R.I.P Kobe Bryant.

The pilot was another yes man on payroll. Kobe regularly flew with him. The pilot wanted to please his celebrity client

If Kobe knew the risk of the situation, he wouldn’t bring his daughter on board. He’s not like “oh 2% chance of crash, let’s go and risk all of our lives.”

It’s up to the professional to make a risk assessment and pull out if the conditions are too dangerous and life threatening.
Man **** with that ****. It's an unfortunate accident.

Wait for info to come out before we proclaim who is at fault. Going off of 1 piece of information (LAPD grounded their choppers) to confirm Kobe was some demanding p.o.s. celebrity who thought he was invisible so he risked not just his life...not just his daughter's life, but the lives of 2 other young girls and 5 more folks to get to a game is ****ing infuriating.

"Whenever a new Jay Z album came out, it was a big deal," Kobe's former teammate, Brian Shaw, told The Players' Tribune. "Guys would get it Day One and be rapping their favorite songs. Maybe they knew the first few bars or the hook. Well, Kobe would be on the back of the bus rapping every single line of every single song the day after the album came out. I’m talking every lyric. It was genuinely amazing. Nobody could figure out how it was possible."

To reiterate, that's every single line of every single song (supposedly).

Devean George, another former teammate, confirmed this obsession: "I would picture him sitting up all night with his headphones on, scribbling the lyrics over and over in a notebook like my kids do when they study for an English test. The damn album just came out yesterday, and he knows it front to back.

"That’s when I realized, maybe this guy is a genius. Either that, or he was getting Jay to send him advance copies. Either way, that’s a little window into Kobe. He was obsessed with greatness."
The J.R. Rider story lol

Devean George
Oh. Em. Gee. J.R. Rider. He was an interesting guy. He was so talented, so gifted. He was the first NBA player I ever met in person. I’m from Minnesota, where he started his career with the Timberwolves, and my dad managed a bar in North Minneapolis. So one day when I was in high school, my dad called me up and said, “Hey, J.R. Rider is down here at the bar.”

I was like, “Why in the hell would J.R. Rider be at a bar in North Minneapolis?”

My dad’s like, “He’s hanging out. Come on down and get a picture.”

So I did. I got a Polaroid with him. My neighborhood was not exactly a prime hangout spot for NBA players. But that was just J.R. He was a real dude. A very real dude.

Horace Grant
J.R. was brash. He was an Oakland guy. Oakland guys are a different breed. He had this swagger about him. Kobe was just coming off winning the championship in 2000. We traded for J.R., and he wasn’t a threat to Kobe’s position or anything, but it didn’t matter.

J.R. would ****-talk Kobe. Every practice, it was MF this, MF that. He would say to Kobe, “Get your *** back in the kitchen.”

You don’t say that to Kobe. You’re asking for it.

We knew Kobe was going to wear him down. Once Kobe found his weakness, he was going to let him have it. Then one day, I guess he found it …

Brian Shaw
J.R. had been a star in Minnesota and Portland. He was the go-to scorer. He also had played some really good games against the Lakers. So he came in with a lot of confidence.

So one day in practice, J.R. says to Kobe, “Don’t get it twisted. I’m a star too, and I used to give you buckets.”

So Kobe says, “Man, you really think you could take me? Alright, after practice, me and you. One-on-one.”

J.R. says, “O.K., I ain’t no punk. Let’s go.”

Ron Harper
Phil Jackson loved this stuff. He didn’t even wait for practice to end. He says, “Alright, you want to go? Everybody off the court.”

I’m a vet at this point. You don’t have to tell me twice. Get me a Gatorade and an ice pack and some popcorn. I pulled up a chair and waited for the show to start.

Devean George
The older players were always woofin’. If somebody scored on somebody in our practices, it was like we were at Rucker Park. “Ooooohhhhhhh! He got you! He got you, boy!”

You got Shaq out there instigating stuff, “Oh! Don’t let him get you like that! Don’t let him cross you!”

It was a show every day. Now you got Kobe vs. J.R. in front of everybody? Oh, my gosh. Nobody went to the showers. Everybody pulled up chairs on the sideline. It was like a heavyweight fight.

Brian Shaw
They played to 10 by ones. Kobe just absolutely demolished him.

Ron Harper
Kobe destroyed him.

Brian Shaw
This is 22-year-old Kobe. Crazy athletic. Unlimited stamina. I mean, he kicked his ***. He pulled out everything in his bag — dunk, up-and-under, pull-up, crossover.

Devean George
Fadeaway. Left hand. Right hand. Blowing by him.

Brian Shaw
We were on the sidelines gassing it up. People are laughing, yelling, “Hey J.R., be careful what you wish for.”

Ron Harper
Guys were waving white towels, yelling, “Stop the beatdown, please! Please stop!”

Horace Grant
J.R. wanted to fight everybody in the gym.

Devean George
When Kobe finished him off, it was almost like, Man, why did you have to do him like that?

The sideline was in disbelief. You have to understand, this was a guy who put up numbers in the league. This wasn’t a benchwarmer. J.R. was a super-talented player. But Kobe got into some kind of zone and just went crazy. No, he went berserk on J.R.

Horace Grant
It got to a point where J.R. basically said, No más. No más.

J.R. had his tail between his legs for the first time in his life.

Ron Harper
I remember thinking, Oh, my God. This kid is on another level.

Brian Shaw:
The thing is, we won the championship again that year, and J.R. was a contributor to that team. That’s just how those guys worked. It was a very competitive environment.
I aint gonna speculate on whether or not Kobe pushed the pilot to fly that day cause we dont know. But what I do know is that if you're a professional pilot, it's part of your job to assess whether the conditions are safe to fly and it's your responsibility to put your foot down and say "nah we aint flying today".
Snoop and Boosie reacting to Gayle King / Lisa Leslie interview bringing up past....smh

I could be wrong but I feel like people are being reactionary here. To me, based on Gayle's tone she wasn't asking as herself, but as a detractor would and giving a woman who was close to him a chance to appropriately answer. Not unlike a lot of interviews we've seen and Gayle doesn't have a negative history.

Like an intentional lob to the right finisher.
alchemist iq alchemist iq

I'll address you because I respect you. Do you think that Hov means that Kobe admired, looked up to him, due to his success? I mean, Kobe never knew poverty, hard times financially, had the best exposure educationally both culturally and classroom wise, while also coming from a two parent home. Hov being from Marcy, does not owe any of his success to anyone white.

So could that be what Hov is referring to?

I'd say that what Hov has achieved, is something to look up to for anyone from any circumstance.
Jay response, as people have mention is fragmented for me to honestly answer your question entirely. I will say they both mutually respected each other's work ethic as leaders within their respected fields of work.
I have a funny feeling that Snoop is going to have to apologize for that, on the morning show that Gayle is uniquely a part of.
I could be wrong but I feel like people are being reactionary here. To me, based on Gayle's tone she wasn't asking as herself, but as a detractor would and giving a woman who was close to him a chance to appropriately answer. Not unlike a lot of interviews we've seen and Gayle doesn't have a negative history.

Like an intentional lob to the right finisher.
Gayle has actually **** on CBS for releasing the clip like that. She said it's taken completely out of context and she can understand how someone could be angry looking at it in that vacuum. So we shall see what the full interview looks like.
More in-depth about lame king, and her lame explanation.

Yeah that just confirms my thoughts, put up the lob so the right person can put a pin in it, ie Lisa Leslie directly addressing the media. Folks gotta go back to looking at an entire situation, consider people's history and stop falling for that internet reactionary ****. CBS is wrong for using that particular clip to promote the interview. I can understand not even going there, but who better to nip it in the bud?
Its too late for the back tracking. I'm sure she has some sort of say/power into how the interview is presented and consume to the public. Snoop and boosie and whomever gave their 1st reaction isn't going to go back and recant their statements nor feelings.

The damdage is done, she has burned bridge to the black community.
I could be wrong but I feel like people are being reactionary here. To me, based on Gayle's tone she wasn't asking as herself, but as a detractor would and giving a woman who was close to him a chance to appropriately answer. Not unlike a lot of interviews we've seen and Gayle doesn't have a negative history.

Like an intentional lob to the right finisher.

Agreed for the most part. The only part that rubbed me the wrong way was after Lisa gave her take about her not knowing Kobe to be that type of person...she responded with "but you wouldn't see it". That felt a lil nasty.
Still no accountability :smh:

Cancel that B****

I'll buy her another wig.
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