"Racism still alive they just be concealing it" vol. VMA fallout

This is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. So let me get this straight, Kanye West should be lynched because of what he did at the VMAs? Are you kiddingme? Newsflash people:

IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS. GROW THE $%^&* UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They make it seem as if he hit the girl or murdered her. Come on man. It's 2009, and its a shame that racism is still an issue. If it was somebody likeTeyana Taylor or Lil mamma that got embarrassed by Kanye at the VMAs, it would not be such a big deal. But since its Taylor Swift, everybody want to kill KanyeWest, and burn all of his CDs. and those people who tweeted all of those nasty and racist comments should be banned from twitter. these are the types of peoplethat when they are confronted about their comments, they'll say: "Oh no man I'm not racist, Its was just a joke." like they always do. PleaseGTFO with that nonsense.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Honestly Im tired of this BS.
White people are never going to let that $#^& go....
this whole upcoming generation has said some of the most dumbest $^#&
I will ever hear in my whole life.
The night when Obama became president was an real eye opener for me
about how in their eyes we still aint @^$#.
Minorities will always be ajoke/object of disdain to White people.

There's nothing that I've become more certain of in my 20 years of existence.
this wont even matter in a week,

people r saying he is the worst human ever be real,

people r idiots
this is really the same $%@+ as what happened to dude from oregon who hit that white dude from boise state
if you are black in this country you don't hit/insult white people when you are in the public eye unless you want to be burned at the stake
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by GTEK

Honestly Im tired of this BS.
White people are never going to let that $#^& go....
this whole upcoming generation has said some of the most dumbest $^#&
I will ever hear in my whole life.
The night when Obama became president was an real eye opener for me
about how in their eyes we still aint @^$#.
Minorities will always be a joke/object of disdain to White people.

There's nothing that I've become more certain of in my 20 years of existence.

I just knew i couldn't possibly be the only one on NT that has came to this conclusion.
very wack people have to use racist comments

on another hand lets be real, ye aint pulling that stunt on any minorites
Similar stuff has happened to white people as well. Trent Lott for one. People are just ODing like they always do. I am NOT condoning this at all. Just lettingpeople that this is not a one-way street.
WallyHopp wrote:
just this small act throws people into this much hatred? that is so scary.

they already had this much hatred...just never had a reason to let it out publicly...Ye gave them a reason to take it twitter...if it wasnt him it would havebeen someone else...
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

The word @@%@%+ is powerless now. White people have already overused it. Along with every other black stereotype. If you're black and let '@@%@%+' effect you then ask yourself why?

I wanna be called +%+%#$ cause I'm proud to be one

They seem to have you well conditioned
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

The word @@%@%+ is powerless now. White people have already overused it. Along with every other black stereotype. If you're black and let '@@%@%+' effect you then ask yourself why?

I wanna be called +%+%#$ cause I'm proud to be one

you were all good till that statement right there. proud to be a N word? im proud to be a black man that knows hes anything but an N word and THATS why itdoesnt affect me.
bijald0331 wrote:
Similar stuff has happened to white people as well. Trent Lott for one. People are just ODing like they always do. I am NOT condoning this at all. Just letting people that this is not a one-way street.

In no way similar.
that twitter stuff is just stupid people being stupid, but had kanye just sat the hell down when someone was giving a speech there wouldn't be any of thisboo hooing right now.
I've been sayin this since it happened. It gave the racists an excuse to show face. It's pretty obvious if you open your eyes, and its beyond theracist remarks on social networking sites, its in everything from "black rapper going at blonde white country singer" to the backlash everyone hastowards Kanye. I swear, he didn't even go at Taylor, he was an idiot and rude, but not directly towards her.
If he got up on stage and did that to another rapper, nobody would give a damn, but since its to Taylor Swift, its boycott and all that bs. You would think Yebeat his girl or killed someone.
this #%$ is going way too far.....dude went on stage took the mic and said something....people are blowing it up like he went up there and assaulted thechick

its an award show.....and not only that........the mtv awards.....quite possibly the least "serious" award show that there could be......this is defnot worthy of as much press as its getting.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Honestly Im tired of this BS.
White people are never going to let that $#^& go....
this whole upcoming generation has said some of the most dumbest $^#&
I will ever hear in my whole life.
The night when Obama became president was an real eye opener for me
about how in their eyes we still aint @^$#.
Yeah I remember that night. I saw a lot of salty white people. I'm not surprised by racism though, because it's all around.
How you fix your mind to manifest the thought and then express in to words:
KANYE WEST IS A +*%#%#. I don't like Taylor Swift, but that's %+%##%+ horrible. I'm not racist, but what a ****er.

First of all, I want to say Kanye West is an extremely bold man for stating his opinions but the manner in which he did so was distasteful and disrespectfultowards Taylor Swift. He could have easily ranted his opinion on the subject matter via his blog or twitter. I guess the more fame you consume the more yourego grows and your conscious diminishes, with that said, this ignoramus simply does not think before he speaks. I believe this is why so many people lovehim, hes like the "black cowboy" of our generation whether we want to except it or not. He is AMERICAN in every sense of the word. As for theracial issues surfaced by this incident, they will always be there because people hate what he represents. Kanye West represents the solution to equaleconomic opportunity. Right now, I'm taking a course discussing the reasons why there's still such a large gap between the economic earning powerbetween African Americans and Caucasions given that their levels of education are on par with each other. The answer lies in the history of our land and ourfounding fathers. Thomas Jefferson, one of our great founding fathers, was conflicted with two Economic problems in America: resources and labor. The NativeAmericans owned all of the land in America rightfully as they were the first inhabitants but they viewed the landed as sacred property given to them by thegods rather than a commodity in which to barter for in exchange for goods and services from the Euro-Americans. Unable to successfully assimilate the NativeAmericans into their Euro-American culture, Jefferson was forced to simply relocate the Native Americans to less desireable lands and in most cases simplymassacre the ones that resisted relocation. After taking care of the resouce problem the issue of labor or cheap labor in our case came into surface as anyself respecting Euro-American did not wish to tend the fields of a capitalist agriculutre society when they could own and run a plantation themselves so theysought after cheap labor in Africa via the Atlantic Slave Trade. African-Americans were not encouraged to assimilate into the Euro-American culture, for theywished to keep them ignorant and subordinate to the whites so they could be easily exploited and manipulated for the profit of their own people. To this day,many high profile African Americans are still exploited by an upper elite of white Euro-Americans whoes lineages can be traced back to some of the wealthiestfamilies of America. Kanye West and his actions last night is a perfect example of how the ignorance of a African American like himself can only be exploitedto profit some Euro-American record executive who is probally jumping for joy over the fact that their ignoramus of a client went on telvision and promotedhimself without incurring any promotional costs out of their own pockets. "There's no such thing as bad publicity!"
this whole situation is ridiculous. what ye did was dumb as hell, but it wasnt dumb cuz he is blk. it was dumb because it was disrespectful, uncalled for andimmature. regardless if it was a white girl or a puerto rican or even another blk it wasnt right. she messed up a young girl's night to shine because he isan attenion **@+@. i dunt understand why everyone had to get all racial about it calling him a dumb N_ and all that crap cuz ppl sayin that is just as ignorantas what he did last night. dumb person yes. dumb N_ is uncalled for. it jus shows that ignorance alive and well...
kanye is a classless joke for what he said. he deserves to lose fans and money.

but he is not a *%%!@# by any means. (i am not black if that matters)
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

kanye is a classless joke for what he said. he deserves to lose fans and money.

but he is not a *%%!@# by any means. (i am not black if that matters)
****** don't even exist!
I'm black and I never call my dudes the n word. When I here it I boil up inside. I went to a mostly white school and that could be why. I heard that s*^#like 5 times a day. And I was in there battlin everyday with white dudes. It made me the strong black man I am. But to call each other that is exactly themeaning if the word. How dumb can we be. It's like someone callin u a ****** and u go along with it and start calling yourself ******ed. How dumb do thatsound. Black people will never be s+*^ in this country that's why I'd never fight for it in the army. The fabric of this country was built on racism.And government wants to keep it that way.

But when a white man insults The President of the United States of America Barrack Obama on national TV it was almost celebrated. Alot of white Americans arestill in shock that a black man is leader of the free world. Kanye opened the door for all them to get they're racist rocks off. America at it'sfinest.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

kanye is a classless joke for what he said. he deserves to lose fans and money.

but he is not a *%%!@# by any means. (i am not black if that matters)
****** don't even exist!
what do you mean by that? i can't tell how that relates to my post.
Everybody gettin on Ye, but dude was drunk! Who don't do dumb S_ when they drunk? Dude was already bold, but the lq just intensified it. For all we know,cats that was callin him a N_ on twitter was prolly bent on that Henroc too.
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