Racism at Work

Aug 10, 2003
Can you tell me if this is a racist comment or I’m just being overly sensitive? This warehouse manager comes to my department and there’s 3 people there including me, another coworker and my supervisor… He is complaining about how our vendor in china is stacking the pallets too high and damages the product on the bottom…Then he says we need someone in China to work with him whos referring to our China vendor… Why don’t we send <my name> over there? I reply back saying there’s no need to be racist…everyone is in denial including the warehouse manager… I’m thinking I should say something to the owner since we don’t have HR here… He probably said that because I’m Asian and from what I have seen one of two minorities in the whole office which is 30 people…

There’s no doubt in my mind the dude is a racist and my supervisor as well… The warehouse manager and me were talking about sneakers one day… He said I would never let my son wear Nikes… I said why he said because Nike supports Colin Kaepernick kneeling and disrespecting the flag…my supervisor chimes in and says she wouldn’t let her son wear Nikes either…. And she said who does he think he is to kneel and disrespect the flag? that’s some righteous BS… I was thinking to myself these 2 people are so racist… but I didn’t pay any mind and kept to myself since it didn’t involve me and I was still new at my company so didn’t want to start anything…

Should I say something to the owner or no?
yes it is racist

what could the possible repercussions of telling the owner?
would the owner side with your manager?
He was out of line.
It was a racially insesitive comment.

What are the races of the other 2 people that were standing around?

You don't have an HR Department, so I can't tell you how to move but I would have a word with ALL of those dudes up top.

Sorry that you had to go through that but dude knew what he was doing.
The other two people were White... Im usually a defensive person when people say stuff like that so I make a comment back much worse but then I realized I'm at work and can't be reacting ignorant or impulsive lol
The other two people were White... Im usually a defensive person when people say stuff like that so I make a comment back much worse but then I realized I'm at work and can't be reacting ignorant or impulsive lol

Post his social media accounts
Yes it was racist. Sad to say though the most likely outcomes of talking to the owner are:
A. Nothing
B. Retaliation for not letting it go

I know how it is when you're the only minority surrounded by white people. They never wanna hear the actual truth
They'll ask you to forgive him and let it go and if you don't then you and your entire race become the problem

"It was just a joke", "He didn't mean it like that", "He's not a racist he has ____ friends", "Can't you just get along"
Be prepared to hear some variation of all those and more as they make you the bad guy in their heads
don't know how his socials but he's mid 30's... I prally woulda let it slide if he apologized when I said no need to be racist... but him and my coworkers made it seem like no big deal and moved on... that's when I felt disrespected
I’m sorry that happened. If you don’t feel like you’ll get the necessary support needed to address the situation from your coworkers then I’d start looking for a job elsewhere and keep it purely professional until you can get out of that place
don't know how his socials but he's mid 30's... I prally woulda let it slide if he apologized when I said no need to be racist... but him and my coworkers made it seem like no big deal and moved on... that's when I felt disrespected

What is the phone number.

I will call up there and say I overheard dude making racist comments to a customer.

What is his name?
Thanks DC I considered the offer but I'm good lol.... I'm a tell the owner when I leave for the day... less stress doing something at the end of the day... not sure if anything will happen but I just want them to know they can't be saying stuff like that to coworkers.... Don't really care if I'm going over my supervisor... This just gave me reason to look for a new job sooner rather than later.... I was already planning it but might have to immediately... before today's situation I wanted to leave anyway because my company don't give raises or even have goals period...
Tough situation to go through.

Is this a small company, or is it part of a larger corporation? If the latter, see if the organization has some type of EEO or employee misconduct email and/or phone number (on a national level).

If you feel comfortable, you can report the occurrence BUT as mentioned earlier, be prepared for (covert) retaliation. There are legal rules against it, but it still happens. You can always record those instances as well, but I can understand if you don’t want the trouble.

Often times these things go unreported due to fear of retaliation, or simply the need to have a job to support yourself and your family. Which results in more problems for future employees. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
^ It's a small company... No HR whatsoever... the owner is two brothers one who calls all the shots and the other who deals with accounting and new hires...

I'm not trying to make a big deal... I just wanted to report a inappropriate comment made towards me... that would be crazy if I get retaliated against or fired... the warehouse manager has been there for 10 years and people seem to like him... he just made an inappropriate comment
^ It's a small company... No HR whatsoever... the owner is two brothers one who calls all the shots and the other who deals with accounting and new hires...

I'm not trying to make a big deal... I just wanted to report a inappropriate comment made towards me... that would be crazy if I get retaliated against or fired... the warehouse manager has been there for 10 years and people seem to like him... he just made an inappropriate comment
Honestly you should probably just pull the guy to the side and let him know it bothered you.
you need to get up outta there, but before you do. On your last day of work, make sure you decked out in everything nike. That will send a statement and a message.
I'm a call my friend and get their opinion... but ya your right... might just use this as motivation to look for a new job... then on my last day I can tell the owner the reason I left was cuz of that... the owner might be maga as well so not sure my complainant will do anything.... we have a big us flag hung on a pole outside our building
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Was he in da warehouse when he made da comment? Did he vote for 😴 💤 🛏 Joseph Biden? Is he a woke boi or a liberal?

Based on tour post da answers are clearly yes and he is in fact a Racist. He clearly hates conservatives like you and he's jealous of your ZADDY APPEAL AND BEING HANDSOME. Next time that lib gets in your face hit him in da mouth and watch him cry in his Veg Wrap with his BLM T Shirt soaked in liberal tears.
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