Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Shooting Chad some bail here. This was at a festival. Dude was probably having too good a time and said yes to an interview from a random that recognized him. The glasses definitely don’t help. The YT comments are gold :lol:

Fam got this guy's energy all the way

Shooting Chad some bail here. This was at a festival. Dude was probably having too good a time and said yes to an interview from a random that recognized him. The glasses definitely don’t help. The YT comments are gold :lol:

Top Comment says "Act Normal" :rofl:
Shooting Chad some bail here. This was at a festival. Dude was probably having too good a time and said yes to an interview from a random that recognized him. The glasses definitely don’t help. The YT comments are gold :lol:

Yo this is really hilarious because when you go thru dude channel, the Chad joint the only one with anything over 1k views :rofl:

I saw on another site the same scenario except for being at a festival he was @ his plug house :lol:
I try to support Dallas artist but this ****** is ***.
Frying son in the comments. “Time to pick the scale up and put the mic down” :lol:
I don’t know one person in real life that bump son music here :lol: Ruined a classic.

I try to support Dallas artist but this ****** is ***.
Frying son in the comments. “Time to pick the scale up and put the mic down” :lol:
I don’t know one person in real life that bump son music here :lol: Ruined a classic.

Is Dennis Rodman the most famous ***** out of Oak Cliff?
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