Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

never really cared for it. i can enjoy it in smaller dosages though. a lot times ppl rapping fast are rapping utter garbage as well.

I feel you. I listened to way too much BTNH growing up and it stuck with me

I like the challenge of learning the words and working on the breath control and whatnot. I feel like the ability is under appreciated now
1. I feel you. I listened to way too much BTNH growing up and it stuck with me

2. I like the challenge of learning the words and working on the breath control and whatnot. 3. I feel like the ability is under appreciated now
1. I loved when they did it melodically, bu when they started doing it in their more normal voices on Resurrection they lost me.
2. I agree that it's impressive a lot of ppl make it feel gimmicky.

3. Piggybacking off of #2... that's because of who does.
Good points. The gimmicky thing I get but at the same time all these rapper characters got gimmicks. Some just more excusable.

lowkey BT discog ended in 1997 for me :lol:

two things here

1) Streaming as a whole is pure robbery
2) WE really hate ourselves man :smh:

Nip told us before passing that Tidal pays A Lot more than any other streaming service, Nore has gone on record saying that also (way before the Tidal deal)... The numbers have always backed that up.

and yet somehow artist don't promote and collab with Tidal the way they do with apple Music & Spotify.

Tidal is owned by artist from our culture, pay the most attention to our culture, creates plenty of original content for our culture, and pays almost double what apple music does, and triple what spotify does. Yet we still don't push for it :lol:

1 million streams on Spotify = $ 4,370
1 Million streams on Tidal = $ 12,840

what do artist do..... provide spotify links

"Jay already rich"
Early 00's were a vibe

Flesh of my Flesh came out when I was in Middle School. I remember a classmate skipping right to Slippin and thinking he had the editted version of the CD lol.
X's cd was the only edited version worth copping since you got the sick *** ad-lib drops in place of the curse words. The bark and growl was more fitting than the curse words at times.

"Just another little (COME ON) headed no where fast"
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