R.I.P Trayvon

So no one has any proof on who started the altercation in the first place. Hell, if it was TM in the car and Zim walking around and TM approached him then I would understand. No one wants to address why ZIm is allowed to get out the car and pursue when told not to by LAW ENFORCEMENT. Self Defense should have went out the window right there

"Oh Trayvon has pics of guns, drugs and weed" Revealing that info should actually have hurt Zim's case because it can show that Zim profiled the kid
Unfortunately this verdict was almost a sure thing from the beginning. Based on the history of the United States courts and the prosecutions inability to prove their case.

Certainly wasn't their fault though. That case probably should have never gone to trial, and certainly not for murder. If the media never picked it up they may have been more reasonable and gone for a manslaughter charge. They went big for murder and had virtually no shot. Just a losing situation for everyone.

They went for manslaughter and murder.
So no one has any proof on who started the altercation in the first place. Hell, if it was TM in the car and Zim walking around and TM approached him then I would understand. No one wants to address why ZIm is allowed to get out the car and pursue when told not to by LAW ENFORCEMENT. Self Defense should have went out the window right there

"Oh Trayvon has pics of guns, drugs and weed" Revealing that info should actually have hurt Zim's case because it can show that Zim profiled the kid

Actually it's been addressed about 75 times. 9-1-1 dispatchers are not law enforcement. That suggestion by the dispatcher/operator holds no legal weight.
Unfortunately this verdict was almost a sure thing from the beginning. Based on the history of the United States courts and the prosecutions inability to prove their case.

Certainly wasn't their fault though. That case probably should have never gone to trial, and certainly not for murder. If the media never picked it up they may have been more reasonable and gone for a manslaughter charge. They went big for murder and had virtually no shot. Just a losing situation for everyone.

Prosecution was a joke from day one.

I would have put in a not guilty verdict myself if I was on that jury.
 when all four of the separate shooters are found and put on trial make sure to make a thread about each one.  you can rage all you want in them, i'll join you.  until then, this is the trayvon martin thread.  it's about this kid named trayvon martin and some other guy.  neither of them are from DC.  something something something shaddap already.

Will do, chief.

Anyways.....what happens to Zimmerman from here on out? You'd have to think he'd relocate. I honestly don't think anyone is going to try to take his life...but from here on out, it's REALLY going to suck to be him. Better get on that p90x and change his name.

As for Zimmerman, hopefully something happens to him or a close family member eventually. If and when that happens that will help make things a bit easier.
I honestly think we're desensitized.

There's a much larger problem out there that isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves. 4 people shot in DC over the weekend leaving 2 dead....where's the outrage?

*Where exactly was this case lost for Martin's lawyers?

Why do people keep saying this?

How are you today. Well one of my friends died, so I'm not doing too well. People die every day b, do you care about them?

Something is really wrong with some of you, because instead of trying to understand why they do care. You're telling them that they shouldn't care. Have to love the privilege some of you have.
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Will do, chief.

Anyways.....what happens to Zimmerman from here on out? You'd have to think he'd relocate. I honestly don't think anyone is going to try to take his life...but from here on out, it's REALLY going to suck to be him. Better get on that p90x and change his name.

I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.
I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.

Like I've been saying since day one of this thread

View media item 494626
All over again 20+ years later.
:lol: :lol: at "minorities took another L"

I ain't take no damn L.

Getting worked up over some case that in a week or 2 everyone is gonna move on from and find their next thing to get all political and righteous about.
The irony is that Zimmerman is now worried about a vigilante being crazy or taking justice in to their own hands.

Casey Anthony went into hiding and she had a bunch of soccer moms mad at her. Compare that to the crowd that's pissed at Zimmerman. He needs to get some of those asylum applications from Snowden.
So no one has any proof on who started the altercation in the first place. Hell, if it was TM in the car and Zim walking around and TM approached him then I would understand. No one wants to address why ZIm is allowed to get out the car and pursue when told not to by LAW ENFORCEMENT. Self Defense should have went out the window right there

"Oh Trayvon has pics of guns, drugs and weed" Revealing that info should actually have hurt Zim's case because it can show that Zim profiled the kid

Actually it's been addressed about 75 times. 9-1-1 dispatchers are not law enforcement. That suggestion by the dispatcher/operator holds no legal weight.

Im not saying he should go to jail for not listening to the dispatcher but if he called it in and someone told him to stay put, police will be on there way and he ignored, then how can he come out now saying " i was defending myself"

All of this could have been avoided if ZIm showed he had a gun on him or told TM that he had a gun on him. Would trayvon have attacked a bigger guy with a gun on him?
Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, there should be no sympathy for him.

Riggggght but wishing bad on a friend or family member of GZ is completely normal. :stoneface:

How would you feel if you knew or where related to Trayvon??

The same way I felt in the past when friends and acquaintances and family members have been killed naturally or unnaturally. Devastated. What does that have to do with anything? I wasn't calling for the heads of the perp's FAMILY though :smh:

That's deranged.
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What this case is about

A dead child that didn't live to see his 18th birthday, go to the prom or his high school graduation...and family and friends grieving forever
I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.

I definitely agree with that last point. He got fat so he would look less threatening. Worked like a charm.
Im not saying he should go to jail for not listening to the dispatcher but if he called it in and someone told him to stay put, police will be on there way and he ignored, then how can he come out now saying " i was defending myself"

All of this could have been avoided if ZIm showed he had a gun on him or told TM that he had a gun on him. Would trayvon have attacked a bigger guy with a gun on him?

If I believe someone is in danger I am not waiting for the police to come...who knows how long that would be?

The real question is why would Zimmerman go up to him and pick a fight with him and then shoot him if he knew the police were coming?
I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.

I definitely agree with that last point. He got fat so he would look less threatening. Worked like a charm.

especially when you have a gym owner saying how incompetent Zimmerman was at fighting. Like, it would be dismissed if Zimmerman was a hulking mass of muscle. And maybe its me, but he looked like he got a tan compared to the videos of when the crime happened last year
 when all four of the separate shooters are found and put on trial make sure to make a thread about each one.  you can rage all you want in them, i'll join you.  until then, this is the trayvon martin thread.  it's about this kid named trayvon martin and some other guy.  neither of them are from DC.  something something something shaddap already.

Will do, chief.

Anyways.....what happens to Zimmerman from here on out? You'd have to think he'd relocate. I honestly don't think anyone is going to try to take his life...but from here on out, it's REALLY going to suck to be him. Better get on that p90x and change his name.

As for Zimmerman, hopefully something happens to him or a close family member eventually. If and when that happens that will help make things a bit easier.

If I believe someone is in danger I am not waiting for the police to come...who knows how long that would be?

The real question is why would Zimmerman go up to him and pick a fight with him and then shoot him if he knew the police were coming?
thatescalatedquickly.jpg is pretty much why.  guy thinks he's ******g john mclain, trailing hanz gruber and ****.  gets too close tryna play hero cop, scares boy, fight response, scuffle ensues, gun gets fired.  it's truly not that hard to figure out.
Goetz said its the same thing. But one of his biggest supporters disagrees with him apparently

“Bernie couldn’t be more totally wrong,” said Sliwa. “He needs to chase some squirrels in the park. This has nothing at all to do with him, nothing in common.

“Bernie Goetz is Charles Bronson in Death Wish,” said Sliwa. “He had enough, and Darrell Cabey represented every guy who had tried to mug him before. George Zimmerman is Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver. He’s a nut. He’s a complete nut job who thinks he’s on a ‘mission,’ and this young black man ended up on his radar screen, and then dead.

“Because I deal with the wannabes who want to join the Guardian Angels, I see right away what this guy Zimmerman is: a self-appointed guardian. It’s him determining who is and is not a threat. Forget laws, forget standards, forget the police. Goetz had already been victimized, thrown thru a plate-glass window (in an attemped day-time robbery on Canal Street in 1981). When the four guys began to surround him on the train, to do that dance that many of us were used to back then, when the predators would sniff you out and maybe they’d rob you but they would empower themselves and you’d be completely emasculated and realize there’s nothing you can do if these guy pounce––but this time he got the jump.”

Those trying to suggest Martin was likewise some sort of thug who brought on his own death because he smoked marijuana or bragged with friends about fighting, “they should impale themselves," said Sliwa. "Here’s a kid, goes out at half-time to get Skittles and iced tea, puts his hoodie on because it’s starting to rain, doesn’t say anything to anybody, isn’t eye-fornicating anybody, just minding his own business. He doesn’t have a M.O. He doesn’t do home invasions. What the hell are you following this kid for? Goddamn right he fights back. The same law that says you can stand and defend yourself in Florida—Martin is defending himself against a guy approaching him with a gun and confronting him.”

I don't think you can compare 80s manhattato a gated community. But the biggest difference is that Zimmerman got out of his car. This guy was in a closed space in a subway at a time where the murder rate was 3 times as high as it is now

It's a interesting comparison though. I've heard that name but Ive never read that story. Happened a few years before I was born. Apparently this guy served 6 months. And no odd died. But one was paralyzed.

The hero factor is identical. I'll give u that.
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