R.I.P Trayvon

Since when did having a gun become a crime?
Since when did pictures of naked women become a crime?
Smoking weed is illegal, but all of a sudden you want to say that creates a criminal?
Where is Trayvon Martin's rap sheet that people like you keep [COLOR=#red]INFERRING
He was 17 going into his senior year.
Maybe you were still a virgin at 17. Lots of boys, white and black are into girls at 17.
Some kids also sneak around and smoke a little weed. They also drink alcohol.
Kids skip school. Some kids are into guns. Some kids parents buy guns for them.
Some kids parents own guns.
Show me the crime Trayvon committed Feb. 26, 2012, and I will be the first to agree he was wrong.[/COLOR]

Like i said before and it seems you have inability to read and comprehend. The girls/mj/jewelry are not the red flags, it is the gun. Why does a "young boy" have a gun?

The rap sheet is well documented a simple google search is all you need.

And here comes the ad hominem. You can do this to those with a lower IQ than yours and they probably give in to it, but these little jabs don't mean much.

It's funny how you just compare the two, brandishing a gun, going out with girls, smoking weed and drinking alcohol. All nonchalant as if this is a typical weekend for you. Unfortunately, for many Americans and those who were on the PROSECUTION( Just in case you don't know what this means, this is the team who wants the bad guy in jail, aka Zimmerman) thought this little bit of information was not in their best interest.

Not only did they not like this piece of information, they concealed it from the Defense.

Now ask yourself a simple question, a very simple one. If i can paraphrase what you said "kids do this stuff all the time" if they do this all the time, and if this is typical teen behavior; why would the PROSECUTION not give this piece of information to the defense?

Hmmm... I wonder why.
Which is why it should be locked.

:lol: at Obama being elected proving that there isn't racism. That invisible backpack at work again all while in the safe confines of his suburban home. People aren't mad about black on blacm crime? Do you even venture into the city you keep bringing up? People wanted the national guard to step in to curb the violence. Shows how much you pay attention to what's going on in your backyard.
Wow . . . 
wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.
It's not about being brave, it's about doing the right thing and the right thing was to call the cops on the 17 year old kid with some snacks (

I don't consider it brave for a dude to assault someone with a gun when all the other dude has is some candy and tea.

As a matter of fact, dude was STILL getting his *** beat as a MMA trained 29 year old by a skinny 17 year old kid.
. Says a lot about why he tried to pursue a career in law enforcement, got a gun, and beat on women.
for the last mutha effin time, there were robberies in the neighborhood and he was on a night watch. He didn't want trayvon to get away while waiting for the cops to show up. He pursued trayvon not to murder him, but to question him. He asked what he was doing, which is legitimate question to a shady kid walking in the middle of the night.

All it takes is one good punch to knock someone out. Trayvon most likely hit him when GZ held him to prevent Trayvon to get away. GZ didnt expect the attack and he was dazed from the hits. I'm 6' 185 lbs, athletic and i work out 5-6 days a week. If I get hit with a good punch by a skinny kid, im gonna get knocked out as well.

I gave some dude a concussion during a fight when I was 150 lb soaking wet, so size doesnt matter.
1. How was Trayvon shady? Wearing a hoodie in the winter?

2. If a grown man who isn't the police is following me I'm gonna assume he's not coming up to say hey. He could be trying to rob, abduct, jump, and even in Trayvon's case being as Zimmerman is almost twice Martin's age, dude could have been trying to rape him. So if someone is following me at night and isn't a cop, I'm definitely going to be confrontational and not going to be far from hitting him, and especially if he "holds" me like you just described.
1. Yes. Wearing a hoody is very suspect. I look shady when I'm wearing a hoody and im korean.

2. Trayvon asked GM why was he following him. GZ responded what was he doing. And this is when Trayvon probably tried to walk away and GZ held him to prevent him from going anywhere until the cops show up (keep in mind there were robberies in the neighborhood and trayvon is not a familiar face in the neighborhood). Trayvon attacked him first. But I know what u mean because I would have probably attacked if someone grabbed me. BUT, I wouldn't have banged his head against the concrete floor when the guy is already down. I would have ran after hitting him.

Sucks that we dont know what really happened. We can only go by the provided evidence and witnesses, along with the lawyers. Maybe if trayvon's family got better lawyers, they could have won and changed my mind. Like I said from previous posts, I was on Trayvon's side, but after watching the trials for 2 weeks, I changed my mind.
and you think that's ok?  GZ did what he should have done if he thought Martin was suspicious by calling and reporting.  It should have ended there
i thought GZ shouldnt have held him, but I can understand why.

I thought Trayvon shouldnt have attacked him, but I can understand why.

But one thing that I disagree with was when Trayvon kept pummeling and banged GZ's head on the concrete floor when he's already down. Trayvon did have some sorta hatred towards white people because he said something about 'crackers', even though GZ wasnt white.
I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal.
Wow . . . ​
wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.
It's not about being brave, it's about doing the right thing and the right thing was to call the cops on the 17 year old kid with some snacks (
I don't consider it brave for a dude to assault someone with a gun when all the other dude has is some candy and tea.​
As a matter of fact, dude was STILL getting his *** beat as a MMA trained 29 year old by a skinny 17 year old kid.
. Says a lot about why he tried to pursue a career in law enforcement, got a gun, and beat on women.​
for the last mutha effin time, there were robberies in the neighborhood and he was on a night watch. He didn't want trayvon to get away while waiting for the cops to show up. He pursued trayvon not to murder him, but to question him. He asked what he was doing, which is legitimate question to a shady kid walking in the middle of the night.

All it takes is one good punch to knock someone out. Trayvon most likely hit him when GZ held him to prevent Trayvon to get away. GZ didnt expect the attack and he was dazed from the hits. I'm 6' 185 lbs, athletic and i work out 5-6 days a week. If I get hit with a good punch by a skinny kid, im gonna get knocked out as well.

I gave some dude a concussion during a fight when I was 150 lb soaking wet, so size doesnt matter.
1. How was Trayvon shady? Wearing a hoodie in the winter?
2. If a grown man who isn't the police is following me I'm gonna assume he's not coming up to say hey. He could be trying to rob, abduct, jump, and even in Trayvon's case being as Zimmerman is almost twice Martin's age, dude could have been trying to rape him. So if someone is following me at night and isn't a cop, I'm definitely going to be confrontational and not going to be far from hitting him, and especially if he "holds" me like you just described.​

1. Yes. Wearing a hoody is very suspect. I look shady when I'm wearing a hoody and im korean.

2. Trayvon asked GM why was he following him. GZ responded what was he doing. And this is when Trayvon probably tried to walk away and GZ held him to prevent him from going anywhere until the cops show up (keep in mind there were robberies in the neighborhood and trayvon is not a familiar face in the neighborhood). Trayvon attacked him first. But I know what u mean because I would have probably attacked if someone grabbed me. BUT, I wouldn't have banged his head against the concrete floor when the guy is already down. I would have ran after hitting him.

Sucks that we dont know what really happened. We can only go by the provided evidence and witnesses, along with the lawyers. Maybe if trayvon's family got better lawyers, they could have won and changed my mind. Like I said from previous posts, I was on Trayvon's side, but after watching the trials for 2 weeks, I changed my mind.
You should have took the stand.
never. i didnt know anything about the case. I was watching the case for the past 2 weeks and I visualized what happened that night as I kept watching. Either GZ's lawyers were really good or Trayvon's lawyers suck. Who knows what really happened.
So that's why he called the police and told him his location?
"Hey yo I'm about to rape this boy, I'm at coordinates x and coordinate z, meet me there at 4? Okay it's a date"

Zimcoward supporters seem justified in their conclusions about who Trayvon Martin was based on [COLOR=#red]supposed photographs.
So why can't I form conclusions based on the fact I know Zimcoward is a murderer?
By the way, how many SNs do you have?
You came back pretty quick.[/COLOR]
This is a damn shame :smh:

I really don't understand how some people think that Trayvon should have just walked away and gone home. He was TRYING to. How this man is going home and sleeping in his own bed tonight is beyond me....:smh:
I read the article.

Why do you believe he was telling the truth?

Lol, ladies and gentleman. This is undoubtedly the face of Trayvon supporters.

And to your question, he was IT Director of the prosecution, which should of been pretty evident from the 100 word article.

I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal.
This thread just gets worse and worse. Dudes just saying anything.
No...im not just saying anything. It's very honorable for a random person to volunteer to go on a night watch for their neighborhood and approaching a potential criminal. Stop making me seem like i called GZ brave for approaching trayvon with the intention of murdering him.
Which is why it should be locked.

at Obama being elected proving that there isn't racism. That invisible backpack at work again all while in the safe confines of his suburban home. People aren't mad about black on blacm crime? Do you even venture into the city you keep bringing up? People wanted the national guard to step in to curb the violence. Shows how much you pay attention to what's going on in your backyard.
Puhleese, the Obama line is pure stupidity but the Black on Black line does carry some weight, there would never be national coverage for Black on Black, the media only covers White on White, Black on White or vice versa..
Which is why it should be locked.

:lol: at Obama being elected proving that there isn't racism. That invisible backpack at work again all while in the safe confines of his suburban home. People aren't mad about black on blacm crime? Do you even venture into the city you keep bringing up? People wanted the national guard to step in to curb the violence. Shows how much you pay attention to what's going on in your backyard.

They need to say THEY don't care, instead of saying YOU don't care. And they're probably upset for having to hear about this case, and that's why they've come out in force in defense of Zimmerman. Many of us stay in, beside or have to deal with it every day, but we don't care about it :lol:

View media item 494458
But I digress, I forgot they know us better than we know ourselves :rolleyes
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1. Yes. Wearing a hoody is very suspect. I look shady when I'm wearing a hoody and im korean.

2. Trayvon asked GM why was he following him. GZ responded what was he doing. And this is when Trayvon probably tried to walk away and GZ held him to prevent him from going anywhere until the cops show up (keep in mind there were robberies in the neighborhood and trayvon is not a familiar face in the neighborhood). Trayvon attacked him first. But I know what u mean because I would have probably attacked if someone grabbed me. BUT, I wouldn't have banged his head against the concrete floor when the guy is already down. I would have ran after hitting him.

Sucks that we dont know what really happened. We can only go by the provided evidence and witnesses, along with the lawyers. Maybe if trayvon's family got better lawyers, they could have won and changed my mind. Like I said from previous posts, I was on Trayvon's side, but after watching the trials for 2 weeks, I changed my mind.

You just would just run after hitting him? Like he wouldn't chase you? Or what if he had a gun like in this situation and shot you while you ran? Be realistic. At this point you are fighting for your life.
They need to say THEY don't care, instead of saying YOU don't care. And they're probably upset for having to hear about this case, and that's why they've come out in force in defense of Zimmerman. Many of us stay beside and have to deal with it every day, but we don't care about it

But I digress, I forgot they know us better than we know ourselves
Yo so were you so emotional the last time another black man killed another black man in your neighborhood? Did you post a niketalk thread about it? Riot about it? Use social media to team up about it? Petition to the govt about it? Camp outside the courthouse about it?

Sit your hypocrite self down.
Zimmerman followed him

Trayvon attacked him

Zimmerman shot to defend.

Those are the facts. From a judicial standpoint, you can't put a man in jail based on those details. Should he have went, on a moral standpoint, yes.

Someone close the thread. People are slowly turning into e-savages.
I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal.
Wow . . . ​

wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.
It's not about being brave, it's about doing the right thing and the right thing was to call the cops on the 17 year old kid with some snacks ( :rolleyes ).​
I don't consider it brave for a dude to assault someone with a gun when all the other dude has is some candy and tea.​
As a matter of fact, dude was STILL getting his *** beat as a MMA trained 29 year old by a skinny 17 year old kid. :rofl: . Says a lot about why he tried to pursue a career in law enforcement, got a gun, and beat on women.​

for the last mutha effin time, there were robberies in the neighborhood and he was on a night watch. He didn't want trayvon to get away while waiting for the cops to show up. He pursued trayvon not to murder him, but to question him. He asked what he was doing, which is legitimate question to a shady kid walking in the middle of the night.

All it takes is one good punch to knock someone out. Trayvon most likely hit him when GZ held him to prevent Trayvon to get away. GZ didnt expect the attack and he was dazed from the hits. I'm 6' 185 lbs, athletic and i work out 5-6 days a week. If I get hit with a good punch by a skinny kid, im gonna get knocked out as well.

I gave some dude a concussion during a fight when I was 150 lb soaking wet, so size doesnt matter.

It was 7:30pm! And it was raining, thats why he was wearing a hoody!

a guy wearing a hoody looks very suspect. I get strange looks from old folks when I'm wearing a hoody in the middle of the night.

I shouldnt say middle of the night....more like evening? Sunset? Still night time either way. 


lol i dont know if you're joking or not. A person with a hoody looks shady...unless it's a cute petite girl wearing a hoody and booty shorts lookin all cute and sexy, then that's a different story.

A person cant wear a hoody in the rain? :lol:
Zimcoward supporters seem justified in their conclusions about who Trayvon Martin was based on supposed photographs.
So why can't I form conclusions based on the fact I know Zimcoward is a murderer?
By the way, how many SNs do you have?
You came back pretty quick.
I needed to respond to your post. 

Supposed photographs? So that wasn't Trayvon in those photos? LOL

How is Zimmerman a murderer again? Proof?
1. Yes. Wearing a hoody is very suspect. I look shady when I'm wearing a hoody and im korean.

2. Trayvon asked GM why was he following him. GZ responded what was he doing. And this is when Trayvon probably tried to walk away and GZ held him to prevent him from going anywhere until the cops show up (keep in mind there were robberies in the neighborhood and trayvon is not a familiar face in the neighborhood). Trayvon attacked him first. But I know what u mean because I would have probably attacked if someone grabbed me. BUT, I wouldn't have banged his head against the concrete floor when the guy is already down. I would have ran after hitting him.

Sucks that we dont know what really happened. We can only go by the provided evidence and witnesses, along with the lawyers. Maybe if trayvon's family got better lawyers, they could have won and changed my mind. Like I said from previous posts, I was on Trayvon's side, but after watching the trials for 2 weeks, I changed my mind.
You just would just run after hitting him? Like he wouldn't chase you? Or what if he had a gun like in this situation and shot you while you ran? Be realistic. At this point you are fighting for your life.
Exactly I was done there.

Dude thought he was just gonna punch him and Zimmerman was just gonna take his gun and go home like "Welp I guess he got me"
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