R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Let me start by saying there ain’t a bigger MJ fan than me. I cried when he died no lie. That being said, MJ you like innocent sleepovers? Coo where are the girls? I mean no where.... Also his relationship history is checkered at best, are those his kids? I’m not sure, and their complexion doesn’t help. MJ was a handsome dude before the surgeries but he dated nobody ever? I think he was a homosexual personally. But who cares?

Was that ever touched upon, the girls/boys ratio? I remember one of the accusers had sisters that hung around who also accused MJ of innaprorproate contact but Im not sure this proves anything to be honest in terms of his sexuality. He had a ton of hetero porn and the couple of women who spoke out about him like Lisa Marie said he was a normal lover.


If it were Tiki Barber, folks wouldn't be defending him.

Again, people LOVE and revere MJ so much that there is a block in their brains that doesn't allow those accusations to stick.

Folks in heavy denial

Have you done any research on the topic? Read court records? I love MJ but if I read about any shred of evidence incirminating him I would not defend him one bit. When I learnd authorities found pornographic images of young boys I thought that would be it, but then its revealed it was a best seller art book. Thats the most damning evidence I know of to date tbh unless you got something more.
Y’all do realize he could suffer so much trauma from his childhood that he could really believe he was an 8 year old mentally and tried to hang out with kids and live out his childhood dreams.

But again, I wouldn’t be shocked if he was guilty or innocent
Fam ... I didnt know They found actual pictures of the girls on his property but couldn’t use it cause of legality.

That’s ****in wild
I think MJ's biggest mistake was listening to his friends(Elizabeth Taylor) instead of his attorney(J. Cochran) who wanted to haul the entire Chandler clan into court and nail their asses to a cross. Michael was a victim of his own naivety, an overzealous prosecutor, and a healthy dose of good ole fashioned greed. Look at the evidence presented in those cases. The one that actually went to trial was complete garbage. Nothing more than a dysfunctional family trying to come up on some money. If you were to believe his last bodyguards, MJ was a regular heterosexual dude.
They tryna drag Timbo too. Bruh said he married his wife because she had a resemblance to Aaliyah. These ****** weird.
she was in her mid to late 20's when da trial started and she still refused multiple times... prosecution couldn't do anything without her testimony.
probably even more likely to take the money
you see these thots everyday taking less money for more
Y’all do realize he could suffer so much trauma from his childhood that he could really believe he was an 8 year old mentally and tried to hang out with kids and live out his childhood dreams.

But again, I wouldn’t be shocked if he was guilty or innocent

Him having sleep overs with lil kids is still a HUGE red flag and he was dealing with **** from his childhood.

But I believe Mike was smashing dem broads :lol:



That Wayne video of him talking about Baby hooking him up with thots is wild :lol: and real common
That clip was super suspect too...until the last couple seconds when the word “she” was mentioned it was sounding like they had Wayne in a circle for a all cash money gangbang when he was tellin that story :sick::smh:
Him having sleep overs with lil kids is still a HUGE red flag and he was dealing with **** from his childhood.

But I believe Mike was smashing dem broads :lol:



O yea he def had some biddies in his day...but at some point he took to spending some real “quality time” with some young cats...that’s very weird at the least and straight up terrible if u go further
I thought the girl MJ married said she lied about their sex life or they barely had sex or something
Doesn’t MJ have a little half Indian son???

I remember dude being at the funeral.
Tim weird af for that. But I'm glad he kinda recognized it and dealth with it in a healthier way that indulging in forbidden lust. He decided to be her big brother. I can respect that at least.
MJ having one sleepover with a young boy is wild af. If he’s just Mr. Jackson down the street he goes to jail instantly and everyone on the block looks at him weird forever. There’s just no way to rationalize it.
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