R.I.P Trayvon

and how do you explain this^ 

1.) I'm not being influenced by a video made by an anonymous source.
2.) Is that DNA evidence fact? I'm not saying it isn't. I just want to see what shows up in court. Theres way too many "sources" in this case. I'm not judging anything until actual evidence is in court.
I hope zimmermen spends everyday of the rest of his life in a prison cell being brutally beaten and gang raped
1.) I'm not being influenced by a video made by an anonymous source.
2.) Is that DNA evidence fact? I'm not saying it isn't. I just want to see what shows up in court. Theres way too many "sources" in this case. I'm not judging anything until actual evidence is in court.


3:50 on gets me EVERYtime. :frown:

3:50 on gets me EVERYtime.

word......he had every right to kick that q *** for following/harrassing him....I dont see why people don't get that....
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Zimmerman will be found guilty of something--just not murder.  

It still boggles my mind how you can follow an unarmed citizen while armed, and when confronted by that citizen because of you following them, you can "stand your ground" and claim self defense.  That makes absolutely NO sense.  

edit:  Not to mention, Trayvon had every legal right to be where he was.  He wasn't trespassing.  He wasn't casing homes to burglarize.  He was walking back to his dad's spot.  Damn shame, I tell ya.  Damn shame.  

this was still debated in that other big thread. at that point i was like man if there are that many ignorant NTers/people who can't come to terms with all of the above, then

Zimmerman will be found guilty of something--just not murder.  

It still boggles my mind how you can follow an unarmed citizen while armed, and when confronted by that citizen because of you following them, you can "stand your ground" and claim self defense.  That makes absolutely NO sense.  

edit:  Not to mention, Trayvon had every legal right to be where he was.  He wasn't trespassing.  He wasn't casing homes to burglarize.  He was walking back to his dad's spot.  Damn shame, I tell ya.  Damn shame.  

+ The person on the 911 call told him do not follow Trayvon AND he still did it anyway.

But people will continue to reach for ways to defend Zimmerman.
I believe before you go to trial, you have several pre trial conference determining what will be allowed as evidence. This is to keep this trial in order. If ur able to read those docs you'll be able to know what each side will be arguing about.

The Law is for everyone. If u know it. Then you'll know how to apply it. If u don't. Then u are at the mercy of the lawyer and judge.
Why he even call them if they hold absolutely no weight, I know they aren't the police but what was the point of calling 911 if he was just going to act like them and try to do their job....baffling to me.
The 911 operator's advice holds no legal weight bro.
Regardless if he has the right to not listen to the 911 operator 

operator said: Are you following

GZ said: Yes

Operator said: Ok we don't need you to do that 

GZ said: Ok

As if he was following the instructions of the operator

So once again even if he had the right to not listen 

HE LIED and said ok he won't follow but did anyway

He's a LIAR dawg plain and simple

Why is that so hard for people to understand
are you doing ^ this to spark discussion?

Doing what? My point is simply that 9-1-1 operators are nothing more than dispatchers. Their job is to alert the proper authorities. If they advise for or against something as trivial as "following a person," their advice will do nothing to aggravate the circumstances surrounding the events that followed.

A 9-1-1 operator might also suggest I don't drive in the snow. It doesn't mean I have to abide.

The following part is not criminal.
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Why he even call them if they hold absolutely no weight, I know they aren't the police but what was the point of calling 911 if he was just going to act like them and try to do their job....baffling to me.

Good question. The answer will likely come out during the trail.

I'm guessing the defense will play this card: "he is a neighborhood watchman and aspiring police officer who thought it was his civic duty to deter criminal activity by surveilling the neighborhood. He called police to investigate Trayvon while he maintained eye contact."
Good question. The answer will likely come out during the trail.

I'm guessing the defense will play this card: "he is a neighborhood watchman and aspiring police officer who thought it was his civic duty to deter criminal activity by surveilling the neighborhood. He called police to investigate Trayvon while he maintained eye contact."

I hope to god not for their sake....lol
Regardless if he has the right to not listen to the 911 operator 

operator said: Are you following

GZ said: Yes

Operator said: Ok we don't need you to do that 

GZ said: Ok

As if he was following the instructions of the operator

So once again even if he had the right to not listen 

HE LIED and said ok he won't follow but did anyway

He's a LIAR dawg plain and simple

Why is that so hard for people to understand

You're implying that bro to make your point valid. He said OK to someone who holds no legal authority. In fact, as a registered town watch or whatever he was, Zimmerman technically probably holds more weight in the situation than the 911 operator.
Why he even call them if they hold absolutely no weight, I know they aren't the police but what was the point of calling 911 if he was just going to act like them and try to do their job....baffling to me.

Umm.. because he was trying to get them to do their job which is alert the authorities to come.

Thats all their job is, to alert the authorities to come.
Good question. The answer will likely come out during the trail.

I'm guessing the defense will play this card: "he is a neighborhood watchman and aspiring police officer who thought it was his civic duty to deter criminal activity by surveilling the neighborhood. He called police to investigate Trayvon while he maintained eye contact."

Now that you figured out 911 operators have no authority

Explain to the people of the court
The authority of neighborhood watchman

You certainly can't possibly think

Gz didn't have to listen to 911 dispatch

But Tm was suppose to listen to the authority of neighborhood "self appointed" watchman captain

Or is that how you really feel
Umm.. because he was trying to get them to do their job which is alert the authorities to come.

Thats all their job is, to alert the authorities to come.

I get all that, what I was saying is that he had done his part as a citizen after that phone call was made....the vigilante acts done after that were completely unnecessary. Those acts leaf to a confrontation which lead to a dead teenager who was doing wrong or illegal at the time.....all because of a man 'trying' to do police work....
You're implying that bro to make your point valid. He said OK to someone who holds no legal authority. In fact, as a registered town watch or whatever he was, Zimmerman technically probably holds more weight in the situation than the 911 operator.

He wasn't even a certified NW keyword "self appointed" Never signed anything with the state of florida look it up

I'm on my phone but when I get back to a pc I will post it
You certainly can't possibly think

Gz didn't have to listen to 911 dispatch

But Tm was suppose to listen to the authority of neighborhood "self appointed" watchman captain

Or is that how you really feel

Not sure if you are addressing me or if your post was a hypothetical response by the DA?
I get all that, what I was saying is that he had done his part as a citizen after that phone call was made....the vigilante acts done after that were completely unnecessary. Those acts leaf to a confrontation which lead to a dead teenager who was doing wrong or illegal at the time.....all because of a man 'trying' to do police work....

I agree with this. Problem is, in the justice system those parts of the equation (led to, then led to, then led to) aren't crimes in and of themselves.
They might (MIGHT) prove some type of recklessness. But in a 1st degree murder rap, a lot tougher.
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