Racism and the internet... (White people = main focus)

I hear that. People are just too negative on the internet.
Its like as soon as they hop on the internet, they flip their ignorance switch on.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I get the impression that the majority of white people on the net are racist. I'm judging from the forums and communities that I participate in (car forums, video games, YouTube, etc).
Come on.... that's absurd
So 75% of the people on the internet are racist??
Maybe it's just a bunch of young punks at these various places that you go to that make it seem higher then it really is....
Or.... perhaps its just the impact of reading it that makes it seem like a higher % then it really is
75% of america might be white.. but 75% of the world is not.. does the whole world not use the internet now?
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I get the impression that the majority of white people on the net are racist. I'm judging from the forums and communities that I participate in (car forums, video games, YouTube, etc).
Come on.... that's absurd
So 75% of the people on the internet are racist??
Maybe it's just a bunch of young punks at these various places that you go to that make it seem higher then it really is....
Or.... perhaps its just the impact of reading it that makes it seem like a higher % then it really is
75% of america might be white.. but 75% of the world is not.. does the whole world not use the internet now?
Naw, they don't.
And all white people are racist.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I get the impression that the majority of white people on the net are racist. I'm judging from the forums and communities that I participate in (car forums, video games, YouTube, etc).
Come on.... that's absurd
So 75% of the people on the internet are racist??
Maybe it's just a bunch of young punks at these various places that you go to that make it seem higher then it really is....
Or.... perhaps its just the impact of reading it that makes it seem like a higher % then it really is
75% of america might be white.. but 75% of the world is not.. does the whole world not use the internet now?
Naw, they don't.
And all white people are racist.

Dont go out like that.. How about we have an intelligent discussion about it instead of everybody making up excueses and taking back what they said?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Naw, they don't.
And all white people are racist.
Dont go out like that.. How about we have an intelligent discussion about it instead of everybody making up excueses and taking back what they said?
Dude's an idiot for making that comment, trying to get at me just because he doesn't like me, so he gets an equally stupidcomment in response

Now back to our previously scheduled broadcast of an actual discussion...
there are alot of closet racist on the net even some threads on NT have racial undertones ie the "polo is played out thread"

like seeko said if your a racist person let it out in everyday situation don't hide behind the computer screen

oh yea my favorite line is " most of my friends are______(insert race)" YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
XBL is terrible.. any given night a 12 year old white kid (im majority white ) will throw out the N word and go on a tyraid unprovoked. its real sad. ivehonestly seen no other race attack another race like ive seen white against black
Dude racism is here in full effect, where have you been.

Once Obama hit office you never read the report on how those Aryan or kkk forum members registered rose by like 50 percent.

Just watch some Paul Mooney and Chappelle stand up they tell you how segregated everything is.

Social relations have gotten a lot better, but there still a long way to go. People now days jut figured out how to cover it up very good.
TBONE95860 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

TBONE95860 wrote:

And all white people are racist.

You're an idiot. You just might be the first person I hit ignore on.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life, andthat's saying ALOT. I better call my white friend thats married to a black girl and tell him the news. Afterall, he is racist, and I think he would liketo know.

I guarantee that most of the racism you hear on the Internet and on XBL is kids. Kids that think they are funny and since they aren't there sitting thereface to face with you, they become the biggest baddass in the world.
Its just something I got use to....There are soo many racist comments on the local newspaper site...people feel so comfortable on the internet.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

What's good with this issue?! It seems like people get on the net (mainly white kids) and all of a sudden racist jokes become the funniest thing in the world. My reason for saying "mainly white kids" is because most of the jokes that I see are aimed at black people in any given situation. I can be on a car forum and somebody will post a pic of a Chevy on 24" rims and it's automatically the laughing stock followed by the onslaught of "N" jokes. Porn sites, if there's a black guy in the flic, the comments persist... It doesnt matter. It could be about a movie, video game, music, whatever... It really gets me thinking...

I'm sure it's done in life too, but it's behind my back. I see "N" jokes all over certain websites and YouTube comments, yet I RARELY see this in life?!?! As a matter of fact, I applaud the ones who are bold and honest eough to do this type of *%+$ in life because it's real, and if that's how you feel, I'm glad it's in the open. I know people who go to 4chan and participate in the dumb *%+$ that happens on that site yet they swear up and down that the racist comments dont amuse them. Where are my openly racist NTers who bang on the net and in life?! Represent!!! I'm just sayin though... I see people differently based on intelligence and sometimes image (women). In all honestly, race is noticed but not considered when it comes to making decisions in my life. Seems more like a henderance and waste of time to me.

Set. Go.
I thought I was the only person that took the time to read the comments on "those" sites.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

White people, how often are you on the receiving end of racism without starting it?

Honestly, very rarely. Except, of course online, where people dont know what race you are.

I have only seen black to white racism a handfull of times in my life. Well, racism thats put into words, not actions.

I have been on the recieving end though. Laos people, vietnamese, and black.
I have been called pink, %+@@!%, tailer trash, marshmallow, "WHATS THIS WHITE BOY DOIN IN MY HOUSE!!!" (LOL, I have heard that twice!) And I couldnteven tell you how many times I have been stereotyped as a cop, but, it is nothing compared to what black people go through.

I have lots of Laos, Cambodian, and Vietnamese friends and before I really knew the people they know/families, they had cold shoulders. But, once you get toknow them, they are the most laid back, realest race. They will welcome you as if you were kin. And a Laos party is like no other!
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

XBL is terrible.. any given night a 12 year old white kid (im majority white ) will throw out the N word and go on a tyraid unprovoked. its real sad. ive honestly seen no other race attack another race like ive seen white against black
One reason I am starting to hate playing online, or XBL for that matter. You hit a complaint on these losers and it doesn't do anything...
NOT ALL but a large contingency of this 'racism' is the ripple effect or cost of a lot of black people's success.

For those of you who are still reading...have you seen Comedy Central in the past 5 years? Chappelle's show anyone? That hilarious dude said the N word somany times he made a skit about it. And his popularity, and other black comedians' success in attracting a white audience along with their easily imitatedmaterial led to white kids everywhere saying all kinds of crap.

Obviously that only accounts for the joking-racist not the serious old school racist.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

[h3](White people = main focus)[/h3]*insert facepalm.gif here*

I just think its funny when they love rap but hate black people.
Ive seen that from mIRC, to worldstarhiphop

online posting things like

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Naw, they don't.
And all white people are racist.
Dont go out like that.. How about we have an intelligent discussion about it instead of everybody making up excueses and taking back what they said?
Dude's an idiot for making that comment, trying to get at me just because he doesn't like me, so he gets an equally stupid comment in response

Now back to our previously scheduled broadcast of an actual discussion...

first, i'm not a dude or an idiot
..dont assume i say things because i dont like you.. i donteven know you son
third, i was simply asking a question that happened to point out that what you said didnt make sense

carry on with the discussion though
Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE

If you cant handle that then NEVER play xbox live please

When I used to play Halo 2, those young dudes used to say the most off the wall stuff. Lil dude told me once that I only got an Xbox because of affirmativeaction. I laughed....
Racism will never be solved. Period. It's passed on from generations to generations, you just have to learn to live with it. What difference does itmake if the person is a "closet racist or an honest racist" they are still racist ! People will always pass judgment on others, even their own kind,it's just how it is. In my opinion, racism is usually from the stereotypes that comedians, rappers and entertainers, of the same skin color, uses to getpaid. Tell me, how is it right for every black comedians to make fun of their own people and it's funny but when a white, asian or latino does it; it'sracist ! And don't give me that, it's okay pass because he is black, that's $$*+@%%% !!! You want to get rid of racism than start building"YOUR COMMUNITY" from the ground up and teach them to love and respect each other. Same as you can't keep blaming the outside world for yourmistakes where the problem lies within...
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