R.I.P Trayvon

OJ Simspon? or is that only because he was famous?
Very true.

Zimmerman will still suffer many consequences from this because of his actions. Its not like his life is going to be peaches and cream from now on.
Zimmerman and his family will be fine. NBC and the rest of the media will be paying for their retirements soon for their shameful and biased media coverage (example: editing his 911 call).
Damn I was hoping he was guilty, so he can get killed like them 8 people in breaking bad 8th episode of 5th season..... And what really pissed me off is he walking out a free man and a richer man ... Yall remember he got funds donated... Must be nice having a white judge as a daddy.... Wtf when we gonna get some justice and it's a shame how people don't give a f about travon Martin around my town but the black folks... All the Asian and whites are happy and said I told u he was innocent... Bs his daddy got him free agian
I'm not only referring to race when i say minorities, its class to. OJ had the rare advantage of using the best lawyers money could buy. without it he would probably serve the same fate as others. which by the way i wish he would, i don't doubt for a second that he did it and its a shame that justice wasn't served that day.

I mentioned we have issues with class and race when it comes to the judicial system last night.

this is so terrible and sad.... they won, they can gloat..... a black boy is dead but the "justice system did its job"......  laws and morals are not the same thing....

and people are gloating and happy :smh:
Damn I was hoping he was guilty, so he can get killed like them 8 people in breaking bad 8th episode of 5th season..... And what really pissed me off is he walking out a free man and a richer man ... Yall remember he got funds donated... Must be nice having a white judge as a daddy.... Wtf when we gonna get some justice and it's a shame how people don't give a f about travon Martin around my town but the black folks... All the Asian and whites are happy and said I told u he was innocent... Bs his daddy got him free agian
Spreading more of that...
I'm not only referring to race when i say minorities, its class to. OJ had the rare advantage of using the best lawyers money could buy. without it he would probably serve the same fate as others. which by the way i wish he would, i don't doubt for a second that he did it and its a shame that justice wasn't served that day.
This is not true.  There was a self defense case in Long Island, NY involving a Black father who shot and killed a white kid threatening his son.  He was found guilty but pardoned by the mayor.  

Here is the story: 

Zimmerman and his family will be fine. NBC and the rest of the media will be paying for their retirements soon for their shameful and biased media coverage (example: editing his 911 call).

And then the Martin family will come and swoop in and take how they profitted off Trayvon's blood and hide the money they received with a wrongful death lawsuit.
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
Why do people keep saying this?

How are you today. Well one of my friends died, so I'm not doing too well. People die every day b, do you care about them?

Something is really wrong with some of you, because instead of trying to understand why they do care. You're telling them that they shouldn't care. Have to love the privilege some of you have.

I NEVER said people shouldn't care. Never.

I'm not sure why, but he's become a hero to many. I think hid life is about to get better not worse. He will become an NRA poster child , write books, maybe even run for office in a gerrymandered conservative state.

This is not Casey Anthony. This man has mass support. He has many, many people treating him as a hero.

He became fat because it made him look like an out of shape slob who couldn't defend himself. It was genius. All on purpose.

Good points. Let me ask...how much do you think his life will have to change from this point on? I mean, filling out a job app and putting "George Zimmerman" on it is almost like a scarlet letter, IMO.

Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, there should be no sympathy for him. How would you feel if you knew or where related to Trayvon??

You'd feel good about another (presumably) black male getting locked up over this?

:lol: :lol: at "minorities took another L"

I ain't take no damn L.

Getting worked up over some case that in a week or 2 everyone is gonna move on from and find their next thing to get all political and righteous about.

What's lost in all of this is Zimmerman is a minority. Whether people want to acknowledge that or not is another story.

And I do agree...people will move on from this in a week or two.
I woke up to all all these riots that didn't happen.

That's because we showed restraint and poise and aren't as stupid as Middle America likes to think we are.

As far as Casey Anthony goes, life has been the exact opposite of easy for her. She had to relocate to Ohio where even there everyone recognizes her and gives her crap for killing her daughter. The difference with Zimmerman is that many idolize him for a variety of reasons. Hell, Stormfront had a 500+ page thread last night celebrating him. People are legitimately happy that he was found not guilty of the charges brought forth. That is until it happens to them.
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So whats happens now? 

I see there was a whole bunch of rallies with people saying "no justice, no peace" after the verdict was read. I guess a bunch of people also blacked out there social media pictures as well. 

What is the next step? Do people just go home after they are done chanting? Will people just change their social media profile picture back to normal now? 

I am curious to see what comes out of this, if anything at all. 
Im angry, upset, feel defeated... my heart goes out to Trayvon's family.

I dont know where to place my anger and frustration. Of course Im naturally upset with Zimmerman, Jury, etc.

But im trying to be mature and thoughtful and say that the florida laws should capture a lot of my anger, but the more I think about it, i dont even know......

Self defense laws(which was Zimmerman's defense) protect a lot of people, probably have saved a lot of lives, so i dont know if getting rid of the law is the right call... and im not fully aware of what other ppl are suggesting happen in regards to laws...

Stand your ground law, is a different law, and Zimmerman didnt use that as his defense, if I am not mistaken.

And Zimmermans actions all led up to what happen that night, profiling, the getting out of the car, all that.... But in the court of law unfortunately, the jury instructions,and the jury bthemselves wasnt able to legally factor that in(which is BS). The totality of the whole situation should have been judged.... not just that moment during the altercation. Because it was just the altercation that was judged, there was really no way they could get a conviction unless the jury ignored everything else and just went with emotion

RIP Trayvon.....it's tough man.
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?

Because you're judged by how you look in this country and not one drop.

Just like how Tryavon was judged for being black walking in that neighborhood.
Im angry, upset, feel defeated... my heart goes out to Trayvon's family.

I dont know where to place my anger and frustration. Of course Im naturally upset with Zimmerman, Jury, etc.

But im trying to be mature and thoughtful and say that the florida laws should capture a lot of my anger, but the more I think about it, i dont even know......

Self defense laws(which was Zimmerman's defense) protect a lot of people, probably have saved a lot of lives, so i dont know if getting rid of the law is the right call... and im not fully aware of what other ppl are suggesting happen in regards to laws...

Stand your ground law, is a different law, and Zimmerman didnt use that as his defense, if I am not mistaken.

And Zimmermans actions all led up to what happen that night, profiling, the getting out of the car, all that.... But in the court of law unfortunately, the jury instructions,and the jury bthemselves wasnt able to legally factor that in(which is BS). The totality of the whole situation should have been judged.... not just that moment during the altercation. Because it was just the altercation that was judged, there was really no way they could get a conviction unless the jury ignored everything else and just went with emotion

RIP Trayvon.....it's tough man.
I disagree with some of the things you said, but I really wish more people would react/ think the way you do.  It is really mature and I commend it.  
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
because his daddy is white... And thats his daddy is a judge and got him free
Because you're judged by how you look in this country and not one drop.

Just like how Tryavon was judged for being black walking in that neighborhood.

But zimmerman looks ethnic to me....he doesn't "look" white, where as obama "looks" black....
What's lost in all of this is Zimmerman is a minority. Whether people want to acknowledge that or not is another story.

Just asking, why does it matter that Zimmerman being a minority isn't breaking news or said in every sentence? Hispanics discriminate against other races all the time as well.
The people who are disappointed are looking at this as a black/white thing. The people who are not can see that its a simple right/wrong thing. If some people weren't so sensitive to star fighting over words than things like this wouldn't happen. Regardless of whatever it is I say, you have no right to put hands on me. If you do, I have the right to protect myself. THIS WAS A CLEAN SELF DEFENSE CASE. If you changed the people around, I would say the same thing.
So whats happens now? 

I see there was a whole bunch of rallies with people saying "no justice, no peace" after the verdict was read. I guess a bunch of people also blacked out there social media pictures as well. 

What is the next step? Do people just go home after they are done chanting? Will people just change their social media profile picture back to normal now? 

I am curious to see what comes out of this, if anything at all. 

The NAACP on Saturday night posted a petition to the Department of Justice, asking Attorney General Eric Holder to file civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

And I'm pretty positive Florida's stand your ground laws will be changed now that everyone is aware how ridiculous it is.

But I love sarcastic comments like this, because you don't really care, or don't know about change doesn't mean it doesn't happen
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