Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Random but who remembers this clip? Legendary twerkage with a blunt in each hand :lol: :pimp:

nobody is immune from going crazy though bruh. Someone could be healthy for decades. Get hold of some bad work, traumatic experience or depression and they toast.
This dude I went to high school with is nuts now. Like completely lost his mind crazy. I wonder what happened, he was good when we left
I have a homie that went schizophrenic from trees.

He was that dude back in the day, the cool guy. The piff just fractured his mind. Still check for him though. You not a real one if you turn your back on someone that you called a friend cuz they going thru some ****, no matter how big or small it is.

You just a sucka
You can't say he's going crazy and then in another post say it's his fault. People make questionable decisions when their mental health is compromised. That could be one of them. Kanye been off his rockers for some time.

I said it’s his fault for MARRYING her. I never said his mental state of mind is his fault. His state of mind has nothing to do with his decision to marry her. He’d been aware of her for years.
I said it’s his fault for MARRYING her. I never said his mental state of mind is his fault. His state of mind has nothing to do with his decision to marry her. He’d been aware of her for years.
I said it’s his fault for MARRYING her. I never said his mental state of mind is his fault. His state of mind has nothing to do with his decision to marry her. He’d been aware of her for years.
There are people who wouldn't certain things prior to getting sick, but the moment their mental health is compromised, they start to do things that aren't deemed sensible. This is the equivalent. You can know that eating out of the trash can is bad, but you get sick and all of a sudden it becomes normal. That's an extreme case, but you get the gist. Kanye's comments on Harriet Tubman has people now seeing that he isn't well, but he has been demonstrating other outlandish questionable behavior, it's just that it was overshadowed by all of the other things going on (him getting married and having children. various albums, Having a successful clothing/footwear brand, etc). As someone who's seen people in the before and after, you can tell that they aren't well.
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Ya, it does that to some people, very small percentage but it happens. Theres actually a lot of studies done on it. Like tomdiginson tomdiginson said its not for everyone.

I'm getting my doctorate in Psychology next year. Mental Health is a spectrum throughout your life. Depending on someone's previous exposure to adverse childhood trauma, their support network, and coping mechanisms, a life experience can be the difference between a natural disaster you can't come back from, or just a challenge that you inspire to make meaning from. Especially if you are a person of color, and even that much more if you are Black. Our mental health options are slim to none. And yeah, trees ain't for everyone, it can do serious damage to your amygdala (ironically your brain's smoke alarm).

Sidenote: I hope Kanye can find some solace in his life. It doesn't really matter if I agree with him or not
(which I really don't). I just hate to see anyone going through it, especially when they're Black.
Depends on a lot of factors

Age you started
How often you smoked
If theres a genetic thing there, if mental problems are underlying trees bring it to the surface or expedite it.
The potency also is a factor for sure

I know personally i cant fw sativa. I dont like it, indica is for me. That was part of the problem back in the day cuz we didnt have dispensaries so everything was just kush to us. More times it was some hybrid ****.

Just fw edibles every now and then these days. Lil piece and im chillin
I don’t smoke but I definitely be seeing who can handle that high grade, and who can’t. Again, it’s just a lot of cats to embarrassed to downgrade.
Had a friends that were twin brothers that were super into psychedelics in our college days and those dudes are toast now/some of the dumbest people I know. One of them sent their girl to hit me up about a pyramid scheme and I cut them off after that.
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