R.I.P Trayvon

I believe she also said he didn't believe her testimony was credible because of her lack of education.... Whatever the hell that means.

Hearing this juror speak was really eye opening.
I see what you mean, that is very questionable the way she said that

Right. If she wasn't biased... she would have said.. that's the type of life "teenagers" live cause surely not just Black teens smoke weed, take pictures of guns, speak differently, live in the inner city, etc... etc..
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don't readily dismiss people like that. that resentment is real and justified
actually the resentment can/is real but by no means is it justified!

what I mean is, that yes I can understand your frustrations but by no means depict everyone. If it does, you are in turned doing what you are claiming is being done to you!
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I would have given her the benefit of the doubt but she said it again though when she was describing Trayvon and Jeantel
since when did the meaning of the word "they" become synonymous with "you people"? 

since she was referring to Trayvon and Jeantel than the use of the word "they" is nothing more than a third-person plural pronoun and (to me at least) in no way is referencing a specific group of people
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since when did the meaning of the word "they" become synonymous with "you people"? 

since she was referring to Trayvon and Jeantel than the use of the word "they" is nothing more than a third-person plural pronoun and (to me at least) in no way is referencing a specific group of people
I tend to agree with you ...

when stuff is taken out of context it can sound differently.


she said maybe he wanted to do something about these people in reference to TM. did she mean these people as black people or these people as thieves? 
I tend to agree with you ...

when stuff is taken out of context it can sound differently.


she said maybe he wanted to do something about these people in reference to TM. did she mean these people as black people or these people as thieves? 

We don't know what she meant

At the same time, you can understand her train of thought more when she said things like "Zimmerman's heart was in the right place"
since when did the meaning of the word "they" become synonymous with "you people"? 

since she was referring to Trayvon and Jeantel than the use of the word "they" is nothing more than a third-person plural pronoun and (to me at least) in no way is referencing a specific group of people

Now if I was READING a transcript.. then yes you are right with it being a third-person plural pronoun, etc.. etc..

However.. if you watch, listen and analyze her tone, demeanor, expression on certain answers and you still don't get her elitist white privilege attitude... then I don't know what else to say.
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Ok ..

Just so I can understand you guys point of view better, if you was in the jury and presented with just the evidence the jurors were, why would you have voted guilty, why and to what charge?
KingNE were you really raised by a Black family story or were they like your best friends family that took you under their wing?
long story short, mom turned crack head dad stepped in, kinda rough, good friends parents take me in for a while, I would like to add that I do NOT agree with the verdict of this crime, I never defended Zimmerman, I just feel that WHITE people have nothing to do with this, it a lot of anger in this thread and that energy should be used towards something positive.
Yall need to go read the police reports.
There were whites and blacks loitering in that neighborhood, and there were multiple break ins.
They arrested a black guy who they found with items from ONE burglary.
The fact Zimcoward made 46 calls to the cops over the years, and all were to report suspicious Black men.
That speaks volumes to his state of mind and why he is guilty.
look how ag she got just because he dedicated a song to Martin

Ok ..

Just so I can understand you guys point of view better, if you was in the jury and presented with just the evidence the jurors were, why would you have voted guilty, why and to what charge?

I would have voted guilty of manslaughter, to be more exact involuntary manslaughter. Zimmerman's actions were extremely negligent and caused the death of someone.
Ok ..

Just so I can understand you guys point of view better, if you was in the jury and presented with just the evidence the jurors were, why would you have voted guilty, why and to what charge?

I have been a juror so I understand how you have to apply the law to the crime and it's tough. I spent some time the past couple days watching the youtube testimonies from witnesses, analyzed some key facts, reports and the evidence presented. In my opinion Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter which by definition is "intentionally committed an act that caused the death"

I believe his comments on "these punks.. get away" proved he was indeed racial profiling. I believe John Good's testimony that Martin may have been on top of him, however I have been in fights and just because you're on top doesn't mean you have total advantage especially when the other person has a gun on him.

When he was searching for Trayvon, he must have had one hand ready to draw his gun. What's the point in carrying a gun if you're not ready to use it? When Zimmerman said he reached into his pocket to get his cell phone, I am almost positive he reached for his gun. How is a cell phone going to help you at that point? GZ probably got surprised by Trayvon, reached for his gun, the fight started and both struggled for the gun. I mean just think, if someone confronts you, you see him reaching for his gun, what are you going to do? Run away and get shot in the back or fight back and try to grab the gun from him?
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Ok ..

Just so I can understand you guys point of view better, if you was in the jury and presented with just the evidence the jurors were, why would you have voted guilty, why and to what charge?

My reason why I would've voted guilty is because Zimmerman initiated the scenario that caused a confrontation.

Theres no evidence that Martin attacked him first. Zimmerman's injuries were not consistent with life threatening injuries.

Even the scenario wasn't life threatening, Zimmerman knew to the cops were their way and the fight was happening in a apartment/housing complex at 7pm.

The fight lasted a minute, it wasn't like a prolonged deal

Zimmerman even said he remembers talking to one of the witnesses asking for help during the fight.

So he knew help was coming
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look how ag she got just because he dedicated a song to Martin

Are you ******g kidding me? If somebody did that to my dad, man or woman they are getting the beats...it's just if it was a woman my sisters would have to do it lol.

This whole thing reminds me of when John McCain was running. You could tell by just looking at the people who supported that ****** actions' on national tv and the **** that was coming out of their mouths that something was wrong lol
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Not to regurgitate the events and everything but knowing Zimmerman didn't have any bruised knuckles an Trayvon had no cuts or bruises on him....why didn't George ever punch or hit Trayvon with his fists, like why was the gun the only resistance he showed? I'm just thinking here. Most people would be fighting back if their life was "threatened" and at least throw some punches and kick, hell something before I felt like the only and final resort was a gun.
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I have been a juror so I understand how you have to apply the law to the crime and it's tough. I spent some time the past couple days watching the youtube testimonies from witnesses, analyzed some key facts, reports and the evidence presented. In my opinion Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter which by definition is "intentionally committed an act that caused the death"

I believe his comments on "these punks.. get away" proved he was indeed racial profiling. I believe John Good's testimony that Martin may have been on top of him, however I have been in fights and just because you're on top doesn't mean you have total advantage especially when the other person has a gun on him.

When he was searching for Trayvon, he must have had one hand ready to draw his gun. What's the point in carrying a gun if you're not ready to use it? When Zimmerman said he reached into his pocket to get his cell phone, I am almost positive he reached for his gun. How is a cell phone going to help you at that point? GZ probably got surprised by Trayvon, reached for his gun, the fight started and both struggled for the gun. I mean just think, if someone confronts you, you see him reaching for his gun, what are you going to do? Run away and get shot in the back or fight back and try to grab the gun from him?

All of this
KingNE were you really raised by a Black family story or were they like your best friends family that took you under their wing?
long story short, mom turned crack head dad stepped in, kinda rough, good friends parents take me in for a while, I would like to add that I do NOT agree with the verdict of this crime, I never defended Zimmerman, I just feel that WHITE people have nothing to do with this, it a lot of anger in this thread and that energy should be used towards something positive.

Sorry to hear that
Not to regurgitate the events and everything but knowing Zimmerman didn't have any bruised knuckles an Trayvon had no cuts or bruises on him....why didn't George ever punch or hit Trayvon with his fists, like why was the gun the only resistance he showed? I'm just thinking here. Most people would be fighting back if their life was "threatened" and at least throw some punches and kick, hell something before I felt like the only and final resort was a gun.

Which again proves that he was reaching for his gun the entire time. He knew from the moment he got out of his car, the advantage was his since he was armed. How many of us are that brave that you are willing to follow someone at night and then get out of your car to look for him? It's hard for me to believe Zimmerman's answer that Trayvon just punched/attacked him all of a sudden!
I have been a juror so I understand how you have to apply the law to the crime and it's tough. I spent some time the past couple days watching the youtube testimonies from witnesses, analyzed some key facts, reports and the evidence presented. In my opinion Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter which by definition is "intentionally committed an act that caused the death"

I believe his comments on "these punks.. get away" proved he was indeed racial profiling. I believe John Good's testimony that Martin may have been on top of him, however I have been in fights and just because you're on top doesn't mean you have total advantage especially when the other person has a gun on him.

When he was searching for Trayvon, he must have had one hand ready to draw his gun. What's the point in carrying a gun if you're not ready to use it? When Zimmerman said he reached into his pocket to get his cell phone, I am almost positive he reached for his gun. How is a cell phone going to help you at that point? GZ probably got surprised by Trayvon, reached for his gun, the fight started and both struggled for the gun. I mean just think, if someone confronts you, you see him reaching for his gun, what are you going to do? Run away and get shot in the back or fight back and try to grab the gun from him?
but those arent the only options. 

when i get pulled over by a cop, i roll down my window before the cop walks up and have both of my hands on the steering wheel.  then when he/she asks for my id/registration i say "its in my pocket/glovebox, im going to reach for them now"  and i proceed to slowly do so.

the point is i dont want to give any one with a gun, cop or not, a reason to think that i might be a threat to them.  i dont know what they are thinking or what their previous experiences are and dont want to give them ANY reason to reach for a gun.  ESPECIALLY if i havent done anything wrong.

Trayvon had another choice.  he could have put his hands up, said i am unarmed and dont want any trouble AS SOON as he realized that Zimmerman had a gun.
look how ag she got just because he dedicated a song to Martin
Are you ******g kidding me? If somebody did that to my dad, man or woman they are getting the beats...it's just if it was a woman my sisters would have to do it lol.

This whole thing reminds me of when John McCain was running. You could tell by just looking at the people who supported that ****** actions' on national tv and the **** that was coming out of their mouths that something was wrong lol
I have been a juror so I understand how you have to apply the law to the crime and it's tough. I spent some time the past couple days watching the youtube testimonies from witnesses, analyzed some key facts, reports and the evidence presented. In my opinion Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter which by definition is "intentionally committed an act that caused the death"

I believe his comments on "these punks.. get away" proved he was indeed racial profiling. I believe John Good's testimony that Martin may have been on top of him, however I have been in fights and just because you're on top doesn't mean you have total advantage especially when the other person has a gun on him.

When he was searching for Trayvon, he must have had one hand ready to draw his gun. What's the point in carrying a gun if you're not ready to use it? When Zimmerman said he reached into his pocket to get his cell phone, I am almost positive he reached for his gun. How is a cell phone going to help you at that point? GZ probably got surprised by Trayvon, reached for his gun, the fight started and both struggled for the gun. I mean just think, if someone confronts you, you see him reaching for his gun, what are you going to do? Run away and get shot in the back or fight back and try to grab the gun from him?

but those arent the only options. 

when i get pulled over by a cop, i roll down my window before the cop walks up and have both of my hands on the steering wheel.  then when he/she asks for my id/registration i say "its in my pocket/glovebox, im going to reach for them now"  and i proceed to slowly do so.

the point is i dont want to give any one with a gun, cop or not, a reason to think that i might be a threat to them.  i dont know what they are thinking or what their previous experiences are and dont want to give them ANY reason to reach for a gun.  ESPECIALLY if i havent done anything wrong.

Trayvon had another choice.  he could have put his hands up, said i am unarmed and dont want any trouble AS SOON as he realized that Zimmerman had a gun.

WTF! Zimmerman wasn't a cop!!!!!

If he pulled a gun, he had NO RIGHT to pull the gun!
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