Rare Hitler Photo's.....OMG

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by CJ863

someone please school me on the so called "genius" that Hitler possessed. Many of you are backing the "genius" claim up
by stating that Hitler got millions of people to follow him... does it really take a genius to do that? I must be missing some part of the
story because Hitler was no more than a sick and insane individual who's hate was driven by his madness...
He was an "evil genius". To get that many people to support him and enforce his commands to the point where they almost controlled the entire continent of Europe is simply unbelievable. This tiny man was able to change the course of history because he was so steadfast in his beliefs. And yes, it does take a genius to get millions of people to follow you. Hitler used tools such as propaganda, deception, manipulation and fear to accomplish his goals. He was an extremely savy person.
Just like the US of A.
Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by CJ863

someone please school me on the so called "genius" that Hitler possessed. Many of you are backing the "genius" claim up
by stating that Hitler got millions of people to follow him... does it really take a genius to do that? I must be missing some part of the
story because Hitler was no more than a sick and insane individual who's hate was driven by his madness...
He was an "evil genius". To get that many people to support him and enforce his commands to the point where they almost controlled the entire continent of Europe is simply unbelievable. This tiny man was able to change the course of history because he was so steadfast in his beliefs. And yes, it does take a genius to get millions of people to follow you. Hitler used tools such as propaganda, deception, manipulation and fear to accomplish his goals. He was an extremely savy person.
Just like the US of A.
Shut up.
Originally Posted by jretro23


The Hitler slurping in this thread is either ignorant or scary. Hitler was a manipulative, racist, murderous madman.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by CJ863

someone please school me on the so called "genius" that Hitler possessed. Many of you are backing the "genius" claim up
by stating that Hitler got millions of people to follow him... does it really take a genius to do that? I must be missing some part of the
story because Hitler was no more than a sick and insane individual who's hate was driven by his madness...
He was an "evil genius". To get that many people to support him and enforce his commands to the point where they almost controlled the entire continent of Europe is simply unbelievable. This tiny man was able to change the course of history because he was so steadfast in his beliefs. And yes, it does take a genius to get millions of people to follow you. Hitler used tools such as propaganda, deception, manipulation and fear to accomplish his goals. He was an extremely savy person.

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[/td] [td]This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help http://en.wikipedia.org/w...Dictator&action=edit href="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dictator&action=edit" rel=nofollow>improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)[/td] [/tr][/table]
A dictator is a ruler (e.g. absolutist or autocratic) who assumes sole and absolute power with military control but, without hereditary ascension such as an absolute monarch.[sup][1][/sup] When other states call the head of state of a particular state a dictator, that state is called a dictatorship. The word originated as the title of a magistrate in ancient Rome appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency (see Roman dictator and justitium).[sup][2][/sup]

Like the term tyrant, originally a respectable Ancient Greek title, and to a lesser degree autocrat, it came to be used almost exclusively as a non-titular term for oppressive, even abusive rule, yet had rare modern titular uses.[sup][citation needed][/sup]

In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly. Dictatorships are often characterized by some of the following traits: suspension of elections and of civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents without abiding by rule of law procedures; these include single-party state, and cult of personality.[sup][citation needed][/sup]

The term "dictator" is comparable to (but not synonymous with) the ancient concept of a tyrant, although initially "tyrant", like "dictator", did not carry negative connotations. A wide variety of leaders coming to power in a number of different kinds of regimes, such as military juntas, single-party states and civilian governments under personal rule, have been described as dictators.

was he a genius? imbo no... Hitler was no more than an insane dictator...
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I REALLY think this guy was possessed by devils or something. I remember seeing stuff about the occult involved in the Nazi regime. It's just this sinister feeling you get when he spoke. I remember hearing a speech by him and it was translated. I just had this dark feeling come over me. Couldnt listen to it anymore

Curiously interesting. Oh hey you guys, Hitler wasn't a particularly nice guy so maybe the Reich riding isn't such a good move
Anyone who says Hitler was "the man", has absolutely no grasp of the extent to which his actions impacted the world and just how close we came to notbeing able to enjoy the society we take for granted today.

Is he fascinating? Of course. It is fascinating that one man (who was helped to power if you read some history books) could rally an entire nation to a wareffort that was basically unbeatable. We are fascinated because Hitler's war machine was, until just about D-Day and his mistake of assaulting Russia tooearly, unstoppable. World War II literally brought this world to the brink...and yet we sometimes neglect just how much peril the world was in.

But to portray him in a positive light is...ignorant. His actions directly killed 6 million Jews, and tens of millions from other countries as he went for his"final solution" and nations rallied to stop him. A lot of men had to sacrifice more than we can ever hope to comprehend in order to stop him and histyranny (see 6/6/1944 as an example).

I acknowledge Hitler was incredibly charismatic and intelligent, but his aims were not something anyone should speak of positively.
i hope you guys checked out the d-day posting on that site as well. amazing pics.

come to think of it, june 6 is one of the most important days in history cus if the invasion failed and a 2nd front had not been established, the axis forcesundoubtedly would've defeated the soviets, followed by a land invasion of britain and onto the rest of the world.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I REALLY think this guy was possessed by devils or something. I remember seeing stuff about the occult involved in the Nazi regime. It's just this sinister feeling you get when he spoke. I remember hearing a speech by him and it was translated. I just had this dark feeling come over me. Couldnt listen to it anymore


hahah thats dope hahah
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