Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

Yes u did
Umm, if you can read you'd know I didn't. I said it was good that a bad egg got his yolk cracked. A bad egg who was proven bad by video surveillance of him pointing an illegally carried concealed gun at a police officer. No where did I say or refer to him being a bad egg simply because he was black. You said that, and I'd appreciate it if you'd grow up and stop trying to slander me with false quotes/accusations. I've never said a racist thing on NT, ever. You guys just love screaming SWS and racist when you can't come up with an argument towards someone playing the devils advocate, which happens a lot. 
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Nah he did say that in a thread

Can't remember which one though

Happened last week though

Nah, I didn't. 

Yes u did
And someone repped it. 
Yes u did

Umm, if you can read you'd know I didn't. I said it was good that a bad egg got his yolk cracked. A bad egg who was proven bad by video surveillance of him pointing an illegally carried concealed gun at a police officer. No where did I say or refer to him being a bad egg simply because he was black. You said that, and I'd appreciate it if you'd grow up and stop trying to slander me with false quotes/accusations. I've never said a racist thing on NT, ever. You guys just love screaming SWS and racist when you can't come up with an argument towards someone playing the devils advocate, which happens a lot
Yes u did
Umm, if you can read you'd know I didn't. I said it was good that a bad egg got his yolk cracked. A bad egg who was proven bad by video surveillance of him pointing an illegally carried concealed gun at a police officer. No where did I say or refer to him being a bad egg simply because he was black. You said that, and I'd appreciate it if you'd grow up and stop trying to slander me with false quotes/accusations. I've never said a racist thing on NT, ever. You guys just love screaming SWS and racist when you can't come up with an argument towards someone playing the devils advocate, which happens a lot. 
But seriously...when you put it in the context of your track record on this site and the stances you take on issues regarding race, it becomes pretty clear that you feel some sort of way about minorities.
Having a 'track record' for racism on NT is as easy as asking for proof of said racism, when you guys claim a white cop is racist, based purely on his skin color alone. You just did it yourself. Here's the literal version of what you just said;
If you don't agree with us, that makes you a racist and SWS, regardless of what you have/haven't said.
Also this thread is getting derailed so make a new thread if you want it to be about me. 
Having a 'track record' for racism on NT is as easy as asking for proof of said racism, when you guys claim a white cop is racist, based purely on his skin color alone. You just did it yourself. Here's the literal version of what you just said;
If you don't agree with us, that makes you a racist and SWS, regardless of what you have/haven't said.
Also this thread is getting derailed so make a new thread if you want it to be about me. 
So was Meth in the wrong all of those times you were banned from threads for trolling/racism?
Fascinating dichotomy, the sheer amount of racists on a board about a brand that essentially was popularized by black athletes.

How does it feel being that confused all your life racists of NT? It must be quite the struggle.
Yea, that's how I took it. He was referring to individual "bad eggs", not referring to any specific race, nor generalizing them.

This is the problem on NT. You make a statement about an individual who is obviously in the wrong, and if he is of a specific race, the insecure ones are quick to take it as if they're making racist remarks because of his race, ignoring all of the actions said person may have performed to cause him to be viewed in a negative manner.

It's just exhausting at this point. I just hopes dudes get their self-esteem and self-image in check. To think that everyone is being a racist can never be good for your personal, nor professional life.

View media item 1336935
Yea, that's how I took it. He was referring to individual "bad eggs", not referring to any specific race, nor generalizing them.

This is the problem on NT. You make a statement about an individual who is obviously in the wrong, and if he is of a specific race, the insecure ones are quick to take it as if they're making racist remarks because of his race, ignoring all of the actions said person may have performed to cause him to be viewed in a negative manner.

It's just exhausting at this point. I just hopes dudes get their self-esteem and self-image in check. To think that everyone is being a racist can never be good for your personal, nor professional life.

So says the racist troll who said that no black man in history was ever shot by the police if he was wearing a suit or garment signifying professional status.
Ol boy came into a thread about a black boy and said he's happy to see bad eggs get their yolk get cracked


but mods want to come in a Draya, TAY, TAN, STAY IN SHAPE thread and exert some type of dumb punishment
I don't get how people constantly defend a particular side under the fake guise of being objective and not realize how transparent they are. I would never waste my time with people like that.
Just know if a asian boy or homosexual got killed thread popped up and I came in there talking about I'm happy bad eggs are getting cracked I'd be permaban
I respect those who like to get ahead in life.

I guess I'm a bad person for that.
I stopped reading at "WhatCanISay".
I don't know who you are, aside from making fake accounts due to sodium levels, to troll me in the car thread.

I stopped reading long ago lol.
"Bigpanda" was it? Something like that

You never came back after I posted the last picture you were asking for.

Can we get @Methodical Management  in here to prove that I've only had one account my entire time on NT?

Given your history on this site, is it really that hard to believe that multiple people don't like you?
Love the idea of the site, and like many have said in this thread freedom of speech = you can say whatever you want without the government punishing you, but this does not protect you from the court of public opinion. And hell yes, I feel that racists should be fired from their jobs no matter the profession, racism stems from an ignorance and as an employer I would hate to have anyone ignorant person working for me.
I respect those who like to get ahead in life.

I guess I'm a bad person for that.
I stopped reading at "WhatCanISay".

I don't know who you are, aside from making fake accounts due to sodium levels, to troll me in the car thread.

I stopped reading long ago lol.

"Bigpanda" was it? Something like that

You never came back after I posted the last picture you were asking for.

Can we get @Methodical Management
 in here to prove that I've only had one account my entire time on NT?

Given your history on this site, is it really that hard to believe that multiple people don't like you?
I see my post has you feeling some typaway?

Homie over there sweating, tagging meth
...are you 14?
Every damb thread...


This dude is like a vortex... How y'all fall for it over and over is beyond me.

Come on, comparison ford... When famb starts shooting in the dark... Minus whale just keep it moving
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