Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

I heard this song many years ago, but I had no clue what it was called or who performed it until about twenty minutes ago.

Probably my favorite LL album.

What’s the last Kanye album y’all liked?

Dark Fantasy and Cruel Summer. Haven’t even heard his last couple cause Yeezus and Pablo were so bad.

What’s the last Kanye album y’all liked?
Solo? I liked “ye” except for the last song b/c it didn’t sound like Kanye. Turns out he didn’t write it. The KSG album was. JIK had highlights, but overall sounded rushed n unfinished. I loved TLOP though, but “ye” & “JIK”aren’t really bad to for an artist, nor is it bad music. I just think they are lackluster output for Kanye.
Its not real life. Leave it up to ppl in here & Kanye/Drake are trash w/ no considerable influence or skill that no one listens to b/c they are irrelevant.

I’m ok with not being in the group wearing homeless clothing gear buying his music. Doesn’t even have anything to with maga caps either, I didn’t care for his music long before then.
I’m ok with not being in the group wearing homeless clothing gear buying his music. Doesn’t even have anything to with maga caps either, I didn’t care for his music long before then.
There's a general disdain for the 2 at any mention for their work or personal reports. All in while I've seen praise for others in here who have shown themselves to be fairly terrible ppl. The thing I've noticed about the Kanye hate in here is that I've seen consistently him vocalize viewpoints that favourable in here. Mad times I've read discussions in and thought "but when Kanye said it..."

Also the homeless/matrix clothes thing was for like a season into his line. He's had like 6 or 7 other seasons like an other fashion brand w/ different styles. Idky y'all like to cling on to that.
Its not real life. Leave it up to ppl in here & Kanye/Drake are trash w/ no considerable influence or skill that no one listens to b/c they are irrelevant.

NO ONE has ever said this. No one said Drake or Kanye is trash. People like us just don’t hype up everything they do like it’s great or amazing. We aren’t blinded or excited about everything they do. Rap fans just are fickle and followers when it comes to these dudes
NO ONE has ever said this. No one said Drake or Kanye is trash. People like us just don’t hype up everything they do like it’s great or amazing. We aren’t blinded or excited about everything they do. Rap fans just are fickle and followers when it comes to these dudes
Dudes would dead sneakylike Drake they did w/ the Powerpuff Girls. Straight up would front & try to pick at you for openingly like they don't like his ****, but at any party, setting, or situation they know his **** better than u. People ain't really fickle about them like that, look at the positions both have maintained all of these years.

It's just that small section of ppl loudest about their disdain for both on the internet despite real life contradicting what is being said. MAGA Ye perfomed at HOWARD UNIVERSITY in 2019. Lil Baby is the "hottest rapper", but can't sellout an arena tours It's all trick of the light stuff.
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