R.I.P Trayvon

na. people cannot take race out of it. leave it there. it stings but it is what it is.

trayvon is alive if he was not black.
trayvon was profiled because of his race.
trayvon had his victim status revoked and zimmerman gained the title of victim in the eyes of more than a few because of race.
the jury of zimmerman's peers were 5 white women, one hispanic (non white?) woman.

IT IS WHAT IT IS. leave it there and let it sting. our lives aren't worth **** and time and time again it shows. at some point we will not take it anymore and fight, LEGALLY.
Bruh I'm as stoic as they come, but the thought of some nutjob taking my nephews' lives as they walk through the neighborhood for no real reason and getting away with it got me tearing up a bit man. I gotta spend time with these lil dudes this summer.
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He didnt say anything about" windows and peering between houses"

The defense brought a witness that testified about a black kid in the area who was stealing.

I believe GZ thought trayvon was this black kid and approached him to apprehend him until the cops came.
damn this is the first time for me listening to this and i gotta say george sounds like a blithering ******g floridiot.  'he's got his hand in his waistband,' oh YEA because that's always suspicious!  a black kid walking around his own neighborhood.  'these ******** always get away,' shooooooo he had his mind made up about trayvon before he eem really knew his skin color.  based on that call alone i'd say lock him up.  he didn't list one damn thing the kid was doing that made him call police.  NOT ONE.  'looks' like he's on drugs?  you can see that?  at night?  when he's wearing a hoodie?  in the rain?!!  
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wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.

You heard of drunk balls? Yeah well gun balls are real too. Incredibly easy to have "balls" when u have that gun on you.
Michael Vick Gets Prison for killing some damn dogs

George Zimmerman Goes Free for killing a black teenage boy

No justice in American
How Zimmerman gonna live life outside of his home? People from all races are going to want this mans head. I personally think George should be jailed for 10 years at the very least. However, alot of people are clueless and have no idea what the exact details are. All ignorant folks see this as a racist act and since Trayvon is Black, the African American community already pasts judgement on Trayvon as an upstanding human being. From what I've seen Trayvon has been suspended numerous times from school, involved in fights at school and busted for marijuana. The kid isn't an angel but should be owe'd justice. Zimmermans team did well.

The trial is over and dudes are showing their true nature through words...
It's cool to have a different opinion but when you( any other ethnicity that's not black/heritage of African blood) can sit hear and tell me how to feel as a black man in America, go somewhere with that non-sense...
Then want to spout what I should feel is more pressing and the classic " I talk to black people and I have black friends" man if I hear that prejudice comment one more time...
Mods you see this is turning into a straight "race" war at this moment, to save NT from going down the drain( clearly i will never respond or have friendly banter with alot of these SN anymore), give this thread a burial...
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The trial is over and dudes are showing their true nature through words...
It's cool to have a different opinion but when you( any other ethnicity that's not black/heritage of African blood) can sit hear and tell me how to feel as a black man in America, go somewhere with that non-sense...
Then want to spout what I should feel is more pressing and the classic " I talk to black people and I have black friends" man if I hear that prejudice comment one more time...
Mods you see this is turning into a straight "race" war at this moment, to save NT from going down the drain( clearly i will never respond or have friendly banter with alot of these SN anymore), give this thread a burial...

The George Zimmerman verdict aftermath thread :lol:
Just watched ann coulter on Fox News, smh I don't know why the hell I did that too myself lmao.
This is pure deflection

Lets say your house is robbed. You lose thousands of dollars. They catch the robber. But hey who cares? Why have a trial? We have bankers and wall street stealing billions of dollars from people. That's what the focus should be.

**** your justice because we have more important things to talk about. I don't see what Chicago killings have to do with a wanna be cop shooting an unarmed person

I honestly think we're desensitized.

There's a much larger problem out there that isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves. 4 people shot in DC over the weekend leaving 2 dead....where's the outrage?

*Where exactly was this case lost for Martin's lawyers?
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This is pure deflection

Lets say your house is robbed. You lose thousands of dollars. They catch the robber. But hey who cares? Why have a trial? We have bankers and wall street stealing billions of dollars from people. That's what the focus should be.

**** your justice because we have more important things to talk about. I don't see what Chicago killings have to do with a wanna be cop shooting an unarmed person

I honestly think we're desensitized.

There's a much larger problem out there that isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves. 4 people shot in DC over the weekend leaving 2 dead....where's the outrage?

*Where exactly was this case lost for Martin's lawyers?

This case was lost when the state allowed a practically all white jury. From there, we knew it was not going to be a fair trial.


As far as outrage in Chicago and DC, there is. I think folks have to realize that if and when the criminals that commit those acts in those cities they get properly dealt with in the court of law, mainly because they tend to be black. However for cases like this one and justice for Trayvon, we don't get it because white people tend to get the benefit of doubt whenever a black person or any other minority is involved.
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lol right. im gonna be scared of every blk kid wearing a hoody.
....But due to my past experiences, a blk guy wearing a hoody is more shady to me (no racist)

I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal. I know I wouldnt have the balls to do that nonsense....maybe if I had a gun, but I most likely wouldn't.

Maybe people keep calling you racist because you say racist things. On top of that, you applaud Zimmerman for not only seeing things the same way you do, but having the courage to do what you wouldn't have had the guts to do. He would have looked "shady" to you and you're happy that George Zimmerman employed your same prejudices.

IRL im very outspoken and im told by many people that my words can be very harsh and too honest at times. So yes, it's probably the way im saying it that makes it seem like im being racist to u guys.
if it felt that way to u, then im sorry...but im not going to change my perspective on certain groups of people.

I hate the whole "know me, know my ways" mentality. You can be "too honest at times?" Just because you are saying things that are beyond ****** up doesn't mean you are being truthful. You can lie to yourself to make yourself feel better by saying "I'm just too honest" all you want. You aren't saying things that people are afraid to say, you are saying things that just aren't true. Also, how "honest" are you being when even your own prejudices have failed you now? Trayvon wasn't doing anything wrong. He wasn't more shady because he was black. He was an unarmed kid walking. What you know to be the "truth" can't negate the facts. Your ignorance doesn't allow you to see the real truth.
I honestly think we're desensitized.

There's a much larger problem out there that isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves. 4 people shot in DC over the weekend leaving 2 dead....where's the outrage?

*Where exactly was this case lost for Martin's lawyers?
 when all four of the separate shooters are found and put on trial make sure to make a thread about each one.  you can rage all you want in them, i'll join you.  until then, this is the trayvon martin thread.  it's about this kid named trayvon martin and some other guy.  neither of them are from DC.  something something something shaddap already.
SMH im at lost for word on this trial. Anyone else think he gained weight to look less innocent? If this was your son how would you feel? And to people saying self defense? This makes it ok for me to follow someone, target them and harass them? SMH at all these soft *** dudes ready to bust when they get their *** beat. Black, white, asian or hispanic. I knew it was a wrap when he didnt get arrested and the jury selection.
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^^gotta love the coded language, follow a "potential criminal" you me, an the other 7 billion people on this planet are "potential criminals" not just a young black kid in Florida. Having the courage as you claim isn't fear, which is kinda part of self defense.

Sadly this won't be the last time a tragic event happens, been several more people killed by needless gunfire across the country since the trial began. Best we can ALL do is work to combat ignorant stereotypes of all people and work to get others to understand that we can't keep living like this. That mentality of Zimmerman is dangerous, and there's millions other out there like that, even worse. Feel for that family, no one should have to bury a child and not have them home when they haven't even begun their life yet.

"Racism still alive, they just be concealin it"
As a parent myself I would be damn if my child was portraying these type of images on a computer I bought, in the house I am paying for on in clothes I bought.


People with the mindstate like you are the ones who raise the thugs and murderers you despise so much. You REALLY think you're gonna be able to control what your kid does on social media like that? Trying to control a teenager at that age will NEVER end well. I know this from experience. Trayvon reminds me of myself so much it's unbelievable. THIS is why I'm so hurt over this whole thing. :smh:


So kids acting like thugs , even if it's just on social media , is ok because it's uncontrollable?

Ive heard it all on NT.
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 when all four of the separate shooters are found and put on trial make sure to make a thread about each one.  you can rage all you want in them, i'll join you.  until then, this is the trayvon martin thread.  it's about this kid named trayvon martin and some other guy.  neither of them are from DC.  something something something shaddap already.

Will do, chief.

Anyways.....what happens to Zimmerman from here on out? You'd have to think he'd relocate. I honestly don't think anyone is going to try to take his life...but from here on out, it's REALLY going to suck to be him. Better get on that p90x and change his name.
Dude, you've been on this site for a while so i'm guessing you're not a child, for your sake I hope all this ******** you're talking is just you
trying to ruffle feathers....  I pray you never run into a hoodie wearing black kid minding his own ******g business because you might have a heart attack and die
but hey, they'll probably lock the kid up for it..
SMFH do you even read what you write??? Certain asians and certain blacks are seen as thugs? You are a joke if you can pre-judge someone before you meet them. In this case you are a total joke especially your comment about a black kid in a hoody and a white kid in a hoody. I'm Korean if that matters...SMH

You are joke for prejudging someone as a criminal based on whether their shirt, jacket or coat was made with a hood on it.
 when all four of the separate shooters are found and put on trial make sure to make a thread about each one.  you can rage all you want in them, i'll join you.  until then, this is the trayvon martin thread.  it's about this kid named trayvon martin and some other guy.  neither of them are from DC.  something something something shaddap already.

Will do, chief.

Anyways.....what happens to Zimmerman from here on out? You'd have to think he'd relocate. I honestly don't think anyone is going to try to take his life...but from here on out, it's REALLY going to suck to be him. Better get on that p90x and change his name.

People have short memories. Especially in this day and age. In a month nobody will remember this.
People have short memories. Especially in this day and age. In a month nobody will remember this.
I fear that this may happen. Maybe this will jump start some kind of change throughout the nation. Hopefully atleast the state Florida will look into that stand your ground law.
Get mad, fight ignorance with more ignorance.

This thread is just too dumb now, piss poor. People will actually read and believe some of this continued ignorance. Lock this up.
Ppl in instagram/fb believe anything, ppl was posting that Obama filed federal charges on Zjmmerman lmaooo come on now
Unfortunately this verdict was almost a sure thing from the beginning. Based on the history of the United States courts and the prosecutions inability to prove their case.

Certainly wasn't their fault though. That case probably should have never gone to trial, and certainly not for murder. If the media never picked it up they may have been more reasonable and gone for a manslaughter charge. They went big for murder and had virtually no shot. Just a losing situation for everyone.
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