R.I.P Trayvon

read what i wrote. a person wearing a hoody looks shady no matter what the weather is. And im gonna be 10000% honest, a blk guy wearing a hoody looks more shady than a white guy wearing a hoody. But despite what the race is, a guy wearing a hoody looks shady.

inb4 i get called racist.
Reported. I don't care, this is awful.
how is it awful? are u black? am i being a racist?

i swear man...always the race card being pulled. Im korean and it's like saying i would get more scared if an asian lady is driving next to me than a blk lady driving next to me, but despite what the race is, i get nervous when a lady is driving next to me.

Sorry I grew up in the bronx and I got jumped by thugs who happened to be blk. SDo blk ppl in hoodys are more terrifying to me. Is that still awful?

Same thing as in I got in a head on collision/hit and run from a lady and most near car accidents with people who happened to be females.

Stop pulling the race card. I'm not being a racist and lol at reporting me.
Dude, you've been on this site for a while, so i'm guessing you're not a child, for your sake I hope all this ******** you're talking is just you

trying to ruffle feathers....  I pray you never run into a hoodie wearing black kid minding his own ******g business because you might have a heart attack and die

but hey, they'll probably lock the kid up for it..
lol right. im gonna be scared of every blk kid wearing a hoody.

If im in the bronx and it's dark outside, and a blk guy is wearing a hoody....im gonna keep my eye on him. That's just how i grew up in the bronx. I'll keep an eye out on any guy wearing a hoody during night time if im in the ghetto.

But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist) and im not trying to rustle anyone's feathers. It's the truth and I guess it came out wrong. I have blk friends and I gotta admit, we all joke around with each other's races.

I've been bullied and harassed due to my race so much that racist comments do not really affect me. I just ignore it since racism will never die, so u just gotta learn to accept stereotypes, prejudices, and jokes. People have their own opinions like asians cant drive, asians eat their pets so dont let them pet your dogs, etc. Stop pulling the race card buddy. If you're black and I met u on the street and u seem chill, I'm not gonna make any assumptions that you're a criminal. If you're black, wearing XXL white tee with baggy jeans and look like a straight up thug, that obviously im gonna make assumptions to keep my eye on u like anyone else would. 
Reported. I don't care, this is awful.
Jesus...how is what he said anything BUT racist?
If I was racist, wouldn't I hate black people in general?

So I guess it was racist when I asked a lonely blk kid in the bball courts to come shoot around with me and I was giving him some pointers and running some drills with him. Then I told him to keep shooting around and stay in the court, so I could quickly run to the bodega and get some gatorades for us.

Racist huh?
so he was lonely cause he was black?...and he couldn't afford his own gatorade?
he was some blk kid wandering around the courts by himself watching ppl play basketball. I was shooting by myself, so i asked him to come and join me. He was like 9 yrs old i think and he didnt have any money. It's wrong for me to buy him drinks?
If im in the bronx and it's dark outside, and a blk guy is wearing a hoody....im gonna keep my eye on him. That's just how i grew up in the bronx. I'll keep an eye out on any guy wearing a hoody during night time if im in the ghetto.

But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist)

........................If you're black, wearing XXL white tee with baggy jeans and look like a straight up thug, that obviously im gonna make assumptions to keep my eye on u like anyone else would. 

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and what happend to my avi? That was from one of my favorite movies...which happened to be boyz n the hood.

But i guess it's racist because it's the scene when ricky got shot.....
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how is it awful? are u black? am i being a racist?

i swear man...always the race card being pulled. Im korean and it's like saying i would get more scared if an asian lady is driving next to me than a blk lady driving next to me, but despite what the race is, i get nervous when a lady is driving next to me.

Sorry I grew up in the bronx and I got jumped by thugs who happened to be blk. So blk ppl in hoodys are more terrifying to me. Is that still awful?

Same thing as in I got in a head on collision/hit and run from a lady and most near car accidents with people who happened to be females.

Stop pulling the race card. I'm not being a racist and lol at reporting me.
A wise man told me don't argue with fools...
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If im in the bronx and it's dark outside, and a blk guy is wearing a hoody....im gonna keep my eye on him. That's just how i grew up in the bronx. I'll keep an eye out on any guy wearing a hoody during night time if im in the ghetto.

But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist)

........................If you're black, wearing XXL white tee with baggy jeans and look like a straight up thug, that obviously im gonna make assumptions to keep my eye on u like anyone else would. 
whats so funny?
black people should blame themselves. take some personal responsibility. why is this a big deal when they overlook chicago?
My patience is gone.

just because YOU only pay attention to Chicago when it's on the news, DOES NOT mean that people who live in Chicago and Urban cities everywhere are not trying to clean the streets through means you know NOTHING ABOUT.

EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE ISSUE before you even whisper on the subject, champ. Your comment unearths your ignorance on the topic

You know nothing about the inner city or what goes on there, unless you want to try and help,  KEEP IT MOVING

Cats in here talking about Chicago, Whats Chicago got to do with anything in this case.

Its way to distract you from the Martin/Zimmerman case

They want to incite apathy

Because there's so many bad things that happen in the world, its impossible to pay attention to them all. So they want to just give up and not think about any of them
how is it awful? are u black? am i being a racist?

i swear man...always the race card being pulled. Im korean and it's like saying i would get more scared if an asian lady is driving next to me than a blk lady driving next to me, but despite what the race is, i get nervous when a lady is driving next to me.

Sorry I grew up in the bronx and I got jumped by thugs who happened to be blk. So blk ppl in hoodys are more terrifying to me. Is that still awful?

Same thing as in I got in a head on collision/hit and run from a lady and most near car accidents with people who happened to be females.

Stop pulling the race card. I'm not being a racist and lol at reporting me.
I was gonna blast you but I'll just say perhaps you are using 1 personal experience to frame the descendants of an entire continent which could lead to sample size errors or being brainwashed by the mass media.  
lol nope not at all. u didnt read my posts, so i understand where you're coming from.

I got into many altercations with blk thugs, even one when I got stuck up. Till this day, I am deathly afraid of guns. Just a few weeks ago, one of my friends showed me his gun because he got licensed to carry one. I jumped out of the seat and ran out of the room.

I'm not judging the 'descendants of an entire continent', so dont put words in my mouth. If a guy is dressed as a thug, then I will make assumptions and keep an eye on him. Plain and simple, so dont twist my words around.
and what happend to my avi? That was from one of my favorite movies...which happened to be boyz n the hood.

But i guess it's racist because it's the scene when ricky got shot.....
If im in the bronx and it's dark outside, and a blk guy is wearing a hoody....im gonna keep my eye on him. That's just how i grew up in the bronx. I'll keep an eye out on any guy wearing a hoody during night time if im in the ghetto.

But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist)

........................If you're black, wearing XXL white tee with baggy jeans and look like a straight up thug, that obviously im gonna make assumptions to keep my eye on u like anyone else would. 
 ok, we're done here folks, you see what you're dealing with, no need to further engage...

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Like I stated weeks ago.

Y'all want to be mad? Get mad at the state of Florida and there lenient gun laws and self defense laws. While you're at it, get mad at other states with the same types of laws.

This case was doomed weeks ago when the Prosecution decided to build a case around Murder instead of manslaughter. Did the prosecution do a good job of convincing me that George Zimmerman is a creepy wannabe cop who killed Trayvon Martin? - Yes.

But according to Florida law did the prosecution convince, beyond a reasonable doubt; that it wasn't self defense? - Hell No, not according to Florida law.

Any other West coast, Midwest, or North-Eastern state - Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter at least, easy. But y'all have to put your emotions aside and realize that it was extremely difficult to convict GZ of Murder according to Florida state law. (Do your research)

Take it from me. As a gun owner in Florida and a North-Eastern state, it's a completely different world. Southern states and the rest of America are different countries when it comes to gun laws and self-defense. Get Mad at that, don't get mad at the verdict because you're emotionally invested.

Don't know what else to say, it was a pretty easy case for the defense to win - according to Florida laws.
This minority's humble opinion, nothing more:

George Zimmerman, the wannabe cop, SHOULD NOT have followed/harassed Trayvon;

HOWEVER, by the same token, Trayvon SHOULD NOT have chosen to stop, turn around, and pick a fight (as, I believe, the evidence suggests) if he wasn't prepared to accept the potential consequence(s) of any fight (which include death). He should have avoided the confrontation and kept walking. If you're worried, call the cops.

They say he was close to his house. Why didn't he just keep walking? Why did he choose to be a tough guy when he was so close to the safety of his home?

If someone is on top of me, beating me to a pulp and I have a gun, best believe I'm blasting off -- why would I not?

Both made bad (albeit not illegal) decisions. George is wrong for initiating the conflict but Trayvon would probably still be alive if he had responded in a more sensible way.

I'm Mexican, if it matters.

P.S. "White hispanic" is a joke. That guy doesn't look white to me.
*flame suit

Trayvon Martin "lost" Zimmerman but eventually Zimmerman caught up to him and confronted him.

Should he have to continually run like a coward?

You're Mexican, you should know about profiling especially in Arizona
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This minority's humble opinion, nothing more:

George Zimmerman, the wannabe cop, SHOULD NOT have followed/harassed Trayvon;

HOWEVER, by the same token, Trayvon SHOULD NOT have chosen to stop, turn around, and pick a fight (as, I believe, the evidence suggests) if he wasn't prepared to accept the potential consequence(s) of any fight (which include death). He should have avoided the confrontation and kept walking. If you're worried, call the cops.

They say he was close to his house. Why didn't he just keep walking? Why did he choose to be a tough guy when he was so close to the safety of his home?

If someone is on top of me, beating me to a pulp and I have a gun, best believe I'm blasting off -- why would I not?

Both made bad (albeit not illegal) decisions. George is wrong for initiating the conflict but Trayvon would probably still be alive if he had responded in a more sensible way.

I'm Mexican, if it matters.

P.S. "White hispanic" is a joke. That guy doesn't look white to me.

*flame suit


What evidence suggest martin turned back ?
How can evidence show someone walking back?
Do they have his shoe print going a certain way then reverting back.

He was close to his house, because he was running home and Zimmerman was following him.

He was found not guilty
But his story still makes no sense, and you dont need a verdict to see his story was not lined up with real physical evidence (gun, blood)
and what happend to my avi? That was from one of my favorite movies...which happened to be boyz n the hood.

But i guess it's racist because it's the scene when ricky got shot.....
If im in the bronx and it's dark outside, and a blk guy is wearing a hoody....im gonna keep my eye on him. That's just how i grew up in the bronx. I'll keep an eye out on any guy wearing a hoody during night time if im in the ghetto.

But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist)

........................If you're black, wearing XXL white tee with baggy jeans and look like a straight up thug, that obviously im gonna make assumptions to keep my eye on u like anyone else would. 
 ok, we're done here folks, you see what you're dealing with, no need to further engage...

cool im glad u came to a conclusion that im not a racist.
This minority's humble opinion, nothing more:

George Zimmerman, the wannabe cop, SHOULD NOT have followed/harassed Trayvon;

HOWEVER, by the same token, Trayvon SHOULD NOT have chosen to stop, turn around, and pick a fight (as, I believe, the evidence suggests) if he wasn't prepared to accept the potential consequence(s) of any fight (which include death). He should have avoided the confrontation and kept walking. If you're worried, call the cops.

They say he was close to his house. Why didn't he just keep walking? Why did he choose to be a tough guy when he was so close to the safety of his home?

If someone is on top of me, beating me to a pulp and I have a gun, best believe I'm blasting off -- why would I not?

Both made bad (albeit not illegal) decisions. George is wrong for initiating the conflict but Trayvon would probably still be alive if he had responded in a more sensible way.

I'm Mexican, if it matters.

P.S. "White hispanic" is a joke. That guy doesn't look white to me.

*flame suit


What evidence suggest martin turned back ?
How can evidence show someone walking back?
Do they have his shoe print going a certain way then reverting back.

He was close to his house, because he was running home and Zimmerman was following him.

He was found not guilty
But his story still makes no sense, and you dont need a verdict to see his story was not lined up with real physical evidence (gun, blood)

yea, there was literally no evidence to corroborate GZ's story of Martin doubling back and attacking him first. As you said, not having enough evidence doesnt mean Zimmerman was telling the truth.

I mean, according to GZ story, Trayvon hid behind impossibly small bushes, and teleported out of nowhere to attack him.
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yea, there was literally no evidence to corroborate GZ's story of Martin doubling back and attacking him first. As you said, not having enough evidence doesn't mean Zimmerman was telling the truth.

I mean, according to GZ story, Trayvon hid behind impossibly small bushes, and teleported out of nowhere to attack him.

I dont want the jurors to ever reveal themselves
But I just want to ask them if they believe GZ lies.

Did they believe him when he said trayvon grabbed the gun
Did they believe he could scream like that with trayvon covering his mouth and blood in his throat.
Did they believe GZ when he said trayvon said " tonight you're going to die.
Did they believe that trayvon had six arms.

I would hope they would tell me they didnt believe those lies
But that, that wasnt enough to convict him.
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Wow, I can't believe all the blatant racism in this thread..Black racism, white racism, hispanic racism..:smh::smh: ..But then again it's NT and everything has to turn into a race issue..I hope we, as a country, can eventually learn to make decisions about a person based on their deeds and not their descendants..Maybe one day..
cool im glad u came to a conclusion that im not a racist.
Maybe you're not, but you continually say blatantly racist things.
IRL im very outspoken and im told by many people that my words can be very harsh and too honest at times. So yes, it's probably the way im saying it that makes it seem like im being racist to u guys.

if it felt that way to u, then im sorry...but im not going to change my perspective on certain groups of people. If I see a asian kid who is dressed like a thug (I used to dress like this back in the day), then im gonna keep my eye on him too. But usually, asian kids who dress thugish wont do anything. It's the loud mouthed asian kids who usually start beef (some asian frat boys, not all). I cant explain it, but they have a certain look to them...just like certain blk ppl who look a certain way are seen as thugs (some who dress thuggish are thugs, but not all).
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