R.I.P Trayvon

He's a murderer an animal and a savage he should suffer for the remainder of his ****** life
Yeah, to me the following him around is the initial provocation...nothing would've ever happened (Trayvon would be alive and well, and GZ would be living a normal life) had he not gone on a power trip :smh:
It's amazing to me how people try to justify this.

If someone is following you while you're walking down the street, how would you react?

Ideally, I'd call 5-0. Taking no chances in this day and age.

The younger me would probably confront the dude and say something along the lines of "can I help you?"
So self appointed neighborhood watchmen have more authority than 911 dispatchers?

Any other ways to justify Zimmerman?

Zimmerma hand preconceived notions about black men because in society, black men walking in nice neighborhood = he's going to put those precious rich white folks in danger.

Felt tough and pursued him, not eem wondering that maybe the kid knows someone that lives in the area.

Got whooped up on when he tries to detain him.

Shot the kid on the chest.


***** can't even walk down the street without folks questioning you. :smh:
So self appointed neighborhood watchmen have more authority than 911 dispatchers?

Any other ways to justify Zimmerman?

Zimmerma hand preconceived notions about black men because in society, black men walking in nice neighborhood = he's going to put those precious rich white folks in danger.

Felt tough and pursued him, not eem wondering that maybe the kid knows someone that lives in the area.

Got whooped up on when he tries to detain him.

Shot the kid on the chest.


***** can't even walk down the street without folks questioning you. :smh:

Good thing you're not the DA. GZs team would be licking their chops. Where'd you get your Psych degree anyways? :rofl:
We got people in here trying to prop up an unofficial gloried block captain, SMH.  George Zimmerman didn't even get the necessary votes from the neighborhood meetings to even be given the title "block captain".  That right there tells us everything we need to know about him.
I also don't get this leap in logic....

If the neighborhood watch person is told to contact a 911 dispatcher, that then contacts the police, how does the neighborhood watch person have more authority than the 911 dispatcher whom they're told to contact?

It would seem to me that the 911 dispatcher has more "authority" in this instance and has greater control over the matter, since it's his/her responsibility to escalate the matter to the necessary persons.
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We got people in here trying to prop up an unofficial gloried block captain, SMH.  George Zimmerman didn't even get the necessary votes from the neighborhood meetings to even be given the title "block captain".  That right there tells us everything we need to know about him.

His character is definitely going to be ripped to shreds.

I also don't get this leap in logic....

If the neighborhood watch person is told to contact a 911 dispatcher, that then contacts the police, how does the neighborhood watch person have more authority than the 911 dispatcher whom they're told to contact?

It would seem to me that the 911 dispatcher has more "authority" in this instance and has greater control over the matter, since it's his/her responsibility to escalate the matter to the necessary persons.

:rofl: @ this whole Dispatcher vs. Neighborhood watch argument taking off. It's pretty irrelevant. Dispatcher doesn't have authority to definitively tell you what to do. Neighborhood watchman doesn't have authority to launch his own criminal investigation. Period. It's doesn't matter who has more authority. What is that even proving?
He's a murderer an animal and a savage he should suffer for the remainder of his ****** life

Your responses are so random :lol:

Zimmerman story has changed so many time, we will never know who struck first.
First he said he was seating in his car "staring at a sign" and trayvon came and dragged him out of his car and started to beat him up.
Then he said he was just walking and trayvon jumped out the bushes and attacked him.
So many tales of the mallard.

I would assume since trayvon was running away from him, he didn't strike first but we will never know.
Neighborhood watchman doesn't have authority to launch his own criminal investigation. Period. It's doesn't matter who has more authority. What is that even proving?
Another thing, can you and other at least refer to him with the proper title which is "self-appointed neighborhood watchman", with the key word being self-appointed.  Anybody can give themselves the title to something when they never really earned it or was voted to the position.  
Ok, I know everyone is calling him self appointed whatever. But does GZ live in this commmunity complex. Yes right. So he is a resident/homeowner. A resident has a right to protect his own blank. Whatever he owns.

So does a resident/homeowner have a right to follow someone suspicious since the area has been known for being burglarize?

He could follow and contfont him. But who initiated contact first?

Even if Gz provoked TM and TM reacted in swinging the first punch. Gz can claim self defense. Or did Gz put his hands on TM acting as a rent a cop?

Just somethings to think about....
Ok, I know everyone is calling him self appointed whatever. But does GZ live in this commmunity complex. Yes right. So he is a resident/homeowner. A resident has a right to protect his own blank. Whatever he owns.
He may own his house/residence, but he doesn't own the entire neighborhood nor was he "authorized" by the community to patrol the complex.  Even rent a cop's have more respect than what George Zimmerman was trying to portray.  At least they are given a flashlight.  
So does a resident/homeowner have a right to follow someone suspicious since the area has been known for being burglarize?
Someone suspicious huh.  Tell us more on your description on what someone suspicious looks like. 
He could follow and contfont him. But who initiated contact first?
Do you think George Zimmerman should have followed and confronted Trayvon??
Ok, I know everyone is calling him self appointed whatever. But does GZ live in this commmunity complex. Yes right. So he is a resident/homeowner. A resident has a right to protect his own blank. Whatever he owns.

So does a resident/homeowner have a right to follow someone suspicious since the area has been known for being burglarize?

He could follow and contfont him. But who initiated contact first?

Even if Gz provoked TM and TM reacted in swinging the first punch. Gz can claim self defense. Or did Gz put his hands on TM acting as a rent a cop?

Just somethings to think about....

Does TM not have a right to the same "self defense" when a grown man is following you and confronts you/provokes you out of nowhere though? Its not like GZ came up to him or yelled "excuse me, may I ask what you're doing?" Allowing TM to give a response...dude was lurking and following him, called 911 for no reason other than a person was in a damn hoodie that I see 1000s of people of any ethnicity wearing day/night on my school's campus every week.

And I'm not buying that wearing a hoodie makes you "suspicious", wasn't it raining the night this happened? Even if it wasn't that's not enough to do what GZ did. Now if he sat back and watched, then saw TM looking around a car or peering in windows of houses, then maybe his actions of confronting someone would be a bit more warranted...but just walking in the neighborhood? Nah.
Another thing, can you and other at least refer to him with the proper title which is "self-appointed neighborhood watchman

What's the difference? Ultimately, whether self-appointed or appointed by neighbors, all they are doing is literally keeping "a watch" and alerting the authorities.

And say please.
How are they supposed to find a jury in that small community all of whom have ZERO pre-determined conclusions about this case though?!

They'll probably get a jury from another county as many courts do in high profile cases.
Another thing, can you and other at least refer to him with the proper title which is "self-appointed neighborhood watchman
What's the difference? Ultimately, whether self-appointed or appointed by neighbors, all they are doing is literally keeping "a watch" and alerting the authorities.

And say please.
The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you
The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you :D .

George Zimmerman DID go for watch training though. 14 hour class.

so there goes that.
To consider someone suspicious will depend on the situation. people coming in& out of your neighbors house constantly. Suspicious? Maybe.

To see someone walking down the street or community gated complex late at night wearing a hoodie. Suspicious? Maybe. Area is known for bulgaries.

Being suspicious will be if he was looking at every house and looking sround for anyone looking at him.
I'll confront someone but I'll come in a helpful manner. Maybe he's lost or looking for a relatives house.

All we don't know is who initiated the first contact? None of us were there. We only read opinions of reporters or hearsay of other people...
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The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you
George Zimmerman DID go for watch training though. 14 hour class.

so there goes that.
The term, "self-appointed neighborhood watchman" still holds true however.  Nice try champ.
The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you
George Zimmerman DID go for watch training though. 14 hour class.

so there goes that.
The term, "self-appointed neighborhood watchman" still holds true however.  Nice try champ.
The term, "self-appointed neighborhood watchman" still holds true however.  Nice try champ.

I did not deny he was self appointed. I merely pointed out that you are all wrong to keep saying over and over that Zimmerman didn't receive any training, when in fact, he did.
The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you :D .

Yeah I guess. I honestly don't know too much about their validity. I do remember reading about the Guardian Angels in school though :lol:

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