R.I.P Trayvon

OJ Simpson Approves Of This Verdict

Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, there should be no sympathy for him.

Riggggght but wishing bad on a friend or family member of GZ is completely normal. :stoneface:

How would you feel if you knew or where related to Trayvon??

The same way I felt in the past when friends and acquaintances and family members have been killed naturally or unnaturally. Devastated. What does that have to do with anything? I wasn't calling for the heads of the perp's FAMILY though :smh:

That's deranged.

I ain't call for nobodies head, so you can chill on that point. I was trying to get you to understand that if a person killed a family member or friends of yours, and was still walking free how would you feel??
thatescalatedquickly.jpg is pretty much why.  guy thinks he's ******g john mclain, trailing hanz gruber and ****.  gets too close tryna play hero cop, scares boy, fight response, scuffle ensues, gun gets fired.  it's truly not that hard to figure out.

Which is exactly why he got off.

What you just described was how the Judge told the jury to interpret the law and by that they interpreted correctly.

We can debate the interpretation of the law but the jury did their jobs here.
its not the verdict from a law standpoint that makes me feel a certain way, its that i cant find or think of an example when this kind of justice was available to minorities, history tells us that if the kid was a white american and the defendant a minority he or she would not been found innocent. that is whats messed up. the justice being served is not the same for all americans. that's the real problem this trail is exposing.
:lol: :lol: at "minorities took another L"

I ain't take no damn L.

Getting worked up over some case that in a week or 2 everyone is gonna move on from and find their next thing to get all political and righteous about.

Speak for yourself

We have a long line of martyrs

I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.

I didn't think about that
OJ Simpson Approves Of This Verdict

I said that to someone.

People will quick to point out Zimmerman's innocent now. Who else killed Trayvon?

For twenty years hardly anyone has said that OJ is innocent.

The justice people convicts innocent people and let's guilty people free all the time. It doesn't make them any less guilty. Just according to a court of law. He still has blood on his hands.
its not the verdict from a law standpoint that makes me feel a certain way, its that i cant find or think of an example when this kind of justice was available to minorities, history tells us that if the kid was a white american and the defendant a minority he or she would not been found innocent. that is whats messed up. the justice being served is not the same for all americans. that's the real problem this trail is exposing.

OJ Simspon? or is that only because he was famous?

The justice people convicts innocent people and let's guilty people free all the time. It doesn't make them any less guilty. Just according to a court of law. He still has blood on his hands.

Very true.

Zimmerman will still suffer many consequences from this because of his actions. Its not like his life is going to be peaches and cream from now on.
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I ain't call for nobodies head

I'm sorry. You said "hopefully something happens to him or a close family member eventually. If and when that happens that will help make things a bit easier." You probably just meant you hope Zimmerman's mom loses her cell phone or something. Yeah, that's probably what you meant by "something." :lol:

I was trying to get you to understand that if a person killed a family member or friends of yours, and was still walking free how would you feel??

It has happened to me. 2006... Friend was street fighting two kids, one at a time in a back-to-back type of deal. Whooped the first 1. Second kid decides to pull a knife and stab my friend once in the heart 4 1/2" deep. He didn't even know what happened after being stabbed. Just collapsed and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

Kid who did was found not guilty, self-defense, even though he willingly engaged in a fistfight and pulled a shiv because he was losing.

And I like you was upset about the verdict. However, unlike you, I wasn't wishing ill-fate on his grandma and girl. That's just :smh:
How are people willing to murder zimmerman, yet are going belligerent on how he was found innocent...... Hypocrites everywhere
I was reading the comments on CNN yesterday and :smh: but a lot of those racist bastards on there was saying this verdict is payback for the OJ trial.

I wanted to sign up and say what about all of the past trials and verdicts that minorities got shafted on before OJ Simpson trial, but people like that will never change their outlook on anything so I just let it be.

Stormfront probably crashed when that verdict was read.
I ain't call for nobodies head

I'm sorry. You said "hopefully something happens to him or a close family member eventually. If and when that happens that will help make things a bit easier." You probably just meant you hope Zimmerman's mom loses her cell phone or something. Yeah, that's probably what you meant by "something." :lol:

I was trying to get you to understand that if a person killed a family member or friends of yours, and was still walking free how would you feel??

It has happened to me. 2006... Friend was street fighting two kids, one at a time in a back-to-back type of deal. Whooped the first 1. Second kid decides to pull a knife and stab my friend once in the heart 4 1/2" deep. He didn't even know what happened after being stabbed. Just collapsed and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

Kid who did was found not guilty, self-defense, even though he willingly engaged in a fistfight and pulled a shiv because he was losing.

And I like you was upset about the verdict. However, unlike you, I wasn't wishing ill-fate on his grandma and girl. That's just :smh:

Sorry to hear about the death of your friend, and thanks for opening up about a story that close to you. As for Zimmerman and his family, it is what it is. Can't stand that close with someone that has a target on their back.
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Sorry to hear about the death of your friend, and thanks for opening up about a story that close to you. As for Zimmerman and his family, it is what it is. Can't stand that close with someone that has a target on their back.

Appreciate it. The real fight isn't with Zimmerman anymore. It should be attacking the flawed FL (and similar states) laws and attacking the inherently racist justice system. There's bigger fish to fry than George Zimmerman the individual.
people keep saying they wouldn't be able to find him guilty of Murder 2 either

but forget he was charged with Murder 2 and manslaughter

how is he not guilty of manslaughter? I don't get it :smh: :smh: it seemed so clear cut, women are heartless and that jury selection was full of ****
this is so terrible and sad.... they won, they can gloat..... a black boy is dead but the "justice system did its job"......  laws and morals are not the same thing....
It has happened to me. 2006... Friend was street fighting two kids, one at a time in a back-to-back type of deal. Whooped the first 1. Second kid decides to pull a knife and stab my friend once in the heart 4 1/2" deep. He didn't even know what happened after being stabbed. Just collapsed and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

Kid who did was found not guilty, self-defense, even though he willingly engaged in a fistfight and pulled a shiv because he was losing.

And I like you was upset about the verdict. However, unlike you, I wasn't wishing ill-fate on his grandma and girl. That's just
Moral of the story?

Almost always it's smarter to back down. You just don't know what the other person is planning/thinking.

Too many people are too quick to fight sans weapons because they figure nothing too bad can happen. Reality tells you otherwise.
its not the verdict from a law standpoint that makes me feel a certain way, its that i cant find or think of an example when this kind of justice was available to minorities, history tells us that if the kid was a white american and the defendant a minority he or she would not been found innocent. that is whats messed up. the justice being served is not the same for all americans. that's the real problem this trail is exposing.
OJ Simspon? or is that only because he was famous?
The justice people convicts innocent people and let's guilty people free all the time. It doesn't make them any less guilty. Just according to a court of law. He still has blood on his hands.
Very true.

Zimmerman will still suffer many consequences from this because of his actions. Its not like his life is going to be peaches and cream from now on.
I'm not only referring to race when i say minorities, its class to. OJ had the rare advantage of using the best lawyers money could buy. without it he would probably serve the same fate as others. which by the way i wish he would, i don't doubt for a second that he did it and its a shame that justice wasn't served that day.
stop bringing up O.J.

this is how murder trials work.

without concrete evidence it all goes to hell, it's called a 'reasonable doubt' fellas.
if your family was going through a murder case and they couldn't find the weapon, you'd hope for an acquittal too.
Sorry to hear about the death of your friend, and thanks for opening up about a story that close to you. As for Zimmerman and his family, it is what it is. Can't stand that close with someone that has a target on their back.

Appreciate it. The real fight isn't with Zimmerman anymore. It should be attacking the flawed FL (and similar states) laws and attacking the inherently racist justice system. There's bigger fish to fry than George Zimmerman the individual.

I agree with your statement and fight on the laws and justice system.
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