Random thought: Does anyone still write in cursive?

I hardly hand-write at all these days (keyboards FTW!). When I do write, it's never in cursive, unless I'm signing something.
only thing i know how to write in cursive is my name, and i can barley do that lol. i forgot how to write half the damn letters to be honest.
I had to for the ACT a couple weeks ago for the first time since 3rd grade. We were suppose to raise our hand if we didn't know how to but I wasn't trying to look stupid so I just wrote something close. It looked bad. I still can't remember how to write a f.
I write in cursive all of the time. Ever since I learned it in the 3rd grade, I have hardly ever used print. Honestly, my print is horrible compared to my cursive. Only time I ever write in print is when I'm instructed to. Back in high school my teachers would always complement me on my handwriting. I actually got a complement from some girl today in class for my handwriting 
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

I prefer it sometimes.

I have a friend that was taught only cursive. She can't write in print because she doesn't know how.

how does that work?

I'm not trying to say youre lying, but if she's literate, wouldn't she be familiar with the standard print that she sees all the time?
cursive is faster so if im jotting down notes its cursive but i prefer print. actually idk its pretty random
I used to write it fairly well... Didn't use it for a while and when my hand writing got messier out of necessity and convenience, cursive became a hassle to write and takes like 4x longer.

I also hate whenever I get something written in cursive because I know it took longer to write, and it was not worth it to spend the extra time to make it look neat.
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