. Charles Barkley, of all people, was one of the only ones in media who said that the criticism was unfair.

However, not one word from people like Snoop about it.

u prob realized this already that MFs just wait for the opportunity to bring a person down

clowns gonna be gonna be & the truth ALWAYS come to light
It's not the simple fact of speaking about it. It's of public record. The issue is HOW you choose to speak about it, and using the proper forum and context to do so. The word "alleged" doesn't die with the accused, when the case never proved guilt on his part. Jabbing back at your guest with defensive quips , as if they have no knowledge of a very public case, and suggesting that they don't know the man that she herself, doesn't even know, is very irresponsible journalism and extremely disrespectful from a personal standpoint. Some people will continue to talk slick about him, because the deceased (as of right now) hold no rights, as far as defamation laws are concerned.
I’m completely fine talking about race issues sometimes but it gets tiring if it’s in EVERY single thread. That being said me bringing up the snoop issue does relate to Kobe and happens to be a race issue so it will get talked about. I know its asking alot, but if we can keep the hate to a minimum towards each other in here and talk about a race issue without threatening to come find somebody that would be ideal lol. Accidents like this are suppose to bring everyone closer, let’s celebrate this mans greatness.
I’m completely fine talking about race issues sometimes but it gets tiring if it’s in EVERY single thread. That being said me bringing up the snoop issue does relate to Kobe and happens to be a race issue so it will get talked about. I know its asking alot, but if we can keep the hate to a minimum towards each other in here and talk about a race issue without threatening to come find somebody that would be ideal lol. Accidents like this are suppose to bring everyone closer, let’s celebrate this mans greatness.
You have got to understand something, many of these dudes are cowards, not wanting to face the fact that this is indeed an issue with racial implications. The problem is that apparently for years, many of these non black posters have been talking slick about Black people, then have gotten away with it. Posters like ninjahood personify this image.
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^it's only being talked about because hes deceased. If they really wanted "kids to learn about it" which is a croc of bs. They would of discussed it or had him do a pr/campaign about it when he was alive. Ben Roethlisberger is still alive and kicking he can be a spokesman.

Leslie said it perfectly about how there was ample time to bring it back up when he was still here.
Some of y'all brought it up and discussed it in here as well, so is it **** you too?
Pretty soon, all of Snoop's television ventures will disappear due to what he said about Gayle King. He said that WE will come get you. Well, who in the hell are the we?

Hey Snoop, aren't there some WHITE people you may want to go after first? Let's go after those who run this system of oppression, instead of attacking the symptom?! Why is it that people like Snoop fail to realize that Gayle isn't the problem, but White Supremacy actually is?
The ease at which black folks go at each other in public is troublesome sometimes.
Staples Center and the surrounding areas are going to be flooded with people on the 24th trying to get in.

Wish they had moved it to the Colosseum where it seats more people and is open air. This is what it would’ve looked like had they chosen this location.
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