Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

not sure why this topic is brought up so often. its the same as the filipinos not claiming asian and considering pacific islander. I'm asian and I could care less what filipinos claimed themselves as. so be it.
not sure why this topic is brought up so often. its the same as the filipinos not claiming asian and considering pacific islander. I'm asian and I could care less what filipinos claimed themselves as. so be it.
Whose Winning in this Situation?

Ninja Hood, listen to me homie, please. Take it from my POV.
I'm Portuguese, my parents are from there.  They lived not even 10 miles away from the Spanish border in Northeast Portugal.  Portugal and Spain although very different are very culturally similar. As you may know, Portugal and Spain led the slave trade into the Americas, (you'd probably be speaking Portuguese if it wasn't for the Pope...thats another story) Portugal got the land of Brazil while Spain got the rest. What Spain and Portugal did to the Indian and Black Slaves were horrible man but many people there continue to feel honored and patriotic (Racial Ignorance) for what they did.  When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure.  

I'm just trying to help you out Ninja and let you know at the end of the day (like someone posted earlier) the European are the ones winning.  I understand that many Dominicans are a mix of races but many Dominicans have more Black DNA then Indian or Spanish.  Why can't Dominicans continue to be proud of their national heritage but still honor there race?  While I've been living here I've noticed that their are many Hispanics who still honor there race like the Mexican Aztecs and Peruvian Inca races. I'm just saying man, just trying to add input from the European side of view.
Whose Winning in this Situation?

Ninja Hood, listen to me homie, please. Take it from my POV.
I'm Portuguese, my parents are from there.  They lived not even 10 miles away from the Spanish border in Northeast Portugal.  Portugal and Spain although very different are very culturally similar. As you may know, Portugal and Spain led the slave trade into the Americas, (you'd probably be speaking Portuguese if it wasn't for the Pope...thats another story) Portugal got the land of Brazil while Spain got the rest. What Spain and Portugal did to the Indian and Black Slaves were horrible man but many people there continue to feel honored and patriotic (Racial Ignorance) for what they did.  When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure.  

I'm just trying to help you out Ninja and let you know at the end of the day (like someone posted earlier) the European are the ones winning.  I understand that many Dominicans are a mix of races but many Dominicans have more Black DNA then Indian or Spanish.  Why can't Dominicans continue to be proud of their national heritage but still honor there race?  While I've been living here I've noticed that their are many Hispanics who still honor there race like the Mexican Aztecs and Peruvian Inca races. I'm just saying man, just trying to add input from the European side of view.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Whose Winning in this Situation?

Ninja Hood, listen to me homie, please. Take it from my POV.
I'm Portuguese, my parents are from there.  They lived not even 10 miles away from the Spanish border in Northeast Portugal.  Portugal and Spain although very different are very culturally similar. As you may know, Portugal and Spain led the slave trade into the Americas, (you'd probably be speaking Portuguese if it wasn't for the Pope...thats another story) Portugal got the land of Brazil while Spain got the rest. What Spain and Portugal did to the Indian and Black Slaves were horrible man but many people there continue to feel honored and patriotic (Racial Ignorance) for what they did.  When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure.  

I'm just trying to help you out Ninja and let you know at the end of the day (like someone posted earlier) the European are the ones winning.  I understand that many Dominicans are a mix of races but many Dominicans have more Black DNA then Indian or Spanish.  Why can't Dominicans continue to be proud of their national heritage but still honor there race?  While I've been living here I've noticed that their are many Hispanics who still honor there race like the Mexican Aztecs and Peruvian Inca races. I'm just saying man, just trying to add input from the European side of view.

Luckily that ideology is dying out in Brazil, not because people are changing their minds but less and less young people are okay with it. Class is definitely the bigger issue down there.
My mom is 100% Brazilian with bright green eyes and I'd never deny that she's black, but I also have never cared about my or anyone else's race in general. They're all just labels *shrug*
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Whose Winning in this Situation?

Ninja Hood, listen to me homie, please. Take it from my POV.
I'm Portuguese, my parents are from there.  They lived not even 10 miles away from the Spanish border in Northeast Portugal.  Portugal and Spain although very different are very culturally similar. As you may know, Portugal and Spain led the slave trade into the Americas, (you'd probably be speaking Portuguese if it wasn't for the Pope...thats another story) Portugal got the land of Brazil while Spain got the rest. What Spain and Portugal did to the Indian and Black Slaves were horrible man but many people there continue to feel honored and patriotic (Racial Ignorance) for what they did.  When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure.  

I'm just trying to help you out Ninja and let you know at the end of the day (like someone posted earlier) the European are the ones winning.  I understand that many Dominicans are a mix of races but many Dominicans have more Black DNA then Indian or Spanish.  Why can't Dominicans continue to be proud of their national heritage but still honor there race?  While I've been living here I've noticed that their are many Hispanics who still honor there race like the Mexican Aztecs and Peruvian Inca races. I'm just saying man, just trying to add input from the European side of view.

Luckily that ideology is dying out in Brazil, not because people are changing their minds but less and less young people are okay with it. Class is definitely the bigger issue down there.
My mom is 100% Brazilian with bright green eyes and I'd never deny that she's black, but I also have never cared about my or anyone else's race in general. They're all just labels *shrug*
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure. 
I'm half Portuguese and it's funny when some of us Portuguese are racist towards dark skin people while alot of us don't even look white ourselves




How many of these dudes look white
? (yea I know a few are Brasilian). Racist Portuguese/Spanish people are so damn hypocritical sometimes.

And if you guys think Latinos are color biased, just try being Indian
When i go to India, my relatives basically parade me around cause I'm whiter

Last summer, when I went to visit, I had a tan. My relatives said my complexion was "dirty" when they themselves are browner than me

Indian match making services and @#$% sometimes list skin color requirements
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

When I was in Portugal (Tras Montes) or Spain (Castile Lyon) they would ask me a bunch of questions like how is it living in America with all those N's? with all those Puerto Rican N's? and PR Indios? In Portugal they would say the same thing but it would be Brazilians instead.  When the Spanish & Portuguese took advantage of the new worlds resources while raping Indians or killing/raping Black slaves, they made it necessary to instill their language and culture upon them because the Spanish/Portuguese felt superior.  Many Dominicans (Like You Ninja Hood) are still carrying down the Black Slave/Indian owner mentality that the Spanish spread throughout your culture, the mentality of White is better.  It's the same problem in Brazil, the Portuguese slave owners made the Blacks, Indians, and Mulattos feel inferior and many Brazilians to this day, 200 Years later, still believe, the lighter you are the more pure. 
I'm half Portuguese and it's funny when some of us Portuguese are racist towards dark skin people while alot of us don't even look white ourselves




How many of these dudes look white
? (yea I know a few are Brasilian). Racist Portuguese/Spanish people are so damn hypocritical sometimes.

And if you guys think Latinos are color biased, just try being Indian
When i go to India, my relatives basically parade me around cause I'm whiter

Last summer, when I went to visit, I had a tan. My relatives said my complexion was "dirty" when they themselves are browner than me

Indian match making services and @#$% sometimes list skin color requirements
^ I didn't know so many Portuguese people even thought that way until "baratas brasileiras" was trending on twitter during the world cup...
For those of you who don't speak the language, that means Brazilian cockroaches

One guy tweeted (roughly translated) "it's okay we tied the Brazilian cockroaches, we still raped their grandmothers and made their grandfathers watch"
^ I didn't know so many Portuguese people even thought that way until "baratas brasileiras" was trending on twitter during the world cup...
For those of you who don't speak the language, that means Brazilian cockroaches

One guy tweeted (roughly translated) "it's okay we tied the Brazilian cockroaches, we still raped their grandmothers and made their grandfathers watch"
That Portuguese soccer team doesn't really do justice because some of the players are African or Brazilians, but The Portuguese/Spanish Race and Bloodline is a whole different discussion, yes we are darker because we are southern European but their are plenty of light haired and especially light eyed people in Portugal, Spain, and Italy, but thats a whole other thread man.

I'm trying to stay on the topic and let people know the type of values, culture, and ideologies the Spanish placed upon Indians and Blacks.  Those type of ideologies that are still present in Hispanic culture today
That Portuguese soccer team doesn't really do justice because some of the players are African or Brazilians, but The Portuguese/Spanish Race and Bloodline is a whole different discussion, yes we are darker because we are southern European but their are plenty of light haired and especially light eyed people in Portugal, Spain, and Italy, but thats a whole other thread man.

I'm trying to stay on the topic and let people know the type of values, culture, and ideologies the Spanish placed upon Indians and Blacks.  Those type of ideologies that are still present in Hispanic culture today
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

That Portuguese soccer team doesn't really do justice because some of the players are African or Brazilians, but The Portuguese/Spanish Race and Bloodline is a whole different discussion, yes we are darker because we are southern European but their are plenty of light haired and especially light eyed people in Portugal, Spain, and Italy, but thats a whole other thread man.

I'm trying to stay on the topic and let people know the type of values, culture, and ideologies the Spanish placed upon Indians and Blacks.  Those type of ideologies that are still present in Hispanic culture today
Yea, there are definitely alot of light haired/light eyed Portuguese but it's just ridiculous when the darker ones talk @#$% about Brasilians
I was just pointing out the hypocrisy, the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

That Portuguese soccer team doesn't really do justice because some of the players are African or Brazilians, but The Portuguese/Spanish Race and Bloodline is a whole different discussion, yes we are darker because we are southern European but their are plenty of light haired and especially light eyed people in Portugal, Spain, and Italy, but thats a whole other thread man.

I'm trying to stay on the topic and let people know the type of values, culture, and ideologies the Spanish placed upon Indians and Blacks.  Those type of ideologies that are still present in Hispanic culture today
Yea, there are definitely alot of light haired/light eyed Portuguese but it's just ridiculous when the darker ones talk @#$% about Brasilians
I was just pointing out the hypocrisy, the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

 the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors




2751344285_02f0befac5.jpg see these pictures and you walk around my neighborhood here in da heightz, and over in da dominican republic, and da overwhelming feeling ya gonna get is "yep, we're all basically black"

instead of respecting us as hispanics..naw NT wants to paint all dominicans with that broad black brush...w/e

we're hispanic/latino...everyone except NT recognizes that.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

 the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors




2751344285_02f0befac5.jpg see these pictures and you walk around my neighborhood here in da heightz, and over in da dominican republic, and da overwhelming feeling ya gonna get is "yep, we're all basically black"

instead of respecting us as hispanics..naw NT wants to paint all dominicans with that broad black brush...w/e

we're hispanic/latino...everyone except NT recognizes that.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

 the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors




2751344285_02f0befac5.jpg see these pictures and you walk around my neighborhood here in da heightz, and over in da dominican republic, and da overwhelming feeling ya gonna get is "yep, we're all basically black"

instead of respecting us as hispanics..naw NT wants to paint all dominicans with that broad black brush...w/e

we're hispanic/latino...everyone except NT recognizes that.

My fault for saying "are basically black", maybe i should've put "look black". And I didn't say ALL, I said MANY. If you ask anyone who doesn't know who Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, and Alfonso Ribiero what they are, they will be classified as black. I'm not commenting on that, I'm just saying that many Dominicans/People in general (which is why I used the example of racist Portuguese/Indian people) hate on people who look just like them due to brainwashing by our ancestors. I've met dark skin Portuguese people who hate on how Arabs look but look just like them due to Moorish presence in Europe in the past. I'm not singling Dominicans out
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

 the same way many Dominicans are basically black but hate black people at the same time
I agree, this hypocrisy definitely stems from our ancestors




2751344285_02f0befac5.jpg see these pictures and you walk around my neighborhood here in da heightz, and over in da dominican republic, and da overwhelming feeling ya gonna get is "yep, we're all basically black"

instead of respecting us as hispanics..naw NT wants to paint all dominicans with that broad black brush...w/e

we're hispanic/latino...everyone except NT recognizes that.

My fault for saying "are basically black", maybe i should've put "look black". And I didn't say ALL, I said MANY. If you ask anyone who doesn't know who Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, and Alfonso Ribiero what they are, they will be classified as black. I'm not commenting on that, I'm just saying that many Dominicans/People in general (which is why I used the example of racist Portuguese/Indian people) hate on people who look just like them due to brainwashing by our ancestors. I've met dark skin Portuguese people who hate on how Arabs look but look just like them due to Moorish presence in Europe in the past. I'm not singling Dominicans out
Ive just read the past few pages, but the main focus of Ninjahoods argument that I think is getting misconstrued is that Dominicans have their own culture that they are very proud of and that is how they choose to identify themselves. My wife is Dominican and half her family lives a few blocks from Ninja and the other half is in DR, and from what I see its not that they deny the fact they have African blood, its just the fact they have their own culture and world theyve made and thats what they love and choose to live in and identify themselves as.

That being said there is definitely racism in DR that I have witnessed everytime Ive been there
Ive just read the past few pages, but the main focus of Ninjahoods argument that I think is getting misconstrued is that Dominicans have their own culture that they are very proud of and that is how they choose to identify themselves. My wife is Dominican and half her family lives a few blocks from Ninja and the other half is in DR, and from what I see its not that they deny the fact they have African blood, its just the fact they have their own culture and world theyve made and thats what they love and choose to live in and identify themselves as.

That being said there is definitely racism in DR that I have witnessed everytime Ive been there
Ninja you haven't responded to my comment man, you instead chose to post pictures of Dominican during the Dominican Parade in the heights. Those pictures don't do any justice, I can show you pictures of darker/blacker Dominicans as well man. The issue here is RACE, the fact that many "dark" or "Afro-Dominicans" (many other Hispanics/Brazilians) deny or don't represent their roots. Look at the post above.
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