R.I.P Trayvon

i know, its difficult asking you to see past a system that has cared for you for so long

its hard to constantly have to struggle with what you know is right as a reasoning human being, and what you want, to maintain this status quo that you have set up so wonderfully for yourself

I guess you're assuming I'm white.

Since I was offended by your openly racist remark towards whites?

I guess I was just more upset that it's acceptable around here. Meth hasn't even banned you for it.

Maybe I should just fall in line with the rest of the complected people without any free will or open dialogue? :rolleyes
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what did i ever say that was racist?

i never made any assumption about your race.

i never even said the word white

i think what happened is you cant negotiate the words "the system" and "white" in your mind to be two separate things.
I agree with most of this, well stated. But the part in italics, seems a little biased- your reasoning for the women to convict would've been based off sympathy? You cant bring emotions into play, its supposed to be based purely off facts and evidence. I don't see them feeling like "poor Georgie", maybe more like "we don't have the evidence to convict this guy". They cant just wrongfully convict to make you, most of this thread, and the NAACP happy.

The lady got on national tv and said she felt sorry for George(both) when asked about trayvon I would say its safe to say they are looking it the situation like "poor Georgie"
One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Most black people identify with Trayvon, because we know it can or has happened to us. Whether it be DWB, asked for a ID for a credit card or followed in a store.

The reason the prosecutor probably agreed to having women, was because they are mothers, and they thought they would be a little more sympathetic. What if it was my son. Nope, it's poor Georgie. Nope, their son couldn't have been walking to the store in a hoody and killed. Subconsciously I think a lot of people know that their kid wouldn't have been stopped or they're just as wary about black people as Zimmerman, so they justify it in their head. He should have _______. Placing blame on the 17 year old, instead of the adult, who should be mature enough to make adult decisions.

Then to gloat and be happy after this case? What are you happy for? Someone who killed a black kid got off? Because from reading a lot of the comments on the internet, that's sure what it seems. And the racial divide grows bigger....

I agree with most of this, well stated. But the part in italics, seems a little biased- your reasoning for the women to convict would've been based off sympathy? You cant bring emotions into play, its supposed to be based purely off facts and evidence. I don't see them feeling like "poor Georgie", maybe more like "we don't have the evidence to convict this guy". They cant just wrongfully convict to make you, most of this thread, and the NAACP happy.

That's the problem though, I don't know if you heard b37's interview but she wasn't using facts and evidence/testimony as her only basis in coming to a decision. She sounded like a Zimmerman apologist and sympathizer. "That boy of color" :lol: who says that, we know his name. Now it goes both ways, I wouldn't want people who would automatically convict him on the jury either. She didn't watch news or anything yet automatically assumes riots will come about? Stanford law professors have watched her voir-dire video and raised serious concerns as to why she was even allowed to be a juror. It's not just random people complaining without law backgrounds
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I quoted you, you addressed it, don't play dumb.

you go find it.
yes bawse.

so.... addressing the status quo is racist?

implying you benefit from the status quo is racist?

appealing to your innate sense of reasoning is racist?


dont insult my intelligence or call me dumb.
No offense, but I think that's a pretty big generalization. With many educational systems in shambles, there are people of ALL colors who can't tell you about current/historical events concerning minorities. TBH, I don't think your assertion is completely fair.
Id agree if this wasn't at college campuses... Hell its ppl in the ghetto slums of slums and I bet the could tell you who Abe Lincoln.

Hell third world countries know martin luther king aint freed no damn slaves.... or that the civil rights movement got nothing to do with a civil war.

What area that's majority white that is so impoverished, and education system is so inept that they can even afford to inform them of civil rights...

And further more knowing these things doesn't have anything to do with education levels, moreso with social awareness.

Thing is outside of thing of their own culture, whites in most part know little to nothing about anybody elses...and choose not to learn, problem is everyone else knows whites culture/social awareness because or society forces you to not only know it but to embrace it, and live by and according to it.
My thing is people are saying why are we(african americans) getting so rustled up for when we kill each other and we dont get upset when it happens and get on t.v about it? Well we do, we have anti violence gatherings for the youth in the neighborhoods, we have counseling for pur african americans, we have guys like steve harvey that mentor broken minded youth, but these programs are not heavily funded since (from my perspective) they are from ghettos and hoods... We are upset because we are losing our young black men to sensless crimes rather it be blk on blk or THIS.. Man this whole thing could have been avoided.. He followed treyvon tooo long when he first saw treyvon he should have yelled for him to come her for a second or just atayed in his car to and asked from a distance.. I just dont see treyvon getting combative over a "why are you in this neighborhood?" From GZ... I did think he got smart when zimmerman confronted him and zimmerman became irritated from a non clear answer and thats when it went down..
steve harvey that mentor broken minded youth

I do this too. I thought it didn't matter though? You can still help and simultaneously harbor ill-will and spite. Right?

Isn't that the consensus here? What makes Steve Harvey different though....he might be hiding something.

A lot of double standards going on.

People been saying: because the jury make up was predominantly white, there were some racist ideologies to begin with.

It's like you're assuming all white people are racist.

We can't say "prejudiced white folk." No, we have to generalize and just say "white" like every white person shares the same brain. :smh:

Not specifically addressing you brigs, but the double standards on here have piqued my interest.
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"My thing is people are saying why are we(african americans) getting so rustled up for when we kill each other and we dont get upset when it happens and get on t.v about it?" - this would be an example of a rhetorical question.



a : skill in the effective use of speech
b : a type or mode of language or speech; also : insincere or grandiloquent language.


Pompous or bombastic speech or expression.

"Questions" such as these reveal the mind state of the person asking and have nothing to do with the relative issues.

In other words...trolling. 

Don't waste your time / energy...like talking to a brick wall.  They already have the answer they are looking for.  They aren't invested and don't really care because it doesn't affect them directly.  Instead of keeping it pushing they throw darts and hide their hand.  Just like when somebody starts a question off with "Why do all men / women blah, blah, blah" you already know whats coming next...its totally self serving.
I do this too. I thought it didn't matter though? You can still help and simultaneously harbor ill-will and spite. Right?

Isn't that the consensus here? What makes Steve Harvey different though....he might be hiding something.

A lot of double standards going on.

People been saying: because the jury make up was predominantly white, there were some racist ideologies to begin with.

It's like you're assuming all white people are racist.

We can't say "prejudiced white folk." No, we have to generalize and just say "white" like every white person shares the same brain. :smh:

Not specifically addressing you brigs, but the double standards on here have piqued my interest.
Ill rep you later bro, but its actually not helping if your ill will'n right? Then that makes the help truly not valid... Saying in general not you.. I was just in defense to actual genuine crys to stop viloence ex when parents lose their children they start stop the violence gatherings but the problem is its just in that one affected area...
People asking us why aren't we upset about Chicago.
My question to them is where have you been all this time?
We've been waiting on yall to care about our inner city youth.
Looks like the tragedy in Sanford is going to bring us closer, and mainstream America is going to make inner city violence a focal point of discussion in every household and every wall street board meeting.

All the clowns asking us where's our outrage, where the f*** is yours?
You listen to our music, copy our style, and spit in our faces.
We give yall the benefit of the doubt and it bites us in the a** every time.
We're taking names this time though. We don't need your money or your wicked ways.
We're self sufficient and creative enough to make it on our own.
If your love for us isn't genuine, then stay the f*** out our face.
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One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Most black people identify with Trayvon, because we know it can or has happened to us. Whether it be DWB, asked for a ID for a credit card or followed in a store.

The reason the prosecutor probably agreed to having women, was because they are mothers, and they thought they would be a little more sympathetic. What if it was my son. Nope, it's poor Georgie. Nope, their son couldn't have been walking to the store in a hoody and killed. Subconsciously I think a lot of people know that their kid wouldn't have been stopped or they're just as wary about black people as Zimmerman, so they justify it in their head. He should have _______. Placing blame on the 17 year old, instead of the adult, who should be mature enough to make adult decisions.

Then to gloat and be happy after this case? What are you happy for? Someone who killed a black kid got off? Because from reading a lot of the comments on the internet, that's sure what it seems. And the racial divide grows bigger....

I agree with most of this, well stated. But the part in italics, seems a little biased- your reasoning for the women to convict would've been based off sympathy? You cant bring emotions into play, its supposed to be based purely off facts and evidence. I don't see them feeling like "poor Georgie", maybe more like "we don't have the evidence to convict this guy". They cant just wrongfully convict to make you, most of this thread, and the NAACP happy.

That's the problem though, I don't know if you heard b37's interview but she wasn't using facts and evidence/testimony as her only basis in coming to a decision. She sounded like a Zimmerman apologist and sympathizer. "That boy of color" :lol: who says that, we know his name. Now it goes both ways, I wouldn't want people who would automatically convict him on the jury either. She didn't watch news or anything yet automatically assumes riots will come about? Stanford law professors have watched her voir-dire video and raised serious concerns as to why she was even allowed to be a juror. It's not just random people complaining without law backgrounds

right on (I haven't), I need to find a link to listen to the interview
The whole thing is on youtube if you search "juror b37 interview".. but this is just one clip that sort of exemplifies her tone and the attitude this lady had towards Zimmerman and Trayvon:

For the record, she felt that Zimmerman was innocent beforehand. Also after this interview went viral, the other jurors released a joint statement distancing themselves from the views of juror B37.
According to Anderson Cooper, B37 wasn't paid at all for the interview and that she did it voluntarily. She used the interview to promote her book which was killed the same night due to social media efforts.
People asking us why aren't we upset about Chicago.
My question to them is where have you been all this time?
We've been waiting on yall to care about our inner city youth.
Looks like the tragedy in Sanford is going to bring us closer, and mainstream America is going to make inner city violence a focal point of discussion in every household and every wall street board meeting.

All the clowns asking us where's our outrage, where the f*** is yours?
You listen to our music, copy our style, and spit in our faces.
We give yall the benefit of the doubt and it bites us in the a** every time.
We're taking names this time though. We don't need your money or your wicked ways.
We're self sufficient and creative enough to make it on our own.
If your love for us isn't genuine, then stay the f*** out our face.


and um ya NO.

What I also find funny is we have a nation to which in most part (manly whites etc) are saying well tm died etc...but no big deal he might kinda have deserved it, yet are sad and all in mourning for some glee actor (who is white), who died from alcohol poison and ODing on heroin and they saying the way he died is oh so sad and tragic....

Really but there isn't any racism/prejudice/bigotry/racial preference etc....

A black kid regardless of how the trial went, lost his life in all actually not really his fault
WHITE AMERICA: Well I mean its sad but what can you really do

A white actor, making millions of dollars, refuses to rehab, locks himself in a hotel room, boozes and shoots up heroin until he dies...
WHITE AMERICA: Oh no its so so sad, why did he have to die, he was so young, he didn't deserve to die,

Yet ppl still believe we live in this colorless utopian world...

Man there is a serious double standard and sadly people don't even see it.

I was disgusted during the college basketball season last year, when they painted Marshall Henderson as some sort of anti hero bad boy James Dean. The term thug is used so quickly when describing black football and basketball players that you would think it was their surname sometimes. Imagine them covering a black player positively for show boating, much less the arrest for hard drugs numerous times. A black player can't even pause for five seconds after a dunk, before you hear, see this is why I hate the NBA. Yet this dude was throwing ice and cursing and throwing his middle finger up at fans.

Awwwwww, he has a problem. He he needs to get his life together. Same with Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan.

Trayvon was written off by society at 17 for weed and middle finger pictures. No, in reality he was written off already because he's a black male. That's why the defenses tactic of he was no good worked. The defense painted his life as meaningless anyway. He caused his own death, oh well. He was suspended from school means he was only going to end up in prison like the rest of them anyway. And they had Fixed News feeding that agenda to millions of white america. He shouldn't have been wearing a hoody. He shouldn't have been walking in the rain. He shouldn't have been walking suspiciously.
Man there is a serious double standard and sadly people don't even see it.

I was disgusted during the college basketball season last year, when they painted Marshall Henderson as some sort of anti hero bad boy James Dean. The term thug is used so quickly when describing black football and basketball players that you would think it was their surname sometimes. Imagine them covering a black player positively for show boating, much less the arrest for hard drugs numerous times. A black player can't even pause for five seconds after a dunk, before you hear, see this is why I hate the NBA. Yet this dude was throwing ice and cursing and throwing his middle finger up at fans.

Awwwwww, he has a problem. He he needs to get his life together. Same with Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan.

Trayvon was written off by society at 17 for weed and middle finger pictures. No, in reality he was written off already because he's a black male. That's why the defenses tactic of he was no good worked. The defense painted his life as meaningless anyway. He caused his own death, oh well. He was suspended from school means he was only going to end up in prison like the rest of them anyway. And they had Fixed News feeding that agenda to millions of white america. He shouldn't have been wearing a hoody. He shouldn't have been walking in the rain. He shouldn't have been walking suspiciously.
I agree with everything you said. But everyone hates Bieber, Bynes, and Lohan.
Some of you guys who have logic and legit concerns yall need to stop feeding the trolls, just educate why you feel a certain way and move on no need to fuss.. Some ppl just have hell in them and dont want to do anything but argue, dealing with people who always have something to argue about and never see their contradiction takes patience to deal with..
Thanks DT- I didn't catch the tone you're talking about there. I'll look up more on youtube later though
Maybe you didn't, but as a black man her language choice and tone jumped out to me immediately.

For example saying Zimmerman really wanted to catch "these people" as if blacks are some subhuman scourge running around the neighborhood.

She also used similar statements later to describe Trayvon and Jeantel's vernacular, saying that's just how "these people grew up in their environment" etc

Constantly sympathizing with Zimmerman, as if he was her brother and not a grown man who shot a child to death.

And in another part of the interview she admitted to AC that she felt like she could "relate" to Zimmerman but not so much to Trayvon.

She also repeatedly put words in Zimmerman's mouth, saying "George said this.. George said that" even though Zimmerman never actually testified or said a word.

They discussed the interview on a CNN Town Hall last night, and someone made the key point that the juror clearly had an "Us vs them" mentality. In other words, she viewed Trayvon/Jeantel in one group as "them" and herself and Zimmerman in another group as "us" because she felt that she could relate to GZ but could not relate to the victim.

This is a good article on the interview:

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