Racism and the internet... (White people = main focus)

Originally Posted by infamousod

NOT ALL but a large contingency of this 'racism' is the ripple effect or cost of a lot of black people's success.

For those of you who are still reading...have you seen Comedy Central in the past 5 years? Chappelle's show anyone? That hilarious dude said the N word so many times he made a skit about it. And his popularity, and other black comedians' success in attracting a white audience along with their easily imitated material led to white kids everywhere saying all kinds of crap.

Obviously that only accounts for the joking-racist not the serious old school racist.
It is in fact partially due to black media, and like you said there are those that joke about it and those that are serious. But at what point dothe jokes in the minds of these young white kids turn into real perceptions?

I can only pray that as we get further and further away from the slave era in America, we can grow into a more cohesive American society. I think generationsneeds to "forget" the past, and start fresh. In the end, however, these arguments are even more complex than we care to imagine.
i honestly can't think of the last time i've seen a white person say something racists in person....its always on the internet
...it just makes itfunnier to me because it shows how soft they are....i half way respect an openly racists individual
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

TBONE95860 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

TBONE95860 wrote:

And all white people are racist.

You're an idiot. You just might be the first person I hit ignore on.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life, and that's saying ALOT. I better call my white friend thats married to a black girl and tell him the news. Afterall, he is racist, and I think he would like to know.

I guarantee that most of the racism you hear on the Internet and on XBL is kids. Kids that think they are funny and since they aren't there sitting there face to face with you, they become the biggest baddass in the world.

TBone is white...
I just laugh it off. It's no use getting frustrated and type an 'all caps' response in rage due to what someone said. I don't understandwhy some people are racist. Maybe their family raised them that way, or they had bad experiences with the said race once before... really bad.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

TBONE95860 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

TBONE95860 wrote:

And all white people are racist.

You're an idiot. You just might be the first person I hit ignore on.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life, and that's saying ALOT. I better call my white friend thats married to a black girl and tell him the news. Afterall, he is racist, and I think he would like to know.

I guarantee that most of the racism you hear on the Internet and on XBL is kids. Kids that think they are funny and since they aren't there sitting there face to face with you, they become the biggest baddass in the world.

TBone is white...

Why would that matter?
It was a ******ed comment no matter what race you are...
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

TBONE95860 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

TBONE95860 wrote:

And all white people are racist.

You're an idiot. You just might be the first person I hit ignore on.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life, and that's saying ALOT. I better call my white friend thats married to a black girl and tell him the news. Afterall, he is racist, and I think he would like to know.

I guarantee that most of the racism you hear on the Internet and on XBL is kids. Kids that think they are funny and since they aren't there sitting there face to face with you, they become the biggest baddass in the world.
TBone is white...

Why would that matter?
It was a ******ed comment no matter what race you are...

Maybe it was SARCASM?
I kinda got a question. Real Talk. Why is okay for a black comedian to talk about white people, but if a white comedian talks about black people, it's thecomplete opposite.
i blame mommy and daddy.....xbl is racist as hell everytime im on their i hear the _word....and the thing is they say it simply cuz their mad...like the onlyway to express their anger is the _word
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

TBONE95860 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

TBONE95860 wrote:

And all white people are racist.

You're an idiot. You just might be the first person I hit ignore on.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life, and that's saying ALOT. I better call my white friend thats married to a black girl and tell him the news. Afterall, he is racist, and I think he would like to know.

I guarantee that most of the racism you hear on the Internet and on XBL is kids. Kids that think they are funny and since they aren't there sitting there face to face with you, they become the biggest baddass in the world.
TBone is white...

Why would that matter?
It was a ******ed comment no matter what race you are...

Maybe it was SARCASM?

People say/do all sorts of things when the only consequence is someone posting the "That's Racist" .gif.
I'd say about 90% of ppl on the internet are racist, have racist tendencies, act racist, and/or have racist views and don't know it. You talk aboutenough topics you'll probably find something that they're completely ignorant and have a strong racial bias for and that goes for humans in general notjust whites.

It's klan mentality though. When they get on the internet it's like putting that white sheet over their heads, aint nobody can see them so they letlosse and be who they truly are so to speak.
I will make jokes about any subject matter - but I do not stand for actual intolerance and/or discrimination towards somebody simply for them being different.

If you can't take jokes about race - i think you need to lighten up a bit. Not everyone who makes racist jokes is a racist - there's a huge differencebetween what you say and what you do, and to handle everything in life with such a serious attitude is part of the reason we have so many social issues tobegin with.

There should be no censorship of any kind as far as actual words - it's actions you have to try to stop in order to fight an issue like racism.

Some would say that words/ideas promote negative racist actions - but I know plenty of people who would make a "terrible" racist joke one second andbe on the front lines ready to die to stand up for the same punchline of their joke's right to equality in this country.

Words are just words.. it's actions that matter.
Yeah, it's some really dumb stuff.
Some people are just so ignorant and reckless. Or kids think it's funny when it's highly offensive.

The interwebz is an outlet though. I'd rather these kids talk reckless online than go around killing people.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Words are just words.. it's actions that matter.
I disagree. I think you can clearly cross the line. And there are many such words that I won't utter whether I'm just joking or not.
Anyways, I know what you're getting at but I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole


People say/do all sorts of things when the only consequence is someone posting the "That's Racist" .gif.
I thought you'd never ask...(my only contribution to this thread)...


**exits thread**

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Words are just words.. it's actions that matter.
I disagree. I think you can clearly cross the line. And there are many such words that I won't utter whether I'm just joking or not.
Anyways, I know what you're getting at but I'm just saying.

I disagree, the lines are very blurry when it comes to joking on the internet. When you use the internet you should take some things as nothing more than acomment, laugh if you find it funny and if you dont then just ignore it. For example, that dude that posted the comment about having an Xbox because ofaffirmative action, thats pretty funny. We will never know if he is truly a racist or if he isnt, but we cant just be overly sensitive about things.

Keep in mind we laugh at things like "pedo bears", that can be very offensive to someone that has gone through certain experiences as a child andmany times something that has been an unfortunate situation for one person becomes an "epic thread".

In instances like that, words can and often times should be taken as nothing more than just words.
IMO its not that hard to tell when someone exposes their card and goes on a racist rant or when someone is just trying to provide the lulz.
It's easy to say words are just words, but a completely different story when those words are directed directly at you...Jokes or no jokes certain thingsshouldn't be said or done, and the no censorship is a crazy idea because, personally, I think that would cause a massive racial war...
I hear u. It really irks me, but what irks me more is the racism on Xbox Live. I'm on the game to have a good time and I hear N_r thrown around in thederogatory sence like it's nothin. I notice they all have southern accents too.

Sad thing is, we can't do anything about it except know that all these racist cowards wouldn't dare say anything to ya face, even on NT. They hidebehind the keyboard and liquor as an excuse
Originally Posted by bryanne2210

It's easy to say words are just words, but a completely different story when those words are directed directly at you...Jokes or no jokes certain things shouldn't be said or done, and the no censorship is a crazy idea because, personally, I think that would cause a massive racial war...
So then it should be done across the board.
Im not saying people should say any and every ignorant comment that pops up in their head.
But once we get into censoring one thing then it opens up the floodgates for all types of things to start getting censored.
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