Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

ninjahood let these lil yantas kno.....that racist stuff only pops off in their lil box.....
....higuey in da HOUSE
ninjahood let these lil yantas kno.....that racist stuff only pops off in their lil box.....
....higuey in da HOUSE
Originally Posted by AEA18

This is pretty well documented, the only people who don't seem to acknowledge this are people who have something to gain by denying it. This is akin to Muslims who go out of their way to deny the holocaust. Another more subtle example of this is the difference between Trinidad and Tobago look it up. One of my best friends is Dominican and pale as hell and even he acknowledges this.

Cliff notes, Europeans won
Originally Posted by AEA18

This is pretty well documented, the only people who don't seem to acknowledge this are people who have something to gain by denying it. This is akin to Muslims who go out of their way to deny the holocaust. Another more subtle example of this is the difference between Trinidad and Tobago look it up. One of my best friends is Dominican and pale as hell and even he acknowledges this.

Cliff notes, Europeans won
People trying real hard to call out Ninja and others, I still don't understand why though? You guys must have some serious personal issues, need to become more comfortable in your own skin.
People trying real hard to call out Ninja and others, I still don't understand why though? You guys must have some serious personal issues, need to become more comfortable in your own skin.
June 25, 2009
Haitians in Dominican Republic face racism, discrimination


Many Haitians migrate to the Dominican Republic for employment and are subsequently subjected to discrimination.

Up to one million people of Haitian origin currently live in the Dominican Republic, and many are subjected to discrimination and violence.

Many impoverished Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic looking for arable land, fuel and work. Often, they face racial prejudice and their Dominican-born children are refused citizenship because they are considered “in transit.
June 25, 2009
Haitians in Dominican Republic face racism, discrimination


Many Haitians migrate to the Dominican Republic for employment and are subsequently subjected to discrimination.

Up to one million people of Haitian origin currently live in the Dominican Republic, and many are subjected to discrimination and violence.

Many impoverished Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic looking for arable land, fuel and work. Often, they face racial prejudice and their Dominican-born children are refused citizenship because they are considered “in transit.
Are you his defence attorney or are you gonna let the man speak for himself??

Its clear to me that Ninjahood (and many DR people in general) have a negative perception of self and deep rooted racial predujices steeped in colonial history that cant be denied
Are you his defence attorney or are you gonna let the man speak for himself??

Its clear to me that Ninjahood (and many DR people in general) have a negative perception of self and deep rooted racial predujices steeped in colonial history that cant be denied
This thread is dumb. As far as NT posters ninjahood is one of the last of the best, but in this thread he's seeing what he wants to see and making useless contrived responses. Reminds of how my dudes from the heights would answer questions. Effectively smart dudes, but every now and then you'd see how small their world is really inside that community.
As bad as it is, i feel tezzy brought it down to a level you're more comfy with. and

Cliff notes, Europeans won
This thread is dumb. As far as NT posters ninjahood is one of the last of the best, but in this thread he's seeing what he wants to see and making useless contrived responses. Reminds of how my dudes from the heights would answer questions. Effectively smart dudes, but every now and then you'd see how small their world is really inside that community.
As bad as it is, i feel tezzy brought it down to a level you're more comfy with. and

Cliff notes, Europeans won
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

June 25, 2009
Haitians in Dominican Republic face racism, discrimination


Many Haitians migrate to the Dominican Republic for employment and are subsequently subjected to discrimination.

Up to one million people of Haitian origin currently live in the Dominican Republic, and many are subjected to discrimination and violence.

Many impoverished Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic looking for arable land, fuel and work. Often, they face racial prejudice and their Dominican-born children are refused citizenship because they are considered “in transit.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

June 25, 2009
Haitians in Dominican Republic face racism, discrimination


Many Haitians migrate to the Dominican Republic for employment and are subsequently subjected to discrimination.

Up to one million people of Haitian origin currently live in the Dominican Republic, and many are subjected to discrimination and violence.

Many impoverished Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic looking for arable land, fuel and work. Often, they face racial prejudice and their Dominican-born children are refused citizenship because they are considered “in transit.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

reminds you of your apartment rite

awww mane that must suck lol  dead @ you sleeping with roaches mane dont lie you haven't stepped foot out the u.s typical poor !%$ dominican from the heights nothing special here lol

dead @ you living in that small !%$ room ,   dead @ the houses in your home country being smaller than your room
  dead @ you having a passport knowing good in well u have never left them dirty @+$ projects you stay in

dead @ you having all them shoes but nothing else to show for it lol

dead @ you learning all hispanics are mixed race from the projects dammit i feel sorry u and ur fam been reglated to the slums were none of the white peopel want to live
ahh a satly black all makes sense....mad im stylin on u huh sir

i been to DR more times then da salt you've attempted to throw in your childish post...

got pictures of visits to da farro de colon, bonao, la romanna, sarasota, of da houses my family owns is el la calle 5 de las america in uptown Santo Domingo

around La savana laga...fams got a house in bonao too, we building another 3 houses just outside guerra...but yeah i never been outside da heights

all this slander and garbage from this no name cuz dominicans refuse to be put in a box made of US ideologies....gotta love da geniuses on this site.

i and know its just a yellow bellied cat with a backup screen name trying to assassinate my character.


lemme know where your done sir.

   dude you sound dumb $*+ hell you lost hte arguement when you made that dumb +## statement that all hispanics were mixed raced  even in the definition it says you can either be mixed , black or white hispanic

then you claim yall odnt have none of the u.s ideologies yet racism exists in hispnic countries  and you have yet to prove it does not lol

if yall was so racially free racism wouldnt exist and dominicans of colors like yourself wouldnt be at the bottom of the social ladder have a nice day bum

move out hte heights to a rich upscale neighborhood , *%%+ maybe even a white neighborhood nad i could possibly take u seriously but u live in the projects amd want to talk about money lmaooo that hilarious

geez wiz there sir...sounds like their mixed to me

bottom of da social ladder...
its like this dude is mad i've lived a racial issue free life thus far and its PAINS HIM to see that so he's

resorting to thirsty comments trying to bait me....ok

by da way son still thinks there is projects in da heightz

Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Do you understand how hypocritical you sound? You won't allow yourself or anyone to call you black because it's simply a racial ideology used by Americans you're much more than black, but you have no problem with using it as a term to separate yourself from others. Specifically African Americans.

Hell you even sound like your using it in a derogatory manner.
umm because african americans identify their self as black?
so now calling a black kid black is "racist" ?

especially all da hot #%@* he popped off is fine? yeah...i see we playing on a level playing field.

debs 168 wrote:
I notice that ninjahood dodges certain stuff. I'm guessing that there's a bigger reason than him not having the time to respond to everybody...
yeah, its called sleep.... as much as i love da back and forth banter i do live a life outside of da internet.
ThunderChunk69 wrote:
now post some pyramids
im saying....whatever happened to letting people identify themselves instead of having a title imposed on you?

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Are you his defence attorney or are you gonna let the man speak for himself??

Its clear to me that Ninjahood (and many DR people in general) have a negative perception of self and deep rooted racial predujices steeped in colonial history that cant be denied
Dominican resentment from da Haitians historically came from when they tried to take us over, you overplaying da "race card" with that assumption.

Haiti is da most corrupt government in da western hemisphere, there's a reason their in a terrible position and thats even before da earthquake....which

by da way da FIRST responders of that were da dominican republic
[h2]Early response[/h2]
Main articles: Humanitarian response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Humanitarian response by national governments to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Humanitarian response by non-governmental organizations to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and Humanitarian response by for-profit organizations to the 2010 Haiti earthquake

Heavy-lift helicopters ferry water from the offshore flotilla, 15 January

Appeals for humanitarian aid were issued by many aid organizations, the United Nations[sup][112][/sup] and president René Préval. Raymond Joseph, Haiti's ambassador to the United States,[sup][113][/sup] and his nephew, singer Wyclef Jean,[sup][114][/sup] who was called upon by Préval to become a "roving ambassador" for Haiti,[sup][115][/sup] also pleaded for aid and donations.

Many countries responded to the appeals and launched fund-raising efforts, as well as sending search and rescue teams. The neighbouring Dominican Republic was the first country to give aid to Haiti,[sup][113][/sup] sending water, food and heavy-lifting machinery.[sup][116][/sup] The hospitals in the Dominican Republic were made available; a combined effort of the Airports Department (DA), together with the Dominican Naval Auxiliaries, the UN and other parties formed the Dominican-Haitian Aerial Support Bridge, making the main Dominican airports available for support operations to Haiti. The Dominican website [sup][117][/sup] made available to the internet, daily updates on airport information and news from the operations center on the Dominican side.[sup][116][/sup] The Dominican emergency team assisted more than 2,000 injured people, while the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) helped with the restoration of some telephone services.[sup][116][/sup] The Dominican Red Cross coordinated early medical relief in conjunction with the International Red Cross.[sup][116][/sup] The government sent eight mobile medical units along with 36 doctors including orthopaedic specialists, traumatologists, anaesthetists, and surgeons. In addition, 39 trucks carrying canned food were dispatched, along with 10 mobile kitchens and 110 cooks capable of producing 100,000 meals per day.[sup][118][/sup]

so please spare me and my dominicans....hell americans have zero room to talk with da way mexicans are treated at da border of this country...

 and I'm still bugged out though that they celebrate independence from a 20 yr occupation by haiti instead of the centuries by Spain.
so now we're judging how dominicans decide to celebrate their independence? 
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