Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

Freedom of speech protects you from government restrictions, not your employer. I don't get what the argument is here.
The reason this site is useful would be solely for evidence purposes to save jobs of people treated unfairly in the workplace.
ie. got fired unjustly... use website as evidence.
or.. believe you should have gotten a promotion .... use website to build a case.
maybe for jobs such as HR and hiring, dismissal is appropriate 

but to just start cutting the means that someone needs to put bread on the table is in radical communist censorship territory. [SIZE=13.3333339691162px]imo [/SIZE]
where do you draw the line?

we could just have the DT's post addresses of the perps and hire guys like RealAF to drive out to where ever they live and beat the crap out of them.

Just a thought.
Yep. You can't fire someone for what they say outside of the work place.

Ehh, it's one thing to have a rumor about someone saying something. It's another to have written proof online for everyone to see. Besides, their reason for termination can be anything the employer documents it to be.
I don't think most people have actually read their employee code of conduct. This is usually covered. A dangerous precedent though, but for now, **** racists, ioneem care.
You represent your employer even when your off the clock, if the views and opinions dont match the reputation the company is trying to have, you can and will be terminated.
So ME66 still didn't get banned for saying black people are eggs and he's happy to see their yolk on the pavement huh?

Good job mods
Petty & impractical? Thanks, and here i thought i was doing a good job being the voice of reason. :tongue:

I mean yeah, you're not wrong. I just don't think you really believe an employer can get away with firing an employee for posting something that wasn't explicitly hateful or libelous online.

It's a fine line is all I was ever saying and it would be awfully easy to step into a pile of **** unless they had a valid reason for that employee's termination.

A red shirt or an unpopular stance (but not hateful or libelous) wouldn't fly as a legitimate explanation. :lol: Any wrongful termination lawyer worth his salt would definitely find a way to create a lawsuit.

What I or you believe is irrelevant. The unfortunate truth is that employers don't need much of a reason. Right or not, that is the truth.
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So ME66 still didn't get banned for saying black people are eggs and he's happy to see their yolk on the pavement huh?

Good job mods

He been saying a lot of Lil slick ****. He said ******* in the music forum the other day.

I wish we still had NT summits so we can say this **** to each other face to face.

Matter fact...I'd be interested in discussing how we can make that happen and see whos man enough to participate
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You represent your employer even when your off the clock, if the views and opinions dont match the reputation the company is trying to have, you can and will be terminated.
Simple concept. Not sure what people don't get about this
How hard is it for someone to create a fake account and get someone else in trouble tho?
I think people really want it to be ok to spew hate online.
"its not real life"
Has nothing to do with agreeing with opinions or ideals, just their right to say it. How hard is that to understand?
Can we get a quote of this?
He can't, because it doesn't exist. 
He been saying a lot of Lil slick ****. He said ******* in the music forum the other day.

I wish we still had NT summits so we can say this **** to each other face to face.

Matter fact...I'd be interested in discussing how we can make that happen and see whos man enough to participate
You sound like a real tough guy, man. Real adult of you. 
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So ME66 still didn't get banned for saying black people are eggs and he's happy to see their yolk on the pavement huh?

Good job mods
Can we get a quote of this?

:rofl: @ the framing attempt

When you can't convince anyone but yourself that somebody is saying something racist, just start making stuff up!
Nah he did say that in a thread
Can't remember which one though
Happened last week though
Not sure if I like or don't like cause there are racist people who don't expose themselves.

Seems like there are better things I/we could be doing
The 1st amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The key word is Congress. Doesn't say anything about your employer.
Has nothing to do with agreeing with opinions or ideals, just their right to say it. How hard is that to understand?

It is his right and he wasn't censored by the government or thrown in jail for saying it. So what's your point? His 1st amendment rights weren't violated.
Pretty sure this has been said, but I'll reiterate...

Freedom of speech is NOT freedom of consequence...

And if you say something that is detrimental to the brand that you represent... you WILL get the can... Simple as that.

This is stated in damb near every employment agreement.

Water we eem talking about in here? who's arguing against that?
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