Real Deal College Football Discussion... no homers please

Obviously everything has to go perfectly but 10-2 or 9-3 is realistic.
The Return of Swol​
Moderate Deez​
Thats not realistic at all. 7-5 is the highest you can go. aint no way in hell yall goin into happy valley and pullin out the W with that young team.

I've got 7 wins and 2 maybe's on ND's schedule.
Team Get What U Want Out Of Life​
"Look up... Get Up...And Never Give Up"​
Michael Irvin---NFL Hall of Fame Class of 2007​
anywhere from 5 - 7 Losses for ND, they are not a talented football team. Notre Dames starting 22 could not start at any other top 10 school in the country. Thats the reality of The Irish upcoming season. :wow:
counting UCLA & Purdue as W's for ND

Time will tell.
IMO Purdue is a toss up game. Painter & Co. have the ability to torch the ND secondary.

Penn State is much more offensively sound than you make them out to be. The have experience everywhere except at running back where they're in virtually the same position as ND. Morelli > Clausen - it's not even close at this point. I don't care how much potential Clausen has. Penn State's receivers will get the ND secondary easily. On top of that ND will be basically breaking in a whole new offense minus Carlson against one of the better defenses in the nation. ND is going to have to get lucky, really lucky to win that game. Oh yeah and Clausen (if he even starts, which he probably won't) will literally @#%$ his pants playing in happy valley.

I could see ND eeking a victory over Ga Tech, but I don't think its going to happen.

Michigan > ND. Shouldn't be close, but who knows really. ND should and most likely will take a big L here

MSU sucks. Have the ability to explode on offense. Not a cupcake game for Notre Dame by any means.

Purdue = Toss Up

UCLA > ND. Olson, Everett, and Markey are comparable to Morelli, Scott, Williams (Penn State has more weapons though). Good O-Line. Defense isnt as stout as Penn State but still pretty good. I can see UCLA going into this game undefeated as well. Night game in the Rose Bowl doesn't bode well for ND either.

BC certainly has the potential to beat ND. I don't know how I feel about the Eagles though. I'm going with toss up.

USC - Freaking blow out. Not even close.

Finish it off with 4 wins against cupcakes to end the season.

So I have ND down for 4 guaranteed losses. 3 Toss up games of which I think they lose 2. I have ND at 6-6, barely getting bowl eligibility. I'd go watch them play in the Motor City Bowl...
Team Wolverine
Will Johnson-Chris McLaurin-Jason Olesnavage-Ohene Opong-Owusu-Charles Stewart-Terrance Taylor-Morgan Trent
I could see ND eeking a victory over Ga Tech, but I don't think its going to happen.

make the world a better place, punch bi\\\ martin in the face​
anti-jim harbaugh​
thanks wizard, i don't see them losing to penn state.

come on buddy. its a night game at happy valley the first road game for whatever qb you throwing out there in a sold out stadium. you know a night game at happy valley is some crazy @#%$. and going against one of the best secondary in the big-10. honestly i see nd getting blown out in this game.
Louisiana Superdome January 7, 2008​
Joe McKnight - Future Heisman Winner​
Joe McKnight and Ronald Johnson shined at the 1st practice today. Chauncey Washington is down to 215 from 240 last year :wow:
. Kid is going to do big things this year.
I really can't see ND winning more than 6 games this year. Purdues O is gonna be back to the Brees days. UCLA is gonna roll them. Penn St is gonna roll them. Michigan is gonna roll them. USC is gonna roll them. Then they still have tough games with GT and MSU. I am sorry but they are catching alot of very good teams with a team that is rebuilding. Thats a tough matchup for any team no matter what type of talent they have. Their D is gonna be weak and the O needs to find itself and then start clicking. I hate ND but they have loads of talent. The only problem is they are crazy young and all their good skill players have left. If Walker stayed they could pound out some wins but they have no backs that are ready to shine. It doesn't look good for the Domers this year. Unless Clausen really is Jesus like they tout him as being.

BTW, this kid seems ready to get the season rolling.

Thats maybe 5 wins if you are lucky.
er, he will be third string when the season starts... tommy Z rededicated himself to football this offseason and has looked great and carlson will be top 3 tight end in the country this year and have a monster season... the O-line is going to be very solid... the only thing on offense that i am worried about is the recievers.. we are going to need one of the juniors/seniors to step up and fill a role.. and i'm thinking kamara might be able to make a splash as a freshman... i seriously think nd will surprise some people this year.. there are so many people saying nd will only win 5-6 games this year, but i don't see us winning less than 7....
Reppin the 260
FLO holdin down Indiana​
ya know we can sit here and analyze this all we want, but bottom line is everyone can agree that ND has a ridiculous amount of talent. Yes they are young, and it definitely isn't enough to get them past teams like USC and Michigan. (It would be nice if they could, but thats unrealistic) But they do have the ability to sneak up on teams that have more experience and possibly squeak by. The O-line is going to better, and James Aldridge will take pressure of the QB, he's good. Carlson will be a good safety net for whoever is behind the line, and he can catch the deep ball. Plus almost everyone here is so negative towards the age factor, but no one is really talking about Weis, this guy is a great football coach, and has a way of always changing the schemes to match the teams strengths, not vice versa. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they do again GT. It's going to be a great season none the less.
I remember the days when you could walk into J.C. Penny's and pick up Jay's. Man I wish those days were still around.
but bottom line is everyone can agree that ND has a ridiculous amount of talent.

where is this talent? show me ...

and on a sidenote, Talent doesnt translate into wins.

but back to ND's Talent? where is it? who is it? name names cuz I dont see it on that roster, aint seen it in 10 yrs but since we talkin rite nnow, I still dont see it
[color=ff0000]P[/color][color=ff3333]H[/color][color=ff6666]I[/color][color=ff9a9a]L[/color]A 76[color=9a9aff]E[/color][color=6666ff]R[/color][color=3333ff]S[/color]
[color=000066]S[/color][color=0000FF]T[/color][color=6699FF]L[/color] R[color=FFFF99]A[/color][color=FFFF33]M[/color][color=FFFF00]S[/color]

The Andre Berto Movement:Get Down or Lay Down
james aldridge
armando allen
sam young
konrad reuland
darrin walls
raeshon mcneil
demetrius jones
jimmy clausen
duval kamara
sergio brown
matt romine
harrison smith
gary gray
kerry neal
golden tate
robert hughes
matt carufel

all very young very good talent... it is there.. just very young

so much talent at QB zach frazier had to transfer because he knew he wasn't going to ever see the field...
Reppin the 260
FLO holdin down Indiana​
we have different definitions of talent. You guys are hyping up guys who looked talented in High School
Notre Dames starting 22 could not start at any other top 10 school in the country. Thats the reality of The Irish upcoming season.

make that top 20 schools


[color=ff0000]P[/color][color=ff3333]H[/color][color=ff6666]I[/color][color=ff9a9a]L[/color]A 76[color=9a9aff]E[/color][color=6666ff]R[/color][color=3333ff]S[/color]
[color=000066]S[/color][color=0000FF]T[/color][color=6699FF]L[/color] R[color=FFFF99]A[/color][color=FFFF33]M[/color][color=FFFF00]S[/color]

The Andre Berto Movement:Get Down or Lay Down
yea, they couldn't start at other schools because they're so YOUNG... most other schools had more depth because they didn't have a coach like ty who screwed them... notre dame has been playing the last few years with lots of mediocre talent and still done decent for themselves.. and the way ty recruited while he was here left charlie with not much to work with.. that is changing now.. with charlie on offense and corwin brown on defense.. nd will surprise some folks this year...
Reppin the 260
FLO holdin down Indiana​
if nd loses its tys fault for not getting the talent but if they win its charlie weis is a genius.
Louisiana Superdome January 7, 2008​
Joe McKnight - Future Heisman Winner​
and what exactly did those players do before charlie got there?... nothing... charlie made into nfl draft picks
nd getting to the bcs two straight years is a testament to weis and not the incredible talent ty recruited... as much as it sounds like im riding weis, its the truth...
Reppin the 260
FLO holdin down Indiana​
as much as it sounds like im riding weis, its the truth...

Charlie got an extension for doing what, that Ty didnt?
Charlie better thank the lord for Bill Belichek cuz if he didnt have that name on his resume he'd be on the same path as Ty and Bob Davie.
Everyone involved with Notre Dame (fans, boosters alumn) maintain this perception that they are better and mroe relevant then they really are. Thank the lord for NBC or ND would be just another middle of the pack DI football that we'd see twice a season on Nat'l TV.

getting to the bcs two straight years is a testament to weis and not the incredible talent ty recruited
You givin credit for that.

I dont wanna turn this into the ND bashing segment of this thread so Imma leave it there.
[color=ff0000]P[/color][color=ff3333]H[/color][color=ff6666]I[/color][color=ff9a9a]L[/color]A 76[color=9a9aff]E[/color][color=6666ff]R[/color][color=3333ff]S[/color]
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The Andre Berto Movement:Get Down or Lay Down
james aldridge (37 carries, 142 yards, 3.8 ypc, 0 TD)
armando allen (no stats)
sam young (good, not great yet)
konrad reuland (no stats)
darrin walls (4 tackles, 1 pass break up)
raeshon mcneil (4 tackles)
demetrius jones (no stats)
jimmy clausen (no stats)
duval kamara (no stats)
sergio brown (4 tackles)
matt romine (no stats)
harrison smith (no stats)
gary gray (out for season i believe)
kerry neal (no stats)
golden tate (no stats)
robert hughes (no stats)
matt carufel (?)

You guys are hyping up guys who looked talented in High School. This a whole different ball game.
Team Wolverine
Will Johnson-Chris McLaurin-Jason Olesnavage-Ohene Opong-Owusu-Charles Stewart-Terrance Taylor-Morgan Trent
and what exactly did those players do before charlie got there?... nothing... charlie made into nfl draft picks
nd getting to the bcs two straight years is a testament to weis and not the incredible talent ty recruited... as much as it sounds like im riding weis, its the truth...

who did weis make into nfl draft picks? you had quinn who was a 1st round pick and abraimi who was drafted in the 2nd but dude was a 5 * recruit out of hs. so please tell me who he made into nfl draft picks when nd didnt have that many players drafted in the first day the last 2 drafts.

nd getting into the bcs the last 2 years is more a testament to how much smoke the media blows up nds @#%$ by voting them so high since they showed they didnt belong either year. and you should know that your sorry @#%$ old coach ty was only one win away from getting into the bcs his first year at nd.
Louisiana Superdome January 7, 2008​
Joe McKnight - Future Heisman Winner​
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