R.I.P Trayvon


Agreeing with the verdict isn't a big deal, the trial was very difficult and polarizing....of course opinions would differ.

I just have a problem when people can't understand why so many others have issues with the outcome , talking like we should sit down and shut up because the trial is over with.
Yeah I don't understand folks like that either. The big issue I have is the fact that this was an extreme case of racial profiling and I have be profiled plenty of times before but was fortunate to not get hurt or worse.

Or they'll say black on black crime happens and we're not outrage.That couldn't be further from the truth. Folks trying to do good in the hood all the time, its just not covered. Violence in our community is a seperate issue anyway. That's an issue the folks in the black community have been dealing with for decades. Largely stems from drugs that have flooded our streets and poor living conditions.
So you're gonna ignore da fact that trayvon struck


Why do you and other people really believe Trayvon hit Zimmerman first?? I know YOU personally believe any and everything a white person tells you, not to mention deep down I know YOU have desires to be white and accepted by the white community but still.....

:lol: @ da race card play...evidence & prosecution

Accepting that trayvon was on top is already admission that trayvon struck first.

Get ya heads out da sand and READ da evidence.

Dude, use your common sense if you have any. Zimmerman got out of his car, followed Trayvon and according to Rachel Jantel Zimmerman rolled up and struck Trayvon first. Like I said, I know YOU personally want to be white but realize as a whole THEY will never view you as white. Stop bootlicking for white people
He had da right to defend himself..period

Seriously ya not gonna tell me Zimmerman hit

Trayvon first...why would he? he's got da gun...da last

Thing people with guns is fight.
youre absolutely right, the first thing people w guns do is shoot.  u say trayvon swung first? i say a man grabbing you and pointing a gun at you close range   might incline you to swing, being a reasonable person in defense of your life?
He had da right to defend himself..period

Seriously ya not gonna tell me Zimmerman hit

Trayvon first...why would he? he's got da gun...da last

Thing people with guns is fight.

youre absolutely right, the first thing people w guns do is shoot.  u say trayvon swung first? i say a man grabbing you and pointing a gun at you close range  might incline you to swing, being a reasonable person in defense of your life?

Zimmerman shot when trayvon was on top whoopin

His ***... thats what evidence found, thats why

Zimmerman got off. Its as simple as that.
Zimmerman got off because the jury was full of idiots as seen by B37 who said George was the aggressor and based her decision on SYG which was waived.
Zimmerman got off because the jury was full of idiots as seen by B37 who said George was the aggressor and based her decision on SYG which was waived.

Hello....they held deliberations for HOURS....

Self-defense is clear as day here...trayvon hit

Zimmerman first, Zimmerman was losing so he fired.

Wack? Of course...legal? Yes.
ok so if u concede that GZ grabbing him and pointing a gun initiated TM swinging first, then you concede GZ initiated the confrontation with deadly intent.  

TM immediately rushed him, as his life is in danger at this point, and proceeds to pounce on the slow-witted, slow-reacting GZ who is surprised that after seeing a gun this bo would dare still try to attack him and defend his life.  GZ, now realizes his mistake in the middle of your beatdown, and that his fantasy movie showdown duel cold blooded murder is going awry. Now that his life is now in very real danger after provoking this retribution, finally terminates TM'S life.

sounds reasonable doubt ish enough to me.
Zimmerman didnt draw his weapon till he was gettin

His *** whooped....c'mon fellas, we gonna smudge

Da court facts now? :lol:
Because you know he hit him first. Ok. Deliberating for hours means hack ****. 3 wanted to charge him with something.
Hello....they held deliberations for HOURS....

Self-defense is clear as day here...trayvon hit

Zimmerman first, Zimmerman was losing so he fired.

Wack? Of course...legal? Yes.
Ninja I have been on this side of the fence the entire time.

However, let me ask you something.

You been in fights before? If you have, have you gotten your *** whoop?

If so, did at any point did you think they was going to kill you? Do you think if you had a gun, you would of have pull out and shot them?

Just questions?

Like I said, I think from the evidence presented and the argument brought forward by the prosecution, he should of have walked!
it is a failure of the justice system.  if any one branch fails, the system fails as a whole.  in this case, they all failed.  the police.  the jury. the prosecution. GZ.  everyone involved in this besides TM and his family has failed.
what yall are really saying is: if someone is trying to kill you, do not fight back or else your attacker will be forced to defend himself.

Hello....they held deliberations for HOURS....

Self-defense is clear as day here...trayvon hit

Zimmerman first, Zimmerman was losing so he fired.

Wack? Of course...legal? Yes.
Ninja I have been on this side of the fence the entire time.

However, let me ask you something.

You been in fights before? If you have, have you gotten your *** whoop?

If so, did at any point did you think they was going to kill you? Do you think if you had a gun, you would of have pull out and shot them?

Just questions?

Like I said, I think from the evidence presented and the argument brought forward by the prosecution, he should of have walked!

When u getting beat up in a fight, da person who's

Winning is da one who figures out "how much is

Enough" & thats da last person you want in control

Of that.
When u getting beat up in a fight, da person who's

Winning is da one who figures out "how much is

Enough" & thats da last person you want in control

Of that.
So, basically you can't answer the questions, mind you I'm with you on this topic!

Sounds to me that you already know where I'm going with this and you rather ....

well you know!
Because you know he hit him first. Ok. Deliberating for hours means hack ****. 3 wanted to charge him with something.

But they COULDN'T cuz da laws is clear..self defense

Beats murder & manslaughter.

The law is crap though. Self defense should not be a defense for manslaughter.

If you fall asleep at the wheel and kill someone, you would be guilty of manslaughter but if you instigate a fight with a person without doing anything illegal to instigate it, and then kill them in self defense, you are ok.
When u getting beat up in a fight, da person who's

Winning is da one who figures out "how much is

Enough" & thats da last person you want in control

Of that.
your image of a fight is on some rocky v eye on the tiger steez

just say it was unlawful to shoot an unarmed teenager in the street. just say it. you will feel so much better.
He just said on CNN when he shot trayvon.
Trayvon sat up SMH
Actually, I made this very same argument.

I stated that just because someone gets shot, doesn't mean he is going down right away. Thus TM could of have been shot and instead of falling on top of GZ he stood up holding his chest then hit the ground face first while holding his chest. Which will be consistent with the forensic report!
So you're gonna ignore da fact that trayvon struck

where did u get this FACT????

This was deem a FACT during da trial b...

Hello...even da prosecution conceded to that FACT.

Travyon bit more then he could chew..this is why

All da jurors aquitted Zimmerman... Self defense

Beats murder AND man slaughter.

you are straight trolling right now

& yet despite da public convicting him in da court

Of opinion Zimmerman got off....

Emotional testimony void of facts ≠ cold hard facts.
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