R.I.P Trayvon


What I also find funny is we have a nation to which in most part (manly whites etc) are saying well tm died etc...but no big deal he might kinda have deserved it, yet are sad and all in mourning for some glee actor (who is white), who died from alcohol poison and ODing on heroin and they saying the way he died is oh so sad and tragic....

Really but there isn't any racism/prejudice/bigotry/racial preference etc....

A black kid regardless of how the trial went, lost his life in all actually not really his fault
WHITE AMERICA: Well I mean its sad but what can you really do

A white actor, making millions of dollars, refuses to rehab, locks himself in a hotel room, boozes and shoots up heroin until he dies...
WHITE AMERICA: Oh no its so so sad, why did he have to die, he was so young, he didn't deserve to die,

Yet ppl still believe we live in this colorless utopian world...

Man there is a serious double standard and sadly people don't even see it.

I was disgusted during the college basketball season last year, when they painted Marshall Henderson as some sort of anti hero bad boy James Dean. The term thug is used so quickly when describing black football and basketball players that you would think it was their surname sometimes. Imagine them covering a black player positively for show boating, much less the arrest for hard drugs numerous times. A black player can't even pause for five seconds after a dunk, before you hear, see this is why I hate the NBA. Yet this dude was throwing ice and cursing and throwing his middle finger up at fans.

Awwwwww, he has a problem. He he needs to get his life together. Same with Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan.

Trayvon was written off by society at 17 for weed and middle finger pictures. No, in reality he was written off already because he's a black male. That's why the defenses tactic of he was no good worked. The defense painted his life as meaningless anyway. He caused his own death, oh well. He was suspended from school means he was only going to end up in prison like the rest of them anyway. And they had Fixed News feeding that agenda to millions of white america. He shouldn't have been wearing a hoody. He shouldn't have been walking in the rain. He shouldn't have been walking suspiciously.

I wish I had more reps to give you right now.

I wasn't even going to mention Bieber flipping the bird, smoking weed, cursing people out, dressing like Tupac reincarnate, or any of that because there will always be a rebuttal. Someone who thinks a certain way will do the mental gymnastics needed to justify and flip it so that Justin is excused and every black teen is headed down the wrong path. Or they'll just say Justin is acting "black." Which is one of the most racist things someone could say.

You can't ACT black. You can only BE black. I hate ignorant terms like Oreo or when someone says a black person is acting white when they're not being a stereotype. It's racist, offensive, and incredibly backwards to say something like that. Same with the term ******. (EDIT: W bomb? It was filtered.) It keeps the negative generalizations and stereotypes about black people alive.
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steve harvey that mentor broken minded youth

I do this too. I thought it didn't matter though? You can still help and simultaneously harbor ill-will and spite. Right?

Isn't that the consensus here? What makes Steve Harvey different though....he might be hiding something.

A lot of double standards going on.

People been saying: because the jury make up was predominantly white, there were some racist ideologies to begin with.

It's like you're assuming all white people are racist.

We can't say "prejudiced white folk." No, we have to generalize and just say "white" like every white person shares the same brain. :smh:

Not specifically addressing you brigs, but the double standards on here have piqued my interest.
All white people don't share the same brain, but all white people share the same privilege by virtue of their skin color.

And people who are born with privilege, generally have no incentive to ever put themselves in the perspective of the non-privileged because there's no reason to do so. Whites will very rarely face situations where they have to be conscious about their race.

We're not assuming all white people are racist, but let's be clear that saying "I'm not racist, I help black people" does not mean that you are not still contributing to the prevailing ideas of white cultural supremacy in society.

It takes going through the uncomfortable process of actually examining one's own privileges and examining what it would be like to live life as the "wrong" skin color, a reality that a white person in this society will never be faced with. People saying they aren't racist is one thing. Actually taking steps to ensure that they aren't perpetuating systemic racism is another.

White people aren't racist by default, but the white status quo in America is decidedly anti-black. We aren't assuming that the jurors are racist, but we're assuming that they subscribe to the white status quo and they have shown no evidence to the contrary, at least not juror B37.
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at the end of the day there are only two people in the world who know exactly what happened, and one of them is dead. 

and Zimmerman is far from "free".  in fact, im sure that most aspects of his life from this point forward will be less desirable than being locked away in a federal penitentiary.
Maybe you didn't, but as a black man her language choice and tone jumped out to me immediately.

For example saying Zimmerman really wanted to catch "these people" as if blacks are some subhuman scourge running around the neighborhood.

She also used similar statements later to describe Trayvon and Jeantel's vernacular, saying that's just how "these people grew up in their environment" etc

Constantly sympathizing with Zimmerman, as if he was her brother and not a grown man who shot a child to death.

And in another part of the interview she admitted to AC that she felt like she could "relate" to Zimmerman but not so much to Trayvon.

She also repeatedly put words in Zimmerman's mouth, saying "George said this.. George said that" even though Zimmerman never actually testified or said a word.

They discussed the interview on a CNN Town Hall last night, and someone made the key point that the juror clearly had an "Us vs them" mentality. In other words, she viewed Trayvon/Jeantel in one group as "them" and herself and Zimmerman in another group as "us" because she felt that she could relate to GZ but could not relate to the victim.

This is a good article on the interview:


When they interviewed witnesses, I wonder what sort of questions they asked or did she fake it with the hopes of getting rich off this trial.

That lady said she believes he has a good heart :smh:

And when Trayvon was confronted he should have just walked away. If you think he was a criminal...why would Zimmerman just let him walk away? That's why in this case, stand your ground and self defense, is a joke, because Trayvon couldn't do any of it.
Dt43 you kinda back my statement up.. Youre right there is a difference in helping someone and helping them because youve been into a similar sitiation.. Like i stated before the movement these patents have for the youth at the projects rec center isnt enough man... Steve harvey isnt enough funds need to be raised not only funds the presentation is poor to appeal to todays youth..
JurorB37 is a Fox News watcher type and you can tell her Political views are more in line with Conservatives just by her tone.

Zimmerman's "heart in the right place"

A juror feeling that much sympathy? Obviously when she says things like that, she didn't relate to the victim. She never stated things like.. what if Trayvon was my son/daughter or what if that was me, a woman, and a man was following me and possibly trying to rape me! Nope she was more relating to Zimmerman about how "they" are breaking into our homes. Impartial juror my ***!
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at the end of the day there are only two people in the world who know exactly what happened, and one of them is dead. 

and Zimmerman is far from "free".  in fact, im sure that most aspects of his life from this point forward will be less desirable than being locked away in a federal penitentiary.

Why do you think this?

One of the problems in America is that a lot of white america has no interaction with black america. Most of black america lives in urban areas. In a lot of communities he's a hero. Heck B37 said she would want him on her neighborhood watch.

If Zimmerman loses weight most people wouldn't even recognize him, because all they know is portly George from the trial.

He can do like Casey Anthony and change his name, have some plastic surgery and move.

That's why it's important to do a civil suit so he doesn't profit off this and actually end up better off.

According to Anderson Cooper, B37 wasn't paid at all for the interview and that she did it voluntarily. She used the interview to promote her book which was killed the same night due to social media efforts.

She's stupid(which I'm glad she is).

Why did she think that anyone would buy her book? The case was high profile, but the participants weren't. How long was her book going to be, 50 pages? The OJ trial lasted like six months. She should have tried to sell her interview.
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Ill rep you later bro, but its actually not helping if your ill will'n right? Then that makes the help truly not valid... Saying in general not you.. I was just in defense to actual genuine crys to stop viloence ex when parents lose their children they start stop the violence gatherings but the problem is its just in that one affected area...

Agreed 100%. There are definitely people who do it for their own satisfaction ("look at me, look at me") and then others who actually do care and want to make a positive impact in at least one person's life, if not many more.

A lot of the females that I work with have had ZERO positive male influences in their entire life. That scars them mentally. 75% of them are self-proclaimed studs (lesbians) because they've either been neglected, abused physically/sexually, lied to, abandoned by and simply don't trust every male they've ever encountered. It's good to make a connection and be a positive influence so they can start the healing process and begin to build that trust again.

sorry to get off-topic.
So the neighborhood watch that started wasn't in relation to the break-ins that were occurring?

How many people were actually on this neighborhood watch?

If a bunch of houses are being broken in to, you can ask for increased police patrols. And you can have a real neighborhood watch that works with the police.
People asking us why aren't we upset about Chicago.

My question to them is where have you been all this time?

We've been waiting on yall to care about our inner city youth.

Looks like the tragedy in Sanford is going to bring us closer, and mainstream America is going to make inner city violence a focal point of discussion in every household and every wall street board meeting.

All the clowns asking us where's our outrage, where the f*** is yours?

You listen to our music, copy our style, and spit in our faces.

We give yall the benefit of the doubt and it bites us in the a** every time.

We're taking names this time though. We don't need your money or your wicked ways.

We're self sufficient and creative enough to make it on our own.

If your love for us isn't genuine, then stay the f*** out our face.



and um ya NO.

don't readily dismiss people like that. that resentment is real and justified
So the neighborhood watch that started wasn't in relation to the break-ins that were occurring?

Not sure if that was the sole reason it got started but yes the neighborhood had burglaries. The juror was more relating to Zimmerman's side.

"I think George Zimmerman is a man whose heart was in the right place, but just got displaced by the vandalism in the neighborhoods, and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he really should have done,"
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don't readily dismiss people like that. that resentment is real and justified
i will dismiss them BECAUSE its real.  but it is definitely NOT justified, anymore than someone saying Trayvon Martin is a thug because he was wearing a hoody and out at night.

its still a generalization that alot of people are quick to defend or attack whenever it suits them.
There's no way Zimmermans life now will be worst than it would be in prison.

It will probably be better except he'll be more paranoid. All he has to do is move to a small town, stay low profile and he'll be fine

Also Magic1978's post about Marshall Henderson and "thug" behavior was great.
Dt43 you kinda back my statement up.. Youre right there is a difference in helping someone and helping them because youve been into a similar sitiation.. Like i stated before the movement these patents have for the youth at the projects rec center isnt enough man... Steve harvey isnt enough funds need to be raised not only funds the presentation is poor to appeal to todays youth..
I agree, but what do programs for black youth have to do with whites examining the role they play in propagating racial division? When will we finally open up that discussion instead of talking about black youth programs over and over?

That's what my post was about.

At some point there has to be two sides to the discussion. There's no point in one side ignoring their own role as if it doesn't exist, there is nothing to be gained in one's personal life by propagating prejudice.
JurorB37 is a Fox News watcher type and you can tell her Political views are more in line with Conservatives just by her tone.

Zimmerman's "heart in the right place"

A juror feeling that much sympathy? Obviously when she says things like that, she didn't relate to the victim. She never stated things like.. what if Trayvon was my son/daughter or what if that was me, a woman, and a man was following me and possibly trying to rape me! Nope she was more relating to Zimmerman about how "they" are breaking into our homes. Impartial juror my ***!

I agree, but what do programs for black youth have to do with whites examining the role they play in propagating racial division? When will we finally open up that discussion instead of talking about black youth programs over and over?

That's what my post was about.

At some point there has to be two sides to the discussion. There's no point in one side ignoring their own role as if it doesn't exist, there is nothing to be gained in one's personal life by propagating prejudice.
Mines was solely based on senseless crimes like this one and blk on blk which when blk on blk crimes happen there is no what whites are doing its what senseless famb...
Lol Juror B37 is obviously being paid for her specific responses that push the media's agenda.

You don't think CNN is just loving the fact that they can roll ten seconds of her interview, switch over to a protest in any given state, come back with some clever wrap up and repeat 10x an hour? They all wanted GZ to get off because it keeps the story going. If people learn one thing from all of this, it's that they need to go to their lawmakers if they really want change, not the media. But where do they yell? Into a local news teams cameras.
Thanks for giving a real answer. She didn't relate to speculation, or opinions though- it seems like she related to the fact of why he was there in the first place. I know some of you felt "these people" is just a blatant racist way of saying all black people- but I disagree more with that notion. It seems like "these people" is used to describe the people that had burglarized their neighborhood. If TM didn't fit the description/profile of those who were committing the robberies and was still being followed/watched, that would be different

I would have given her the benefit of the doubt but she said it again though when she was describing Trayvon and Jeantel

“I don’t think it’s really racial. I think it’s just the everyday life, the type of life that they live, and how they’re living, in the environment that they’re living in.”
no offense, but this is a pretty juvenile comment

the reason this case is given so much attention is because it deserves attention. there's still people who believe it's perfectly ok to look at young black men as expendable because they're seen as threats to some really paranoid and scared people

"media propagated information under the lens of race?" what does that even mean? the racial aspect of the whole event, trial and outcome is just some media hyped thing? there is no racial component to what took place here and the ones who believe it to be so are the ones who need to alter their views? this isn't some imagined concept. it's a very real thing that many people experience daily.

this isn't about being pc. it's about justice, which the court and laws of florida have very little interest in
The attention is blown out of proportion. It's not only young black men that are targeted but any person that comes from a minority background (Hispanic, Arab, Native American, etc) with a lower class standing in society. By the media propagation, I mean that the story is overblown because it generates more publicity for news companies. This does deal with PC because you have all sorts of people coming out the woodworks protesting about egalitarianism and other ideals that don't exist.
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