Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Check out Bobby Kasanga. He has his own podcast/media channel where he interviews a bunch of artist and well known former street dudes in the UK.

Kasanga was a goon himself. Ended up starting his own football club, turning his life around writing books etc. He use to be a footballer who was doing licks, mashing works and robbing atms, check cashings etc. He dropped a bunch of videos talking about his life and some of the antics he was involved in and his reasoning as to how he got involved etc. He was featured on a podcast and briefly touched on his story.

Man, I saw a movie back in the day about this black UK dude who rose to the ranks as the top goon of west ham soccer.

Random as hell. But that **** was interesting as hell :lol:

KKK ain't killed a ***** in 40+ years... why ****** always tryna deflect to someone white when they do wrong? :lol:
KKK ain't killed a ***** in 40+ years... why ****** always tryna deflect to someone white when they do wrong? :lol:
lolwut? This isn't true at all. KKK still committing crimes.

This isn't even the most recent one.

KKK members working in Gainesville prison accused of plotting to kill black inmate​


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GAINESVILLE — Three Ku Klux Klan members who worked at a Florida prison have been charged with plotting to kill a black inmate after his release in retaliation for a fight, officials said Thursday, in a case that marks the latest black eye for the troubled state prison system.
The three men — Thomas Jordan Driver, 25, David Elliot Moran, 47, and 42-year-old Charles Thomas Newcomb — each were arrested Thursday on one state count of conspiracy to commit murder, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office said in a written statement.

lolwut? This isn't true at all. KKK still committing crimes.

This isn't even the most recent one.

KKK members working in Gainesville prison accused of plotting to kill black inmate​


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GAINESVILLE — Three Ku Klux Klan members who worked at a Florida prison have been charged with plotting to kill a black inmate after his release in retaliation for a fight, officials said Thursday, in a case that marks the latest black eye for the troubled state prison system.
The three men — Thomas Jordan Driver, 25, David Elliot Moran, 47, and 42-year-old Charles Thomas Newcomb — each were arrested Thursday on one state count of conspiracy to commit murder, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office said in a written statement.

I said killed. Plotting does not equal committing murder.
Man, I saw a movie back in the day about this black UK dude who rose to the ranks as the top goon of west ham soccer.

Random as hell. But that **** was interesting as hell :lol:

Yeah man, them cats get busy over there. Also, hombre in that movie(Nonso Anozie) was in a few shows and movies of recent. GOT is one of them.

I get the point and outside of the obvious concept that white supremacists run the very same entities that would be responsible for enforcing this…KKK members ain’t publicly tryna be known for the crimes they commit. Closest you got is the dudes who try to throw up the lil hand signals on the slick

Tekashi, Casanova, Thug…the common denominator is ****** being pointlessly flashy about violent crimes they’ve committed :lol:
I get the point and outside of the obvious concept that white supremacists run the very same entities that would be responsible for enforcing this…KKK members ain’t publicly tryna be known for the crimes they commit. Closest you got is the dudes who try to throw up the lil hand signals on the slick

I got a theory about the klan. That they were intentionally so cartoonishly depicted…that it made regular old white supremacist not seen as THAT overtly white supremacist to mainstream America. Especially in media/movies. And I think this was intentional at a certain point.
Call me lame, but I stand by my belief that rapping about criminal activity while (allegedly) participating in criminal activity has to be the dumbest **** ever.
and the crazy part of it all is that Jay Z and Roc Nation is trying to help pass a law that would stop the courts from using lyrics during criminal investigations. It's not the courts fault that certain rappers want to name all of the "Big Bloods" in their organization while bragging about their rivals being murdered.
and the crazy part of it all is that Jay Z and Roc Nation is trying to help pass a law that would stop the courts from using lyrics during criminal investigations. It's not the courts fault that certain rappers want to name all of the "Big Bloods" in their organization while bragging about their rivals being murdered.
Right, and I agree that they shouldn’t be able to use lyrics in criminal investigations. But either way, you gotta use a shred of common sense.

I’m sure there are “square” rappers involved in all types of stuff but nobody is looking for them :lol:
I said killed. Plotting does not equal committing murder.
In God’s eyes it’s just the same. Having hatred or having the evil thought of killing and not acting it out in your heart for a fellow human being is just as bad as murder.
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You said crimes, I said when was the last murder committed by the KKK on someone black... how you change the parameters of the argument then act like that's a gotcha moment?

By RICK SOBEY | [email protected] | Boston Herald
PUBLISHED: February 16, 2022 at 7:28 p.m. | UPDATED: February 16, 2022 at 7:28 p.m.
A white supremacist’s deadly rampage in Winthrop last year when he slayed two Black people is highlighted in a national report on murder and extremism.
Nathan Allen, 28, gunned down Air Force veteran Ramona Cooper and retired Trooper David Green on June 26 in Winthrop.
These killings were featured in the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism’s annual report on murder and extremism in the U.S. Domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the U.S., in 19 separate incidents in 2021. The 29 murders were up from 23 killings in 2020.
In the Winthrop incident over the summer, Allen had crashed a stolen truck into a building. He then exited the truck and began shooting at nearby Black people after walking by several white people.

Allen murdered Cooper and Green before responding police officers shot and killed him. Investigators later found white supremacist writings by Allen — which included anti-Semitic and anti-Black language. Police also noted that synagogues were near the murder scene in Winthrop, and Allen may have been planning to target the Jewish site before he crashed the stolen truck.
In the ADL national report, white supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist. Nearly half of the deaths (13) were attributed to white supremacists. Two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist — the latter being the first such killing since 2018.

I'm getting that he was popular but on what basis? Was he just an influencer with a beard and suit on or did he have some kind of academic background/working effectively as a marital counselor or something?

I think it’s just from going viral. Women are the ones who made him popular. They complained, but watched and obviously some were fans. Then complained once he became famous.

Men don't read how to books, that's pretty much strictly a female thing. Unless it's something like how to grow rich or become a effective leader.

Call me lame, but I stand by my belief that rapping about criminal activity while (allegedly) participating in criminal activity has to be the dumbest **** ever.

Nothing lame about this. But dudes don't have anything to talk about otherwise. It sells, and it would also require more creativity.

That's why I say someone like Joyner Lucas has nothing to talk about other than perspective rap that would garner attention and want people to listen.
I got a theory about the klan. That they were intentionally so cartoonishly depicted…that it made regular old white supremacist not seen as THAT overtly white supremacist to mainstream America. Especially in media/movies. And I think this was intentional at a certain point.

I think it's like gangs out west. I think they're infiltrated and work along with, so they're allowed to exist as long as they can be controlled or they know what they're doing. You don't cross that imaginary line, and you're fine.
And posting media about it on top of it :lol: straight dummies

Call me lame, but I stand by my belief that rapping about criminal activity while (allegedly) participating in criminal activity has to be the dumbest **** ever.

These ****** are special ed
I took a screenshot of this last week cause I was having this convo with my boy. These ****** legit incriminate themselves and then cry about it. Like why would you post this?
Dude had a million followers, not sure of the percentages of men and women. Look at his views. I had actually listened to him more in the two weeks prior than I ever had and that was only 30 minutes. When he told the chick she was Emmit Smith sized and could split the I and the other chick you she deserved a plant worker:rofl:

A lot of people don’t have older male guidance
Yea yo was more comedy to me that anything, provided good pandemic laughs :pimp: …He ain’t say anything I didn’t already know or peeped going on in the world…But I get it’s alotta dudes out here lost or can’t figure stuff out on their own so they need somebody for guidance and reassurance when it comes to dealing with women and trying to be their best selves
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