"Racism is as American as baseball"

Lotta boomers on my Facebook feed outraged over some Dr. Suess books being pulled. More outraged than unarmed Black people being shot to death by police.

“aRE tHey gONna bAn tHe biBLe nExT?!”

Nobody is banning the Suess books. HIS publishing company chose to stop manufacturing the racist ones. And also they don’t see a problem with Dr. Suess’s “Art”


Saw the Darryl Kile doc on mlb network and then I saw this. How widow’s IG.

What evil? Working class folks asking for the same respect as our white counterparts?

I’m sorry but that’s jail time for abuse. Who in the right mind thinks that’s a good idea? That’s only what she’s been caught doing too


" It may seem that Treanor took swift action to address Sellers’ remarks. But multiple GULC students with firsthand knowledge told Slate that a student discovered the video on Sunday night and reported it to the administration on Monday morning. The administration did not publicly address it until after it was widely shared on Twitter, and after the Black Law Students Association released a statement calling on GULC to immediately fire Sellers. The BLSA also urged the administration to demand a public apology from Batson, improve its “subjective grading system,” audit Sellers’ “past grading and student evaluations,” and hire more Black professors. By Thursday afternoon, 51 student organizations at the school had signed on, as had 74 other Black law student associations around the country, nearly 800 current GULC students, and nearly 700 alumni (including me). The school’s Student Bar Association also issued a statement supporting the BLSA’s requests."

It’s one thing to throw out the hate for the national anthem..... but using the N word..... that was just something else
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