Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

Sorry just now replying but its a long story lol. I'll try to make it quick, but first time one of my white friends took me with a group of his friends.

2nd and 3rd time it was most likely when I would go to racist places on purpose just to throw it in their faces that I could be anywhere they were allowed to be. Like if you can be here, so can I , do something about it.

That area of campus was mostly for the white kids until we started integrating the night/club scene over there. We brought change
Can anyone explain to me the difference between white people chanting about killing black people and black people rapping about killing black people?

I'm a 31 year old black man and I'm definitely phasing ignorant gangster rap out of my life because I don't condone it. People feel like it's acceptable under the guise of "entertainment", and "they're just rapping about their life experience", when in actually, it all stems from ignorance and hatred. It seems as if the only hatred that other blacks take exception to is that from whites. I find it hilarious that waka Flocka flame isn't going to show up and rap about killing blacks because another group of people talked about killing blacks.

Idc if you disagree, vibing about killing anyone is unacceptable, regardless of their race.
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Can anyone explain to me the difference between white people chanting about killing black people and black people rapping about killing black people?

I'm a 31 year old black man and I'm definitely phasing ignorant gangster rap out of my life because I don't condone it. People feel like it's acceptable under the guise of "entertainment", and "they're just rapping about their life experience", when in actually, it all stems from ignorance and hatred. It seems as if the only hatred that other blacks take exception to is that from whites. I find it hilarious that waka Flocka flame isn't going to show up and rap about killing blacks because another group of people talked about killing blacks.

Idc if you disagree, vibing about killing anyone is unacceptable, regardless of their race.

View media item 1065600
You truly are the deflection king
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Not this **** again. Age 31 and still having the mindset of an adolescent. One literally had NOTHING to do with the other.

What's next, why do blacks use the N word with each other but get mad when whites use it? Or how about the hot topic of the year why do blacks care about white police shootings when there's all this black on black crime that needs to be addressed. Please for goodness sakes y'all dude's have to stop trying to deflect from the topic at hand and try and equate everything to stuff that WE should be doing.
Can anyone explain to me the difference between white people chanting about killing black people and black people rapping about killing black people?

I'm a 31 year old black man and I'm definitely phasing ignorant gangster rap out of my life because I don't condone it. People feel like it's acceptable under the guise of "entertainment", and "they're just rapping about their life experience", when in actually, it all stems from ignorance and hatred. It seems as if the only hatred that other blacks take exception to is that from whites. I find it hilarious that waka Flocka flame isn't going to show up and rap about killing blacks because another group of people talked about killing blacks.

Idc if you disagree, vibing about killing anyone is unacceptable, regardless of their race.

Soulja been spoke about it but im not going to let music control my life. It just something different to listen to with the "gangster rap"
Can anyone explain to me the difference between white people chanting about killing black people and black people rapping about killing black people?

I'm a 31 year old black man and I'm definitely phasing ignorant gangster rap out of my life because I don't condone it. People feel like it's acceptable under the guise of "entertainment", and "they're just rapping about their life experience", when in actually, it all stems from ignorance and hatred. It seems as if the only hatred that other blacks take exception to is that from whites. I find it hilarious that waka Flocka flame isn't going to show up and rap about killing blacks because another group of people talked about killing blacks.

Idc if you disagree, vibing about killing anyone is unacceptable, regardless of their race.

Are you also boycotting the big corporations that finance the message? Because if you're only placing blame on the artist and not the system that produces, promotes and perpetuates the bull **** then you're only focusing on the easy target and falling for the same brainwashing that racists who like to cite rap as the reason conditions like hoods and hood culture fall for.

I take it you own nothing made by Sony for example and actively boycott them too, right? You're treating the symptom and not addressing the virus.
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Can anyone explain to me the difference between white people chanting about killing black people and black people rapping about killing black people?

There's a little bit of history associated with white people chanting about killing black people.
Sopperhopper must have inverted that 3 and 1. Would make more sense.
:lol: just as I expected. Slick comments with no LEGITIMATE answer. And I'M the one that's deflecting?! Give me a break. At least 1 or 2 actually provided a thought out response.

The behavior on that bus was reprehensible and I'm glad they got expelled. Do not misunderstand me. However, just because this country has a blemished past due to racial relations, a pass should not be provided for people of MY race to glorify taking other's lives. That's ALL I'm saying.

@brolic scholar why would I not hold the artist accountable? They know right from wrong and they are profiting from glorifying menacing behavior! They are men that are capable of making decisions and can walk away. I understand that the label finances them, but they are artists, not pets,they want to release garbage just as much as the label wants it released.

Danger/action/violence sells and people revel in it. I get it. People accept it as entertainment UNTIL it hits to close to home.
What does any of that **** you typed have to do with this incident? Not a damn thing. That's deflection of the subject. Takes place in every one of these "race" threads, more often than not by "black" people or at least those on here who claim to be black.
Hmm. Maybe the part about killing black people has something to do with the subject, considering they were chanting about banning/killing black people.
So music is the real problem? Why not stop there what about the movies, TV shows, literature that talk about/show killing black people or people in general?

Like Brolic alluded to you're focusing on the axillary parts and not the engine. It's literally bringing nothing productive to the discussions. And quite frankly is where some of the white SWS mindset comes from: the whole we can do it because they do it themselves.
:lol: just as I expected. Slick comments with no LEGITIMATE answer. And I'M the one that's deflecting?! Give me a break. At least 1 or 2 actually provided a thought out response.

The behavior on that bus was reprehensible and I'm glad they got expelled. Do not misunderstand me. However, just because this country has a blemished past due to racial relations, a pass should not be provided for people of MY race to glorify taking other's lives. That's ALL I'm saying.

@brolic scholar why would I not hold the artist accountable? They know right from wrong and they are profiting from glorifying menacing behavior! They are men that are capable of making decisions and can walk away. I understand that the label finances them, but they are artists, not pets,they want to release garbage just as much as the label wants it released.

Danger/action/violence sells and people revel in it. I get it. People accept it as entertainment UNTIL it hits to close to home.

Not once did I say don't hold artists accountable. What I'm saying is IF you're going to boycott the product, boycott EVERYONE responsible for making and profitting off of it, not just the parties who are easy to blame.

Of course the artist has a choice in what they create, but does that excuse the people who market, package and distribute the product?

Do you only blame drug dealers and excuse the crooked politicians and law men that let the drugs cross our borders? Picking and choosing who you're not supporting, based on their visibility is shortsighted.

I don't actively boycott any rapper or MC. I might not **** with everyone's music, but it's not because I feel they are responsible for what grown men and teenagers capable of making adult decisions do.

In fact, I've met some of the dudes that make the music you dislike and a lot of them seem more genuine than our bourgeois brothers and sisters who think the man sees them as different or exceptional because they pronounce the consonants at the end of their words or know how to tie a double Windsor knot. Not saying that's you, but at my age music isn't influencing me to the degree that I have to actively avoid it.
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Bro, determining all involved persons and not using a Sony TV is doing too much to me. I know who's saying the stuff and I hold them accountable. Whoever is funding them is behind the scenes for a reason.

I just watched a cnn video with Waka Flocka (which I find laughable) and he's stating that he's disgusted.lol. Ok.
I'm sure I'm late, but just found out the boys goin hard on the SAE video are both from well off Dallas families.
You ain't met a real bigot until you have met a Texas bigot.
Texas bigots are in a class by themselves.
I don't have time to waste on ***** and there's no convincing one that's a WS apologist. I stay clear of ***** cause in the workforce yall are hands down the worst people to be around as a fellow black man. Stay telling on other minorities to get a butter biscuit from massa. 
I don't have time to waste on ***** and there's no convincing one that's a WS apologist. I stay clear of ***** cause in the workforce yall are hands down the worst people to be around as a fellow black man. Stay telling on other minorities to get a butter biscuit from massa. 

:stoneface: ok guy. I clearly stated that the behavior on the bus dead wrong and I'm glad they were published. Did you read. You just gathered what you wanted to gather.
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