Real Discussion: Whats your relationship with your father like?

Love my dad.. ever since I was a baby he's always taken me out with him. showing me the important things in life and teaching me how to become a man forthe future.
He's always supported me financially, he's sacrificed a lot for my family. I guess you can call him a workaholic, right now I'm 19 and in school soI really don't talk to him that much except when I'm home for breaks.

I'll be happy if I come out to become half the man he is.
Originally Posted by xcrskim

Love my dad.. ever since I was a baby he's always taken me out with him. showing me the important things in life and teaching me how to become a man for the future.
He's always supported me financially, he's sacrificed a lot for my family. I guess you can call him a workaholic, right now I'm 19 and in school so I really don't talk to him that much except when I'm home for breaks.

I'll be happy if I come out to become half the man he is.
Thats cool bro. A lot of peeps definitely not as fortunate as you. I'm glad you dont take it for granted
me and pops are tight as hell specially since im the only son and the oldest kid; we real close. typical week would always end up me him and some other homiesdrinking at the bar or local cigar bar chillin watch any game on at the time.
who has a dad nowadays
Dude rarely came around for 19 years because of my stepmom. Now I'm down here where he is going to school, making an effort to better our relationship.
Ever since my daughters were born our relationship is different. He gives more advice now instead of telling me what to do, and does not interefere at all withanything. We have always been cool but after getting married and having kids it really feels like a more "mature"(for lack of better words)father-son relationship
My relationship with my father is the greater than you could ever imagine. My father's dad passed away when he was three, so he worked hard and filledthat void
in his life by being in mine. I can't remember a time when my Dad wasn't at the first day of school, showing up for lunch, field days, sports, andraising me to by a
man. He was even the best man at my wedding. I'm truely blessed.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Ever since my daughters were born our relationship is different. He gives more advice now instead of telling me what to do, and does not interefere at all with anything. We have always been cool but after getting married and having kids it really feels like a more "mature"(for lack of better words) father-son relationship

Weird how that works. Same situation with myself.
Damn a lot of people got ##+* up relationship's wit their father...
Well the same wit me...
We see each other in the street and we walk by each other
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Damn a lot of people got ##+* up relationship's wit their father...
Well the same wit me...
We see each other in the street and we walk by each other
Y'all have a bad relationship and see each other out and about?
Originally Posted by jimmy digital

No relationship at all. Never had one.
I feel ya. I never had a true father in my life. I learned how to be a man by life experiences.
me and my pops real cool, he taught me alot of stuff my mom couldn't. We like best friends though we argue , laugh, and fight but at the end of the day wefarther and son dude have back on everything. I just wish he was around when I was going through hell, and I also wish he wouldn't treat me like a boy, buthe does that because he missed out on my childhood
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