Realtalk: I suck at COD

I used to get ridiculously dizzy after playing for half an hour...I got used to it, but every so often do get dizzy spells. Like everything in life, you justhave to practice and ask for advice. My thing is if I suck at video games just remind yourself that you have a social life and you'll feel better aboutyourself.
then you suck in life
LOL I thought I was the only one. I get confused with how the enemy looks like.. In halo they were either red or blue. In this game they look like you or am Imissing something? I know when you point at them their name shows up red.. But thats it.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.
as far as i know there seems to be no cheats in this game, only excuses. oh and maybe these players who are killing you in incredible ways probably have adjusted the sensitivity of their controls at a higher setting.
Look at the highest ranked in points.

Dude was a trainee with 10 minutes of gameplay. Had 10mil+ points than the dude in 2nd place.

But yeah, yall suck. Just play free for all. When you're to the point that you can win two matches back to back, you're ready for team.
Originally Posted by djaward

LOL I thought I was the only one. I get confused with how the enemy looks like.. In halo they were either red or blue. In this game they look like you or am I missing something? I know when you point at them their name shows up red.. But thats it.
first person I see I shoot. just to be on the safe side.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

As lame as it sounds, I'll get motion sickness if I play FPS for more than 20 minutes. So I love playing COD whenever I get a chance to, but I just feel a little sick or dizzy if I play for too long.

Like I said, quite lame.
me too...i probably get sick quicker than you...dont even get me started on mario 64...played it christmas day when i first got it and it nevergot a day of light in my 64 again
Originally Posted by proper english

this damn game makes me wanna kill someone sometimes.

don't you kinda already have to be in that mood to play this game, though?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

As lame as it sounds, I'll get motion sickness if I play FPS for more than 20 minutes. So I love playing COD whenever I get a chance to, but I just feel a little sick or dizzy if I play for too long.

Like I said, quite lame.

I had the SAME problem when I played COD3. Matter of fact, I stopped playing because of that. I bought COD4 and it never happened then. I started playing MW2and within the first few minutes I started feeling sick. I had to quit playing and lay down.

It stopped bothering me after awhile. I think your body just adapts too it idk.
first person I see I shoot. just to be on the safe side.

Live by this. When I've played TDM, I've noticed the opponents stare me down for a moment, too, to see if my PSN comes up in the opposing team'scolor. What confused me is when some of them come up red, my team would be green, but then there'd be blue ones, too.

I'm only a level 28, and I'm not very good, but in FFA, I can get in the top three about half of the time... far cry from my first few where I waslucky to get even a handful of kills. I'd recommend doing the Free For All just so you can get a feel for things and unlock weapons, etc. Jumping into amatch with NTers that are level 50+ and have much better perks is just going to frustrate you. However, the maps for FFA are more limited--they have largerones for the TDM mode.

Keep playing. It gets better.
Wow son... If you been playing for that long and been sucking that long (nh) then I seriously dont think there's any hope...
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by Stixx

Originally Posted by sauuceking

Aiyo, I been playing COD since the old school games and I still suck at it. I'm constantly getting murked in MW2 and I suck at most FPS games in general. What should I do/not do to get b
What system do you have it for?
If it's PS3 lemme get ya name...

So I can get my kills up...

yall are ruthless
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

first person I see I shoot. just to be on the safe side.

Live by this. When I've played TDM, I've noticed the opponents stare me down for a moment, too, to see if my PSN comes up in the opposing team's color. What confused me is when some of them come up red, my team would be green, but then there'd be blue ones, too.

I'm only a level 28, and I'm not very good, but in FFA, I can get in the top three about half of the time... far cry from my first few where I was lucky to get even a handful of kills. I'd recommend doing the Free For All just so you can get a feel for things and unlock weapons, etc. Jumping into a match with NTers that are level 50+ and have much better perks is just going to frustrate you. However, the maps for FFA are more limited--they have larger ones for the TDM mode.

Keep playing. It gets better.
The blue names are people in your party...

At least thats what it means on XBL.

But back on topic... OP, you really just gotta be patient on maps and try not to go around corners while sprinting cause it takes longer to aim and shoot. This is my biggest problem and im not bad at all. KD is 1.8 and my W:L is over 2:1.

Gotta say though I die a LOT more in this game than i did in COD4... Not sure what it is but it seems like i lose nearly every run around the corner and seeopponent battle... i think my new DSL through Verizon is to blame for that cause in Kill cams it always shows me shooting way after the guy that kills me.*shrugs*
You have to use your radar (upper left corner)
Set up your kill streaks to UAV- Care package.
When moving around corners/buildings Do NOT RUN... walk.

If playing domination.. Try to communicate to your team to capture 2 of the 3 bases. Leaving the enemy 1 base so they have somewhere to spawn.
Stay out of the last base!!! if you go in there YOU will push the enemies spawn everywhere... making it possible to get shot in the back muchhigher.

If you still having trouble use an Assault Rifle with Bling pro- attach Red dot and a Silencer.
or something with good accuracy.
I was going to ask what perks and attachments do you all use/recommend?

I've been using Bling Pro with the heartbeat sensor and the grenade attachment, but I unlocked the hologram sensor, but wasn't sure exactly what itdid--I thought it would replace the heart beat sensor on the gun. Besides that, I use stopping power pro, and another one that's supposed to help with theclose-combat knife kills I think. I'm thinking of switching to slight of hand(?) because some of the videos and other players I watch are moving reallyquickly.
I like the red dot better than the holographic for some reason. and I stopped using the heartbeat sensor I spend too much time staring at it
I'm trying to figure out the difference between the holo and the red dot... from what I've read so far, there's no real benefit from using theholo?
I'm terrible at all these shooter games. Plus I get dizzy at hell. I'm better off with games like Lumines, puzzle games, etc
Take your time, don't just run all over the map unorthodox trying to get kills. Pay attention to the map to get an idea where the opposing team is locatedif no UAV is up. Flank more instead of running straight towards the enemy. Once you kill someone get away from the area quick. Always be aware of yoursurroundings, most maps have so many nooks and crannies. Come up with a couple of effective strategic options for each map.
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