Random things you used to be scared of as a kid...

I used to be afraid of midgets and obese people. My cousin told me that obese people ate kids and I was afraid of fat folks until I was like 8
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball


Neigborhood Watch Sign
I used to be terrified of that sign. Dude looks scary as hell. Are You Afraid of The Dark? used to scare the hell outta me too.
IT (stephen king movie)
midgets (after seeing the lost boyz mind playin tricks on me at a young age i was terrified)
*and i i used to be afraid to walk directly behind people...cuz i would think whatever was wrong with them me or my kids would end up like that. for example ifi walked directly behind a fat person id end up fat or if they were mentally challenged...that my kids would come out like that.
The OG Incredible Hulk.. Dude gave me chills.


Snaked SKIN BELT. My pops used to scare me with this belt.. Never hit me with it but was always scared he was,.
freddy kreuger
maggotts(sp?) i still dont mess around
clown pictures(not actual clowns just the pictures)
When I was like 2, my family was visiting some family friends and the had a pet St. Bernard.
Ol' dog ran across the lawn jump on me(it was being playful of course) and knocked me over, I was truly traumatized!

So I used to be afraid of dogs until I was like 8
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