R.I.P Trayvon

Is there any way to use the Zimmereman trial to get some kind of appeal process going with this case?
im not sure to be honest....

But I just don't get (but I really do) how a state same state I might add...

A 71 y/o man gets into an altercation with a guy half his elder,

The younger guy lifts his shirt to show off he has a gun,

Then runs up on the 71 y/o man and they tussle,

At least 5 neighbors attest they saw the younger man started it because he ran up on him and chest bumped him,

In the tussle the younger man gets the 71 y/o on the ground and begins strangling him,

The younger man pins him down, reaches for his pistol,

The 71 y/o and the younger man struggle with the pistol and eventually the pistol gets turned on the younger guy and the 71 y/o shoots him

The entire thing was witnessed by neighbors who told the police the same thing when they arrived....

Jury in the area convicted the old man with manslaughter, negligent homicide.

As I read this and see the evidence etc....and compare it to the gz trial...im thinking same court system etc yet one dude is found guilty the other innocent...I have to think the jury and the race of the assailant etc have to play a part in it.

What I also find funny is we have a nation to which in most part (manly whites etc) are saying well tm died etc...but no big deal he might kinda have deserved it, yet are sad and all in mourning for some glee actor (who is white), who died from alcohol poison and ODing on heroin and they saying the way he died is oh so sad and tragic....

Really but there isn't any racism/prejudice/bigotry/racial preference etc....

A black kid regardless of how the trial went, lost his life in all actually not really his fault

WHITE AMERICA: Well I mean its sad but what can you really do

A white actor, making millions of dollars, refuses to rehab, locks himself in a hotel room, boozes and shoots up heroin until he dies...

WHITE AMERICA: Oh no its so so sad, why did he have to die, he was so young, he didn't deserve to die,

Yet ppl still believe we live in this colorless utopian world...
im not sure to be honest....

But I just don't get (but I really do) how a state same state I might add...

A 71 y/o man gets into an altercation with a guy half his elder,
The younger guy lifts his shirt to show off he has a gun,
Then runs up on the 71 y/o man and they tussle,
At least 5 neighbors attest they saw the younger man started it because he ran up on him and chest bumped him,
In the tussle the younger man gets the 71 y/o on the ground and begins strangling him,
The younger man pins him down, reaches for his pistol,
The 71 y/o and the younger man struggle with the pistol and eventually the pistol gets turned on the younger guy and the 71 y/o shoots him

The entire thing was witnessed by neighbors who told the police the same thing when they arrived....
Jury in the area convicted the old man with manslaughter, negligent homicide.

As I read this and see the evidence etc....and compare it to the gz trial...im thinking same court system etc yet one dude is found guilty the other innocent...I have to think the jury and the race of the assailant etc have to play a part in it.

What I also find funny is we have a nation to which in most part (manly whites etc) are saying well tm died etc...but no big deal he might kinda have deserved it, yet are sad and all in mourning for some glee actor (who is white), who died from alcohol poison and ODing on heroin and they saying the way he died is oh so sad and tragic....

Really but there isn't any racism/prejudice/bigotry/racial preference etc....

A black kid regardless of how the trial went, lost his life in all actually not really his fault
WHITE AMERICA: Well I mean its sad but what can you really do

A white actor, making millions of dollars, refuses to rehab, locks himself in a hotel room, boozes and shoots up heroin until he dies...
WHITE AMERICA: Oh no its so so sad, why did he have to die, he was so young, he didn't deserve to die,

Yet ppl still believe we live in this colorless utopian world...

good reply
Is there any way to use the Zimmereman trial to get some kind of appeal process going with this case?
im not sure to be honest....

But I just don't get (but I really do) how a state same state I might add...

A 71 y/o man gets into an altercation with a guy half his elder,
The younger guy lifts his shirt to show off he has a gun,
Then runs up on the 71 y/o man and they tussle,
At least 5 neighbors attest they saw the younger man started it because he ran up on him and chest bumped him,
In the tussle the younger man gets the 71 y/o on the ground and begins strangling him,
The younger man pins him down, reaches for his pistol,
The 71 y/o and the younger man struggle with the pistol and eventually the pistol gets turned on the younger guy and the 71 y/o shoots him

The entire thing was witnessed by neighbors who told the police the same thing when they arrived....
Jury in the area convicted the old man with manslaughter, negligent homicide.

As I read this and see the evidence etc....and compare it to the gz trial...im thinking same court system etc yet one dude is found guilty the other innocent...I have to think the jury and the race of the assailant etc have to play a part in it.

What I also find funny is we have a nation to which in most part (manly whites etc) are saying well tm died etc...but no big deal he might kinda have deserved it, yet are sad and all in mourning for some glee actor (who is white), who died from alcohol poison and ODing on heroin and they saying the way he died is oh so sad and tragic....

Really but there isn't any racism/prejudice/bigotry/racial preference etc....

A black kid regardless of how the trial went, lost his life in all actually not really his fault
WHITE AMERICA: Well I mean its sad but what can you really do

A white actor, making millions of dollars, refuses to rehab, locks himself in a hotel room, boozes and shoots up heroin until he dies...
WHITE AMERICA: Oh no its so so sad, why did he have to die, he was so young, he didn't deserve to die,

Yet ppl still believe we live in this colorless utopian world...

EXACTLY. That's why it's laughable that people think if they had more evidence GZ would be getting booked, bull****. People continue pointing to pictures and a history that Zimmerman knew NOTHING about. That is literally completely irrelevant to this case, and honestly smoking weed and giving the finger are typical teenager activities nowadays. They could have had eyewitnesses to this crime and with that biased jury we would've been lucky to see a manslaughter conviction.
you are far from a king and close to a clown.

that's my opinion that is share by many up in here!
far from? thanks kid. in your words, not mine... a king

close but no cigar, clown? i have yet to resort to namecalling....

you speak for the silent masses? I have a PM box anybody can say anything they want to me, even those lurking this thread
Anyone who says this is not about race is propagating racism themselves. Plain and simple.

so now we know that george infact did confront him

Yoooo. How did she get broken up then quickly recompose? When someone feels real emotion and sadness, they usually have to get it out. Normal compassionate people would continue answering the questions while still crying and wouldn't just flip off the switch like that.

She's either a cyborg or lying/faking.
The only reason this case is being given so much attention is because it keeps people separated and divided.Yes, it's true that sometimes the innocent are slain and that the guilty are set free but it's about time we stop following all this media propagated information under the lens of race and view it objectively. It's always some case like this one that riles up the racist and PC crowds leading to hate and bigotry spreading.

no offense, but this is a pretty juvenile comment

the reason this case is given so much attention is because it deserves attention. there's still people who believe it's perfectly ok to look at young black men as expendable because they're seen as threats to some really paranoid and scared people

"media propagated information under the lens of race?" what does that even mean? the racial aspect of the whole event, trial and outcome is just some media hyped thing? there is no racial component to what took place here and the ones who believe it to be so are the ones who need to alter their views? this isn't some imagined concept. it's a very real thing that many people experience daily.

this isn't about being pc. it's about justice, which the court and laws of florida have very little interest in
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How much do you think CNN paid her for that interview? I'll set the high low at $500,000.

They probably shot 6 or 7 hours of interview with her and edited it down to the meat and potatoes that match the agenda.

Look how many people are glued to CNN hanging on every word like it's a second trial or something. 
How much do you think CNN paid her for that interview? I'll set the high low at $500,000.

They probably shot 6 or 7 hours of interview with her and edited it down to the meat and potatoes that match the agenda.

Look how many people are glued to CNN hanging on every word like it's a second trial or something. 

I know CNN ratings were through the ROOF between her on Anderson's show and Rachel on Peirs'.

At the end of the day this case and plenty of others, just go to show that as a black male in this country, we have to go to great lengths prove who we are NOT before we ever even get the opportunity to show who we truly are. And that's a shame.
ill take YOUR word for it
right, you do that buddy, people who KNOW me KNOW what i'm about, and that's all that matters, carry on

So what was the point of you even coming in here crying "dont make it a race thread"? We discussed more than race. We discussed the law and how it should be changed. We discussed backgrounds of the victim and offender. We discussed media. Then you came in here and said I was raised by a black family so I'm not racist. Add something valuable to this thread.
How much do you think CNN paid her for that interview? I'll set the high low at $500,000.

They probably shot 6 or 7 hours of interview with her and edited it down to the meat and potatoes that match the agenda.

Look how many people are glued to CNN hanging on every word like it's a second trial or something. 
she probably got a couple grand probably like 4k 
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The only reason this case is being given so much attention is because it keeps people separated and divided.Yes, it's true that sometimes the innocent are slain and that the guilty are set free but it's about time we stop following all this media propagated information under the lens of race and view it objectively. It's always some case like this one that riles up the racist and PC crowds leading to hate and bigotry spreading.

no offense, but this is a pretty juvenile comment

the reason this case is given so much attention is because it deserves attention. there's still people who believe it's perfectly ok to look at young black men as expendable because they're seen as threats to some really paranoid and scared people

"media propagated information under the lens of race?" what does that even mean? the racial aspect of the whole event, trial and outcome is just some media hyped thing? there is no racial component to what took place here and the ones who believe it to be so are the ones who need to alter their views? this isn't some imagined concept. it's a very real thing that many people experience daily.

this isn't about being pc. it's about justice, which the court and laws of florida have very little interest in
:lol: at dude saying the case is getting so much attention because it keeps people separated and divided.

No, it's getting so much attention because people ARE separated and divided. That's the problem, and that's the dialogue we need to open up.

Honestly, black people have talked about race enough. We're talked out about it. Whites are the ones who need to start having dialogues about race within themselves. Nothing will change until whites make it a point to examine racial dynamics just as much as blacks are forced to on a daily basis.

But we all know that will never happen any time soon, not as long as the prevailing white response to these issues is "Stop bringing race into it! We need to be a colorblind nation! Obama is president now!"
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Anyone hear the comments made from one of the jurors? Rubs me the wrong way, they need to go after Zimmerman in civil court. What ever happen to charge of Zimmerman trying to defraud the court? I believe he was hiding his finances or something to that effect.
^^ it's also something Muslims, and Mexican Americans and other people of Hispanic origin here. You see it with them being stopped, "by law" to check if they're illegal immigrants, and my friend in Boston who's Pakistani was legitimately scared to go out following the Boston attacks, when the misinformation was reported. All minorities here have a unique struggle, and most of it is based on some irrational fear
thatll never happen....I was looking at a show and they went out and about asking random historical events concerning minorities....

The fact that most whites didn't know anything about civil rights movement...hell one guy thought it had to do with the civil war...Hell even had a guy who thought Martin Luther King was the guy who freed slaves.

Had folks thinking Malcolm X was some rapper, or something...Cornell West is Kanye West real name.

When you have ppl who think like this yet say isn't a racial divided or disconnect we got a problem.

Most other minorities can tell you pretty much the gist of White America history.

Im pretty sure you went and asked the average minority who is George Washington is they would know, I serious doubt if you went out and asked a minority who Albert Einstein is the wouldn't say the guy who found Einstein Bros. Bagels.

And there lies the probably, how can you connect or respect ppl you know nothing about, and care to know anything about?
^^and then complain when there is a month dedicated to the history of a minority group *facepalm* I could tell you the entire lineage of the British monarchy and other history throughout middle school yet the extent of learning about Africa was limited to ancient Egypt and thats about it. This stuff runs DEEP.
thatll never happen....I was looking at a show and they went out and about asking random historical events concerning minorities....

The fact that most whites didn't know anything about civil rights movement...hell one guy thought it had to do with the civil war...Hell even had a guy who thought Martin Luther King was the guy who freed slaves.

Had folks thinking Malcolm X was some rapper, or something...Cornell West is Kanye West real name.

When you have ppl who think like this yet say isn't a racial divided or disconnect we got a problem.

Most other minorities can tell you pretty much the gist of White America history.

Im pretty sure you went and asked the average minority who is George Washington is they would know, I serious doubt if you went out and asked a minority who Albert Einstein is the wouldn't say the guy who found Einstein Bros. Bagels.

And there lies the probably, how can you connect or respect ppl you know nothing about, and care to know anything about?

No offense, but I think that's a pretty big generalization. With many educational systems in shambles, there are people of ALL colors who can't tell you about current/historical events concerning minorities. TBH, I don't think your assertion is completely fair.
i know, its difficult asking you to see past a system that has cared for you for so long

its hard to constantly have to struggle with what you know is right as a reasoning human being, and what you want, to maintain this status quo that you have set up so wonderfully for yourself
thatll never happen....I was looking at a show and they went out and about asking random historical events concerning minorities....

The fact that most whites didn't know anything about civil rights movement...hell one guy thought it had to do with the civil war...Hell even had a guy who thought Martin Luther King was the guy who freed slaves.

Had folks thinking Malcolm X was some rapper, or something...Cornell West is Kanye West real name.

When you have ppl who think like this yet say isn't a racial divided or disconnect we got a problem.

Most other minorities can tell you pretty much the gist of White America history.

Im pretty sure you went and asked the average minority who is George Washington is they would know, I serious doubt if you went out and asked a minority who Albert Einstein is the wouldn't say the guy who found Einstein Bros. Bagels.

And there lies the probably, how can you connect or respect ppl you know nothing about, and care to know anything about?

No offense, but I think that's a pretty big generalization. With many educational systems in shambles, there are people of ALL colors who can't tell you about current/historical events concerning minorities. TBH, I don't think your assertion is completely fair.

True, there are a LOT of ignorant people out here. But I've been in classes where people say "why do we have to learn about MLK so much", when we spent maybe a week on the civil rights movement. Now let me have asked "why do we spend so much time learning about Henry VIII, or any number of white leaders or famous people in history, I'd be asked to leave class or looked at like I an idiot. The attitude still permeates through that its not as important in SOME people's minds, no all. But that "some" is still a very large number. And just in talking to kids of all backgrounds from across the country in college, it's not just my experience but its all over the country.
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thatll never happen....I was looking at a show and they went out and about asking random historical events concerning minorities....

The fact that most whites didn't know anything about civil rights movement...hell one guy thought it had to do with the civil war...Hell even had a guy who thought Martin Luther King was the guy who freed slaves.

Had folks thinking Malcolm X was some rapper, or something...Cornell West is Kanye West real name.

When you have ppl who think like this yet say isn't a racial divided or disconnect we got a problem.

Most other minorities can tell you pretty much the gist of White America history.

Im pretty sure you went and asked the average minority who is George Washington is they would know, I serious doubt if you went out and asked a minority who Albert Einstein is the wouldn't say the guy who found Einstein Bros. Bagels.

And there lies the probably, how can you connect or respect ppl you know nothing about, and care to know anything about?
No offense, but I think that's a pretty big generalization. With many educational systems in shambles, there are people of ALL colors who can't tell you about current/historical events concerning minorities. TBH, I don't think your assertion is completely fair.
True, there are a LOT of ignorant people out here. But I've been in classes where people say "why do we have to learn about MLK so much", when we spent maybe a week on the civil rights movement. Now let me have asked "why do we spend so much time learning about Henry VIII, or any number of white leaders or famous people in history, I'd be asked to leave class or looked at like I an idiot. The attitude still permeates through that its not as important in SOME people's minds, no all. But that "some" is still a very large number. And just in talking to kids of all backgrounds from across the country in college, it's not just my experience but its all over the country.
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