Rare Hitler Photo's.....OMG

Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by CJ863

someone please school me on the so called "genius" that Hitler possessed. Many of you are backing the "genius" claim up
by stating that Hitler got millions of people to follow him... does it really take a genius to do that? I must be missing some part of the
story because Hitler was no more than a sick and insane individual who's hate was driven by his madness...
He was an "evil genius". To get that many people to support him and enforce his commands to the point where they almost controlled the entire continent of Europe is simply unbelievable. This tiny man was able to change the course of history because he was so steadfast in his beliefs. And yes, it does take a genius to get millions of people to follow you. Hitler used tools such as propaganda, deception, manipulation and fear to accomplish his goals. He was an extremely savy person.
Just like the US of A.

Hold on, people in this thread praising hitler? WTH is going on....

The audacity to praise a man like him.....straight blasphemy.

Was Hitler any different than a cigarette companies owner knowingly selling a product that kills thousands every year for profit???????
hitler gets a bad rap (and rightly so), but our schools fail to recognize the evil of stalin and mao

or even the united states genocide of native americans (look the numbers up)

i can feel the flaming already
Originally Posted by kicks4days

The Hitler slurping in this thread is either ignorant or scary. Hitler was a manipulative, racist, murderous madman.
what does that have to do with his style of living? his idea of ideal office, his interest in grand architecture, his taste.
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

hitler gets a bad rap (and rightly so), but our schools fail to recognize the evil of stalin and mao

or even the united states genocide of native americans (look the numbers up)

i can feel the flaming already
mao was not evil, he was desperate.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

I do not see any moral or humane thing that the Nazi's did except having an anti tobacco movement.


Nazi's were also environmentalists and had crusades against "junk food" and had a fixation of organic food. Sounds like a political party in thiscountry...

Well, As a black man I can't seem to understand why people respect the fore fathers of this country seeing that they owned slaves. So its all perception.
And I'm not trying to start anything with that comment. and I think mateencleeves was just trying to get a rise outta yall.. which he did.

Not all the founding fathers were slave owners. Did you know there were Blacks who were slave owners as well?

There is nothing "fascinating" about Hitler.

This is what you need to know about Hitler...Terrible artist who couldn't get into a Fine Arts school, his art was so bad they didn't even allow him toapply. Hitler was a bitter little man and started blaming everything on the Jews like his mentor Gottfried Feder. He used identity politics to rise up in theranks, pathetic. What is so "fascinating" about manipulating a nation of people to hate? Explain it to me.
Originally Posted by TannerVon

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I REALLY think this guy was possessed by devils or something. I remember seeing stuff about the occult involved in the Nazi regime. It's just this sinister feeling you get when he spoke. I remember hearing a speech by him and it was translated. I just had this dark feeling come over me. Couldnt listen to it anymore


hahah thats dope hahah
o no
that video is on point.
I'm not so sure Hitler's inability to become an artist was one of the main reasons for him becoming bitter...his notion of the Aryan being the superiorrace in conjunction with the hatred for the Jews fueled a lot of his ideals (and the idea of the Aryan was not begun by him-it was a movement that can betracked for centuries prior).

What fascinates me about Hitler is that he is the main component of the most devastating human conflict in history. He was able to bring an entire nationtogether to literally annihilate and enslave a group of people, and he had those who were willing to not only blindly follow his orders, but in some waysviewed him as a demi-god. It was his ability to execute his "final solution" that fascinates me. However, World War II as a whole is my favoritehistorical period to study. We have to learn from what happened, from Hitler's failures in the 20's to his rise and subsequent fall in the 30s or 40s.It is our responsibility, knowing history, to make sure genocide on that scale isn't allowed to happen again.

The fact that it does still happen in certain areas of the world is appalling, but that's another discussion.
Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way

just shut up, you stay saying ignorant +!## every time you post.
Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by TannerVon

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I REALLY think this guy was possessed by devils or something. I remember seeing stuff about the occult involved in the Nazi regime. It's just this sinister feeling you get when he spoke. I remember hearing a speech by him and it was translated. I just had this dark feeling come over me. Couldnt listen to it anymore



hahah thats dope hahah
o no
that video is on point.
hahahha hitler merked that performance
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way

just shut up, you stay saying ignorant +!## every time you post.

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

DoItAllPaul wrote:

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way

just shut up, you stay saying ignorant @%+% every time you post.

addressing me on the net like that is pointless...even in person, who are you lil guy?....
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

DoItAllPaul wrote:

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way

just shut up, you stay saying ignorant @%+% every time you post.

addressing me on the net like that is pointless...even in person, who are you lil guy?....

relax internet tough guy.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

CWrite78 wrote:

LifeLessons wrote:

DoItAllPaul wrote:

Mateen Cleeves, are you serious? As a Jewish kid I can't believe that anyone would have respect for the biggest coward that the world has ever seen.


yall had it bad then but today yall run everything and don't look out for anybody except for other Jews....so good karma came yalls way

just shut up, you stay saying ignorant @%+% every time you post.

addressing me on the net like that is pointless...even in person, who are you lil guy?....

relax internet tough guy.

the irony
I don't think Hitler was a genius at all. He was average at best. "His Struggle" and hate was his driving force. He was tired of Germany payingafter WWI, as was the whole nation. The country wasn't going anywhere and they were desperate for an answer. Low and behold, Hitler was there. Itdoesn't take a genius to manipulate and persuade a nation full of weakminded and desperate people.
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