Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Kodak is a clown to but unlike y’all.... I SEPARATE personal life from the music. Ya’ll be acting like dudes above being criticized. I don’t take s*** personal. These cats ain’t my relatives or me. That’s the difference:lol:

so you can separate the person from the music but just said you ain’t like drake cause he liked Rihanna and nicki? Lol
n_’s that have a code can see the sucka s*** in ye and drake. Its glaring. Its BEEN glaring.

i could see it in ye BEFORE the trump support. I said f*** yo YEEEAARRRS ago.

Was it this picture

There's a general disdain for the 2 at any mention for their work or personal reports. All in while I've seen praise for others in here who have shown themselves to be fairly terrible ppl. The thing I've noticed about the Kanye hate in here is that I've seen consistently him vocalize viewpoints that favourable in here. Mad times I've read discussions in and thought "but when Kanye said it..."

Also the homeless/matrix clothes thing was for like a season into his line. He's had like 6 or 7 other seasons like an other fashion brand w/ different styles. Idky y'all like to cling on to that.

Kanye has shown himself to be a good person? When?
Breh this rap where ****** literally talk about killing black men & poisoning kids for hours at a time :lol: but the maga cap was where we draw the line

Why can't you be against all of it

****ing and that

Didn't know it had to be either or :lol:

Y'all are wild. Yeah he's a **** who disrespects our forefathers, but at least he's not talking about killing people on songs or selling drugs. :lol:
Kodak is a clown to but unlike y’all.... I SEPARATE personal life from the music. Ya’ll be acting like dudes above being criticized. I don’t take s*** personal. These cats ain’t my relatives or me. That’s the difference:lol:

Coming from the person who cheers when dudes get locked up because of their music :lol:

Y'all are on some ******** in this thread
Y'all are wild. Yeah he's a **** who disrespects our forefathers, but at least he's not talking about killing people on songs or selling drugs. :lol:

this ain’t even a wild take tho especially when you take the sensationalism out of his statement

In however many years people will have the same sentiments as his comments about slavery except replace it with capitalism :lol:
NO ONE has ever said this. No one said Drake or Kanye is trash. People like us just don’t hype up everything they do like it’s great or amazing. We aren’t blinded or excited about everything they do. Rap fans just are fickle and followers when it comes to these dudes
No, im pretty sure ive said this. Dudes trash, and hes a weenie.
When have I said something about him being a good person? When?

You said you've seen people praise people who seem to be terrible people. So what does Kanye seem? A self hating koon? That's supposed to be excusable?

and the excuse is what? well Lil Wayne said it?

Well at least he doesn't talk about killing people. The bar is low as ****.

Should we welcome Ben Carson back, because at least he didn't OJ anyone. Too bad Clarence Thomas didn't do music.
I just don't get the inconsistency. We clown certain rappers for pages and everybody agree they lame, then when it comes to another set of rappers it's "Whoa y'all going too far, they off limits"

I can't believe trynafeelmink trynafeelmink just pulled the "what about black on black crime". :lol:

Personally idgaf what ya'll say about Kanye... it's the dialog & thought process behind it that interest me. Seeing people online vow to never support Kanye on anything due to his political views while simultaneously promoting artist who literally promote murder, drug abuse & depression is *** backwards to me :lol:

with all the ridiculously harmful **** that we don't blink an eye about in rap.... Kanye's ******** is WAY DOWN on the list of harmful things facing us.
Why can't you be against all of it

****ing and that

Didn't know it had to be either or :lol:

Y'all are wild. Yeah he's a **** who disrespects our forefathers, but at least he's not talking about killing people on songs or selling drugs. :lol:

Because it's clear as day that people pick & choose when they wanna use morality based upon who the person is.
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