Real Discussion: Whats your relationship with your father like?

Dad is sorta distant. Don't really communicate much unless he is telling me something. Like we never just sit and have convo's about anything. I do know that he loves me and my siblings though, and has sacrificed a lot for us. I can't really criticize him though, because I know I'm prolly a rotten !## kid
pretty much sums it up
My dad is a pastor. So our relationship is kind of dull.

We have great convos about sports, which is about 85% of talk, and sometimes about family and world events.

But as far as being personal, about girls,sex, etc. I have never spoken to him about those issues because of him being clergy.

But we still have a good relationship for what it is.
i stunt like my daddy...

i still look at him like he can do anything...
Its real Good. I matured and see everything he was tryin to teach me back when i was bein hard headed.
I let him know everytime I talk to him I love him and how much influence he had on my life.
He's just been moved to a hospice full time cus the Doctors believe he is in his final days in his battle with Cancer. He told me it aint his time to go.

I dont know a stronger human being

Originally Posted by JBug88

typical relationship growing up. he was cool.
ages 15-20 barely spoke to him. typical teenager stuff..
21-now, we get progressively cooler with each other each year.
especially once I became a father. it's a revelation as to what he did for me growing up.
nailed it
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Its real Good. I matured and see everything he was tryin to teach me back when i was bein hard headed.
I let him know everytime I talk to him I love him and how much influence he had on my life.
He's just been moved to a hospice full time cus the Doctors believe he is in his final days in his battle with Cancer. He told me it aint his time to go.

I dont know a stronger human being
Damn son.

My pops was my best friend, He always treated me almost as an equal...not saying he would'nt get on my +%! when he had to...but there wasnt anything Icouldnt tell my dad and vice versa

when him and my moms split...I tended to lean more towards being around my mom more than him and our relationship became strained for a second

We never got back to that "best friend" feeling like we had before at the time he passed away, I've been lost in life without his guidance eversince
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

He's just been moved to a hospice full time cus the Doctors believe he is in his final days in his battle with Cancer. He told me it aint his time to go.

I dont know a stronger human being
That's awesome

Good luck to you and your pops. Hopefully he's right.
It's gotten a lot better since I've lived on my own. When I was growing up, I couldn't talk to him much and I was more of a mommas boy. I'mstill a mommas boy, but now when I see my dad, I can talk to him a lot more easily now, whether it be about sports, work, family, or any random thing. I'mhis only boy so he's always spoiled the hell out of me, before I'd only see his love for me and my sisters in a monetary way. As I've grown older,I appreciate the man he is, how hard he fought in his life just to make it in America, and I've also realized how easy my life has been compared to his.I'm truly greatful for the man he is, and though he doesn't show it, I know he loves his kids more than anything in the world. I just wish I could tellhim all this in person...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Dad is sorta distant. Don't really communicate much unless he is telling me something. Like we never just sit and have convo's about anything. I do know that he loves me and my siblings though, and has sacrificed a lot for us. I can't really criticize him though, because I know I'm prolly a rotten !## kid

Same here, every moment with him is akward.
Me & my moms is cool though... when it comes to relationships, thats a topic I don't discuss with none of my parents.
don't know what I'd be like without ol dude. moms died in 97 when I was 11 so it just been him and us. definitely think he helped me learn how to be aman.
I had a good relationship with my pop's.....he passed away when I was 16 tho(imma turn 27 in oct)....I miss him like crazy
I am Gerald K Ross the Fourth named after my great grand father, my grandfather and my father. My son will be the fifth but I dont like this man. I have methim alot of times and I have heard nothing but excuses from this man each and everytime. He trys when I'm there but thats about it. We dont even talkanymore
Pops is like my guidance counselor....
i dont talk to him often or as often as i should, but whenever and for whatever i need him he's there.
We had our battles when he was boozing and I was a knucklehead but in the end he was always there for me.
Im in a different boat, my Dad is 61 and im 23... so that "just one of the guys" bond just isnt there.
I love that man to death and has basically taught me every important life lesson that I didnt figure out for myself and without his guidance I'd be in adifferent place.
I want to graduate for them(parents) as much as I want to do it for myself.
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