Realtalk: I suck at COD

Mar 17, 2008
Aiyo, I been playing COD since the old school games and I still suck at it. I'm constantly getting murked in MW2 and I suck at most FPS games in general.What should I do/not do to get b
name suits you... heres a way to get more kills... just follow someone not too close though, when he dies or encounters anyone u avenge or steal the kill.
I'm cheeks in it as well. I normally get popped from behind while my team mates is watchin dude kill me
Don't help that I'm only lvl 6 andthe ppl they match me w/ is lvl 15+ I still find it hard to differentiate between teams and see. Only reason I like Halo, u had a blue team, u had a red team
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Aiyo, I been playing COD since the old school games and I still suck at it. I'm constantly getting murked in MW2 and I suck at most FPS games in general. What should I do/not do to get b
What system do you have it for?
If it's PS3 lemme get ya name...

So I can get my kills up...
This game is far better than any previous CoD's I've played. I'm about to be rank 50. get your weight up.

Nah, but just stick at it mayne... I don't see how this game can be hard. If I were you, I'd try some free-for-all for a few hours before gettingon someone's team and pissing them off.
Originally Posted by Stixx

Originally Posted by sauuceking

Aiyo, I been playing COD since the old school games and I still suck at it. I'm constantly getting murked in MW2 and I suck at most FPS games in general. What should I do/not do to get b
What system do you have it for?
If it's PS3 lemme get ya name...

So I can get my kills up...
in the same boat....i stay getting like 15+ kills but then again I suffer like 25+deaths a the run and gun type i cant stand still and camp likemost people, plus I have yet to memorize the maps...
maybe yall should get a game together and see who suck the most

just take practices ...
I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.
i ve only played cod 4 and mw2 and i can be a problem when i focus. i really only like to play hardcore TDM and S&D, helps being a bit more sneaky inhardcore.

tips: play crouched down and move through the map slowly, constantly looking around. "shadow" another player(try to shadow the best player on theteam) and watch what they do. stay away from long streets(snipers) and hug the walls if you must go through.
i used to suck before i started playing campaign on the hardest still just OK in team deathmatch, but free for all is my @#$%
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.
as far as i know there seems to be no cheats in this game, only excuses. oh and maybe these players who are killing you in incredible waysprobably have adjusted the sensitivity of their controls at a higher setting.
As lame as it sounds, I'll get motion sickness if I play FPS for more than 20 minutes. So I love playing COD whenever I get a chance to, but I just feel alittle sick or dizzy if I play for too long.

Like I said, quite lame.
I used to suck at Halo 3 too, and then I just kept playing and got better.

I've never played the COD series, but I'll give it a try soon and see how it is.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.
as far as i know there seems to be no cheats in this game, only excuses. oh and maybe these players who are killing you in incredible ways probably have adjusted the sensitivity of their controls at a higher setting.
I mean COD4 lol but I still average a good amount of kills but its nothing compared to some of the dudes that are getting 60+ every game
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