realest thing anyone's ever said on NT?

Laney Hi Vs wrote:
keepin it real ock both yall soundin $%*#. If its that serious pull out the burners and get to bangin, its bangout season allday thats the code. If you feel disrespected put 2 in the chamber and roll out.
Laney Hi Vs wrote:
keepin it real ock both yall soundin $%*#. If its that serious pull out the burners and get to bangin, its bangout season allday thats the code. If you feel disrespected put 2 in the chamber and roll out.
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

"Explore your heart, my G"

+1 to that "You'd rather have Space Jams than Space" comment, though.
another good thing to do is have a good core group of cats you politic with and go out with to counter da flocks of birds

you will run across when you're tryin to scoop.

use your 80's baby knowledge to overpower any situation...i call it da "ninja turtles frame of mind"


these4 "dude" taught me da for basic personality traits of guys at a youngage to be successful...if your squad possesses em you'll be good money99% of da time.

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Don- "da smart tech/style dude(he rocks purple so he's fashion forward cat)" he's da one thats gonna let everyone else know:[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-da type of phone you posed to have, to blow chicks minds out then proceed to blow backs out[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]- wats da swag as far as gear and clothes, he's gonna know whats real and whats blog/forum dude[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-knows about da whips (remember he's da one that hooked up da turtlevan,hoverboards) he's gonna know your da punk that de-badged your bimmerand added[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Mbadges or having 24 inches on a v6 charger... his weaknesses are he canbe shy because he thinks so much it actually makes him gun shy when itcomes time to execute[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)](rememberhe was always da slowest one in video games) also to da naked eye hemay come across as a nerd but when he does strike he's striking tokill( strongest in


..give him a couple of drinks and he's good money.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]Leo[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]thisis da Leader, not cuz he's da one with most swag or ability, he'sactually da leader because he's da most responsible...he's da one thatsgot perfect track of time,[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]he'sda one that knows where we gotta go, how to get there, who to talk towhen we do get there, and what hotel we gotta go to %@!+ out theseyoung cuntz that we bagged[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]atda club, he's also da one with da alibi just in case any of da otherdudes got a wifey and ya creepin on da low...he's also da "glue guy"he's gonna make sure ya don't piss[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]eachother off, he's da one thats gonna make sure if there's beef that yathink about anything before it happens...he's da epitome of a levelheaded cat...his weaknesses are[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]dafact that he can be a lil bit of a hardass, and because he's tryin tomake sure things go according to plan he can come across as a square,stringent, ridged, and nannylike.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]make sure his  night isn't chaotic and your navigator will always show you good leadership in return[/color]


thisis da party animal, this is da dude at da frat party who's getting beerkegs strapped to his back while juggling cans of 4 loko while on aunicycle....your gonna want him around

because he's just simply down for anything "yo son let's talk to them chicks....looks like they got boyfriends...suck for them
" . this man was born with no fear, he's usually da best

dancerout da crew, he's da one that practices how to dougie on youtube, he'sda one that had da animated facial expressions way before nickiminaj....his weaknesses is da fact

thatsince he's balls in ALL da time he's bound to have a high fail ratewhen it comes to doing anything new just breaking ice with newpeople...he's almost loose cannon behavior

inda right/wrong context will be either da catalyst for a homerun nightor striking out in spectacular fashion...KEEP this dude ON A LEASHuntil your ready to get it crackin,

then unleash him on a slew of females, his idiot charm will definitely break da ice.


thisis da a-hole, this is da prick, da douchbag, da smart Alec of dafams....his main objective is being da enforcer of da team...ya gotbeef? he's throwin da first punch, someone

needsto be told "get ya shine box" or "aye come at me bro" he's da firstline of defense....he's also da most witty one, since he doesn't carewhat comes out his mouth you'll be

completely compelled to hear what he has to say, whether its good or bad is a whole nother story
. ..he's also da one to give you da pep talk

orproper kick in da pants when you need it when you feelingdefeated.."aye what you mean you not asking her to dance? stop actinglike vagina and go pull that broad to dance, or

ifyou don't imma call you a homosexual for da rest of da night"  he'sdefinitely da cynic too, your best scenario is having him shred throughthat cockblockin fat chick that

wontlet da other chicks smash out da homies....he's weaknesses are da factthat he's completely unfiltered...and type whatever youdo, makes sure he NEVER

hasda first word, cuz he's gonna piss someone off.....when he's behavinghe's gonna be da backbone ya got when it comes to walkin with that chipon ya shoulder.

inreal life most people have combos of these 4 guys...da best person youcan be is master splinter, have all da traits of da turtles, andunderstand where they compliment

eachother's weaknesses. ..once you got all this locked down, you'll be baggin April o'neals on a nightly basis.

another good thing to do is have a good core group of cats you politic with and go out with to counter da flocks of birds

you will run across when you're tryin to scoop.

use your 80's baby knowledge to overpower any situation...i call it da "ninja turtles frame of mind"


these4 "dude" taught me da for basic personality traits of guys at a youngage to be successful...if your squad possesses em you'll be good money99% of da time.

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Don- "da smart tech/style dude(he rocks purple so he's fashion forward cat)" he's da one thats gonna let everyone else know:[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-da type of phone you posed to have, to blow chicks minds out then proceed to blow backs out[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]- wats da swag as far as gear and clothes, he's gonna know whats real and whats blog/forum dude[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-knows about da whips (remember he's da one that hooked up da turtlevan,hoverboards) he's gonna know your da punk that de-badged your bimmerand added[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Mbadges or having 24 inches on a v6 charger... his weaknesses are he canbe shy because he thinks so much it actually makes him gun shy when itcomes time to execute[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)](rememberhe was always da slowest one in video games) also to da naked eye hemay come across as a nerd but when he does strike he's striking tokill( strongest in


..give him a couple of drinks and he's good money.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]Leo[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]thisis da Leader, not cuz he's da one with most swag or ability, he'sactually da leader because he's da most responsible...he's da one thatsgot perfect track of time,[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]he'sda one that knows where we gotta go, how to get there, who to talk towhen we do get there, and what hotel we gotta go to %@!+ out theseyoung cuntz that we bagged[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]atda club, he's also da one with da alibi just in case any of da otherdudes got a wifey and ya creepin on da low...he's also da "glue guy"he's gonna make sure ya don't piss[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]eachother off, he's da one thats gonna make sure if there's beef that yathink about anything before it happens...he's da epitome of a levelheaded cat...his weaknesses are[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]dafact that he can be a lil bit of a hardass, and because he's tryin tomake sure things go according to plan he can come across as a square,stringent, ridged, and nannylike.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]make sure his  night isn't chaotic and your navigator will always show you good leadership in return[/color]


thisis da party animal, this is da dude at da frat party who's getting beerkegs strapped to his back while juggling cans of 4 loko while on aunicycle....your gonna want him around

because he's just simply down for anything "yo son let's talk to them chicks....looks like they got boyfriends...suck for them
" . this man was born with no fear, he's usually da best

dancerout da crew, he's da one that practices how to dougie on youtube, he'sda one that had da animated facial expressions way before nickiminaj....his weaknesses is da fact

thatsince he's balls in ALL da time he's bound to have a high fail ratewhen it comes to doing anything new just breaking ice with newpeople...he's almost loose cannon behavior

inda right/wrong context will be either da catalyst for a homerun nightor striking out in spectacular fashion...KEEP this dude ON A LEASHuntil your ready to get it crackin,

then unleash him on a slew of females, his idiot charm will definitely break da ice.


thisis da a-hole, this is da prick, da douchbag, da smart Alec of dafams....his main objective is being da enforcer of da team...ya gotbeef? he's throwin da first punch, someone

needsto be told "get ya shine box" or "aye come at me bro" he's da firstline of defense....he's also da most witty one, since he doesn't carewhat comes out his mouth you'll be

completely compelled to hear what he has to say, whether its good or bad is a whole nother story
. ..he's also da one to give you da pep talk

orproper kick in da pants when you need it when you feelingdefeated.."aye what you mean you not asking her to dance? stop actinglike vagina and go pull that broad to dance, or

ifyou don't imma call you a homosexual for da rest of da night"  he'sdefinitely da cynic too, your best scenario is having him shred throughthat cockblockin fat chick that

wontlet da other chicks smash out da homies....he's weaknesses are da factthat he's completely unfiltered...and type whatever youdo, makes sure he NEVER

hasda first word, cuz he's gonna piss someone off.....when he's behavinghe's gonna be da backbone ya got when it comes to walkin with that chipon ya shoulder.

inreal life most people have combos of these 4 guys...da best person youcan be is master splinter, have all da traits of da turtles, andunderstand where they compliment

eachother's weaknesses. ..once you got all this locked down, you'll be baggin April o'neals on a nightly basis.

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

another good thing to do is have a good core group of cats you politic with and go out with to counter da flocks of birds

you will run across when you're tryin to scoop.

use your 80's baby knowledge to overpower any situation...i call it da "ninja turtles frame of mind"


these4 "dude" taught me da for basic personality traits of guys at a youngage to be successful...if your squad possesses em you'll be good money99% of da time.

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Don- "da smart tech/style dude(he rocks purple so he's fashion forward cat)" he's da one thats gonna let everyone else know:[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-da type of phone you posed to have, to blow chicks minds out then proceed to blow backs out[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]- wats da swag as far as gear and clothes, he's gonna know whats real and whats blog/forum dude[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-knows about da whips (remember he's da one that hooked up da turtlevan,hoverboards) he's gonna know your da punk that de-badged your bimmerand added[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Mbadges or having 24 inches on a v6 charger... his weaknesses are he canbe shy because he thinks so much it actually makes him gun shy when itcomes time to execute[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)](rememberhe was always da slowest one in video games) also to da naked eye hemay come across as a nerd but when he does strike he's striking tokill( strongest in


..give him a couple of drinks and he's good money.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]Leo[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]thisis da Leader, not cuz he's da one with most swag or ability, he'sactually da leader because he's da most responsible...he's da one thatsgot perfect track of time,[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]he'sda one that knows where we gotta go, how to get there, who to talk towhen we do get there, and what hotel we gotta go to %@!+ out theseyoung cuntz that we bagged[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]atda club, he's also da one with da alibi just in case any of da otherdudes got a wifey and ya creepin on da low...he's also da "glue guy"he's gonna make sure ya don't piss[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]eachother off, he's da one thats gonna make sure if there's beef that yathink about anything before it happens...he's da epitome of a levelheaded cat...his weaknesses are[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]dafact that he can be a lil bit of a hardass, and because he's tryin tomake sure things go according to plan he can come across as a square,stringent, ridged, and nannylike.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]make sure his  night isn't chaotic and your navigator will always show you good leadership in return[/color]


thisis da party animal, this is da dude at da frat party who's getting beerkegs strapped to his back while juggling cans of 4 loko while on aunicycle....your gonna want him around

because he's just simply down for anything "yo son let's talk to them chicks....looks like they got boyfriends...suck for them
" . this man was born with no fear, he's usually da best

dancerout da crew, he's da one that practices how to dougie on youtube, he'sda one that had da animated facial expressions way before nickiminaj....his weaknesses is da fact

thatsince he's balls in ALL da time he's bound to have a high fail ratewhen it comes to doing anything new just breaking ice with newpeople...he's almost loose cannon behavior

inda right/wrong context will be either da catalyst for a homerun nightor striking out in spectacular fashion...KEEP this dude ON A LEASHuntil your ready to get it crackin,

then unleash him on a slew of females, his idiot charm will definitely break da ice.


thisis da a-hole, this is da prick, da douchbag, da smart Alec of dafams....his main objective is being da enforcer of da team...ya gotbeef? he's throwin da first punch, someone

needsto be told "get ya shine box" or "aye come at me bro" he's da firstline of defense....he's also da most witty one, since he doesn't carewhat comes out his mouth you'll be

completely compelled to hear what he has to say, whether its good or bad is a whole nother story
. ..he's also da one to give you da pep talk

orproper kick in da pants when you need it when you feelingdefeated.."aye what you mean you not asking her to dance? stop actinglike vagina and go pull that broad to dance, or

ifyou don't imma call you a homosexual for da rest of da night"  he'sdefinitely da cynic too, your best scenario is having him shred throughthat cockblockin fat chick that

wontlet da other chicks smash out da homies....he's weaknesses are da factthat he's completely unfiltered...and type whatever youdo, makes sure he NEVER

hasda first word, cuz he's gonna piss someone off.....when he's behavinghe's gonna be da backbone ya got when it comes to walkin with that chipon ya shoulder.

inreal life most people have combos of these 4 guys...da best person youcan be is master splinter, have all da traits of da turtles, andunderstand where they compliment

eachother's weaknesses. ..once you got all this locked down, you'll be baggin April o'neals on a nightly basis.

2 days later this ninja was distraught because Hector got his sweet heart knocked up... "Oh you fancy hen?" 
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

another good thing to do is have a good core group of cats you politic with and go out with to counter da flocks of birds

you will run across when you're tryin to scoop.

use your 80's baby knowledge to overpower any situation...i call it da "ninja turtles frame of mind"


these4 "dude" taught me da for basic personality traits of guys at a youngage to be successful...if your squad possesses em you'll be good money99% of da time.

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Don- "da smart tech/style dude(he rocks purple so he's fashion forward cat)" he's da one thats gonna let everyone else know:[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-da type of phone you posed to have, to blow chicks minds out then proceed to blow backs out[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]- wats da swag as far as gear and clothes, he's gonna know whats real and whats blog/forum dude[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]-knows about da whips (remember he's da one that hooked up da turtlevan,hoverboards) he's gonna know your da punk that de-badged your bimmerand added[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)]Mbadges or having 24 inches on a v6 charger... his weaknesses are he canbe shy because he thinks so much it actually makes him gun shy when itcomes time to execute[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 0, 255)](rememberhe was always da slowest one in video games) also to da naked eye hemay come across as a nerd but when he does strike he's striking tokill( strongest in


..give him a couple of drinks and he's good money.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]Leo[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]thisis da Leader, not cuz he's da one with most swag or ability, he'sactually da leader because he's da most responsible...he's da one thatsgot perfect track of time,[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]he'sda one that knows where we gotta go, how to get there, who to talk towhen we do get there, and what hotel we gotta go to %@!+ out theseyoung cuntz that we bagged[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]atda club, he's also da one with da alibi just in case any of da otherdudes got a wifey and ya creepin on da low...he's also da "glue guy"he's gonna make sure ya don't piss[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]eachother off, he's da one thats gonna make sure if there's beef that yathink about anything before it happens...he's da epitome of a levelheaded cat...his weaknesses are[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]dafact that he can be a lil bit of a hardass, and because he's tryin tomake sure things go according to plan he can come across as a square,stringent, ridged, and nannylike.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]make sure his  night isn't chaotic and your navigator will always show you good leadership in return[/color]


thisis da party animal, this is da dude at da frat party who's getting beerkegs strapped to his back while juggling cans of 4 loko while on aunicycle....your gonna want him around

because he's just simply down for anything "yo son let's talk to them chicks....looks like they got boyfriends...suck for them
" . this man was born with no fear, he's usually da best

dancerout da crew, he's da one that practices how to dougie on youtube, he'sda one that had da animated facial expressions way before nickiminaj....his weaknesses is da fact

thatsince he's balls in ALL da time he's bound to have a high fail ratewhen it comes to doing anything new just breaking ice with newpeople...he's almost loose cannon behavior

inda right/wrong context will be either da catalyst for a homerun nightor striking out in spectacular fashion...KEEP this dude ON A LEASHuntil your ready to get it crackin,

then unleash him on a slew of females, his idiot charm will definitely break da ice.


thisis da a-hole, this is da prick, da douchbag, da smart Alec of dafams....his main objective is being da enforcer of da team...ya gotbeef? he's throwin da first punch, someone

needsto be told "get ya shine box" or "aye come at me bro" he's da firstline of defense....he's also da most witty one, since he doesn't carewhat comes out his mouth you'll be

completely compelled to hear what he has to say, whether its good or bad is a whole nother story
. ..he's also da one to give you da pep talk

orproper kick in da pants when you need it when you feelingdefeated.."aye what you mean you not asking her to dance? stop actinglike vagina and go pull that broad to dance, or

ifyou don't imma call you a homosexual for da rest of da night"  he'sdefinitely da cynic too, your best scenario is having him shred throughthat cockblockin fat chick that

wontlet da other chicks smash out da homies....he's weaknesses are da factthat he's completely unfiltered...and type whatever youdo, makes sure he NEVER

hasda first word, cuz he's gonna piss someone off.....when he's behavinghe's gonna be da backbone ya got when it comes to walkin with that chipon ya shoulder.

inreal life most people have combos of these 4 guys...da best person youcan be is master splinter, have all da traits of da turtles, andunderstand where they compliment

eachother's weaknesses. ..once you got all this locked down, you'll be baggin April o'neals on a nightly basis.

2 days later this ninja was distraught because Hector got his sweet heart knocked up... "Oh you fancy hen?" 
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

"that sweet *@@ 80's gangsta lean ain't helping you out none either"
-Yung Calog on LovetheXIV

When he started talking about ol dude's New York Undercover bubble coat, I died 

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

"that sweet *@@ 80's gangsta lean ain't helping you out none either"
-Yung Calog on LovetheXIV

When he started talking about ol dude's New York Undercover bubble coat, I died 

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

"Explore your heart, my G"

Is your avy zooey? Something about her make me
 at the same time.

I love her, despite doing my man Tom dirty in 500 Days of Summer.

she didn't tho.

Tom was just a clingy little punk. She told him from the get go how things were.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

"Explore your heart, my G"

Is your avy zooey? Something about her make me
 at the same time.

I love her, despite doing my man Tom dirty in 500 Days of Summer.

she didn't tho.

Tom was just a clingy little punk. She told him from the get go how things were.
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